Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items BlueprintsItem sets: Radaggan's Folly
Legendary (1)
"Armor of Astor Radaggan, heretic and betrayer to the Luminari, turned loyal servant of the Great Guardian."
(2) Set
32% Chaos Resistance
32% Bleeding Resistance
(3) Set
+22% Health
+110 Offensive Ability
+8 Energy Regenerated per second
+3 to Ill Omen
(4) Set
+10% Total Speed
+3 to Aura of Censure
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
10% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Aura of Censure
-25% Poison & Acid Resistance to Aura of Censure
-25% Vitality Resistance to Aura of Censure
-1.5 Second Skill Recharge to Sigil of Consumption
180 Vitality Damage to Sigil of Consumption
100% Fire Damage converted to Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
-50% Skill Energy Cost to Sigil of Consumption
240 Acid Damage to Ill Omen
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance to Ill Omen
Required Player Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (4)
Legendary Amulet
+81/+120% Acid Damage
+81/+120% Vitality Damage
+81/+120% Poison Damage
+81/+120% Vitality Decay
+3/+5% Offensive Ability
16/24% Vitality Resistance
10/14% Aether Resistance
16/24% Freeze Resistance
+5% Maximum Aether Resistance
+2 to Sigil of Consumption
+1 to all skills in Occultist
76 Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
100% Chaos Damage converted to Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
70 Acid Damage to Ill Omen
100% Cold Damage converted to Acid Damage to Ill Omen
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance to Ill Omen
Radaggan's Gem
(2) Set
32% Chaos Resistance
32% Bleeding Resistance
(3) Set
+22% Health
+110 Offensive Ability
+8 Energy Regenerated per second
+3 to Ill Omen
(4) Set
+10% Total Speed
+3 to Aura of Censure
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
10% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Aura of Censure
-25% Poison & Acid Resistance to Aura of Censure
-25% Vitality Resistance to Aura of Censure
-1.5 Second Skill Recharge to Sigil of Consumption
180 Vitality Damage to Sigil of Consumption
100% Fire Damage converted to Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
-50% Skill Energy Cost to Sigil of Consumption
240 Acid Damage to Ill Omen
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance to Ill Omen
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 402
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Shoulders
1357 Armor
+67/+100% Acid Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Poison Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+440/+660 Health
+52/+78 Defensive Ability
20/30% Aether Resistance
15/21% Elemental Resistance
23/33% Stun Resistance
+2 to Aura of Censure
+2 to Spectral Wrath
+2 to Blood of Dreeg
Radaggan's Mantle
(2) Set
32% Chaos Resistance
32% Bleeding Resistance
(3) Set
+22% Health
+110 Offensive Ability
+8 Energy Regenerated per second
+3 to Ill Omen
(4) Set
+10% Total Speed
+3 to Aura of Censure
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
10% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Aura of Censure
-25% Poison & Acid Resistance to Aura of Censure
-25% Vitality Resistance to Aura of Censure
-1.5 Second Skill Recharge to Sigil of Consumption
180 Vitality Damage to Sigil of Consumption
100% Fire Damage converted to Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
-50% Skill Energy Cost to Sigil of Consumption
240 Acid Damage to Ill Omen
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance to Ill Omen
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Helm
1357 Armor
+67/+100% Acid Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Poison Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
24/36% Elemental Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+2.2 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
15/21% Bleeding Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
-1 Second Skill Recharge to Mark of Torment
6% Damage Absorption to Mark of Torment
2 Meter Target Area to Aura of Censure
100% Fire Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Aura of Censure
-80 Offensive Ability to Aura of Censure
-80 Defensive Ability to Aura of Censure
Radaggan's Mask
(2) Set
32% Chaos Resistance
32% Bleeding Resistance
(3) Set
+22% Health
+110 Offensive Ability
+8 Energy Regenerated per second
+3 to Ill Omen
(4) Set
+10% Total Speed
+3 to Aura of Censure
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
10% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Aura of Censure
-25% Poison & Acid Resistance to Aura of Censure
-25% Vitality Resistance to Aura of Censure
-1.5 Second Skill Recharge to Sigil of Consumption
180 Vitality Damage to Sigil of Consumption
100% Fire Damage converted to Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
-50% Skill Energy Cost to Sigil of Consumption
240 Acid Damage to Ill Omen
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance to Ill Omen
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Chest Armor
1552 Armor
+67/+100% Acid Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Poison Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
24/36% Piercing Damage converted to Acid Damage
+544/+816 Health
+2.2 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Pierce Resistance
21/31% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Aura of Censure
+2 to Ill Omen
+2 to Destruction
Radaggan's Shroud
(2) Set
32% Chaos Resistance
32% Bleeding Resistance
(3) Set
+22% Health
+110 Offensive Ability
+8 Energy Regenerated per second
+3 to Ill Omen
(4) Set
+10% Total Speed
+3 to Aura of Censure
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
10% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Aura of Censure
-25% Poison & Acid Resistance to Aura of Censure
-25% Vitality Resistance to Aura of Censure
-1.5 Second Skill Recharge to Sigil of Consumption
180 Vitality Damage to Sigil of Consumption
100% Fire Damage converted to Acid Damage to Sigil of Consumption
-50% Skill Energy Cost to Sigil of Consumption
240 Acid Damage to Ill Omen
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance to Ill Omen
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 662
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth