Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items BlueprintsQuest Items
"The key is marked with many strange runes and depraved symbols characteristic of the cult of Ch'thon."
Item Level: 1
"A large shard from an aether crystal formation, still teeming with untapped power."
Item Level: 1
"The lingering spirit of an Aetherial, trapped by necrotic energies."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Arcane texts infused with Aetherial energies. Likely used to transport information too sensitive for mortal eyes."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"A viscous aether-infused fluid that moves violently within the container when living flesh is near."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"It continues to beat within your bag with an eerily steady rhythm."
Item Level: 1
"Record of the last days of King Rhowan of Arkovia."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Urn Cluster (Cronley's Hideout) [Map]
"This tome appears sealed by arcane forces. The cover refuses to budge."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"A simple forged key. It looks much older and worn out than everything else in Barrowholm."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"When they're destroyed, this purple and brown substance oozes from the animated statues still roaming the Korvan Basin. It smells of rusted iron and appears to move under its own volition."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"A collection of hastily written notes on rituals used by a group of Bloodsworn cultists."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Bloodsworn Corpse (Temple of Ateph) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"This chip of bone was meticulously covered with phrases and symbols of spiritual importance to the Rovers."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Elder Mathias' Corpse (Arkovian Foothills) [Map]
"The eye-like jewel at its center burns with a dark energy. It has been marked by Sagon for some dark purpose."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"The essence of reality, of existence itself. May be used in powerful rituals if a sufficient site is found for such questionable deeds."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"A bloom found only around the Korvan Plateau and its mysterious ruins. Those believed to have been touched by the gods glimmer with celestial starlight and are considered an omen of good luck."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Okaloth ~ "The Messenger" [Map]
- Manifestation of Korvaak, the Eldritch Sun [Map]
- Magi Sethris [Map]
- Magi Basti [Map]
- Grand Magus Morgoneth [Map]
- Scion of Hunger [Map]
- Scion of Famine [Map]
- Magi Tawrot [Map]
- Father Kymon, Avatar of Korvaak [Map]
- Magi Anubar [Map]
- Magi Khonsar [Map]
- Magi Orissia [Map]
- Magi Shuroth [Map]
- Moosilauke, the Chillwind
- Callagadra, Scion of the Sands [Map]
- Valdaran, the Storm Scourge
- The Iron Maiden
- Kaisan, the Eldritch Scion
- Benn'Jahr, the Colossal
- Zantarin, the Immortal
- Fabius "the Unseen" Gonzar
Forgotten Gods
The Celestial Waystone has been fully restored to its divine potential. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 26th Shard, up to the 30th Shard, of the Shattered Realm.
This waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
This waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"Sigils used by the Cult of Ch'thon to bind powerful creatures to the physical realm."
Item Level: 1
"A pasty concoction with a putrid odor. Inquisitor Creed claims this will make the resistance's makeshift explosive more potent."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"At first glance, it appears to be a simple pendant with an ornate rune at its center. Yet it emanates with power."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"Brothers of the Blood,
The Aetherial presence in Burrwitch grows stronger with each passing day. We are shifting our operations beyond the city limits where we may proceed with our plans undisturbed. Our focus now turns upon Devil's Crossing, where our newest agent, Direni, has successfully sabotaged their water pump. Soon that irksome group will be forced to flee their sanctuary, and then they shall be at our mercy. Ready yourselves, brothers. Soon we shall drink of their blood!
Salazar, Blade of Ch'thon"
The Aetherial presence in Burrwitch grows stronger with each passing day. We are shifting our operations beyond the city limits where we may proceed with our plans undisturbed. Our focus now turns upon Devil's Crossing, where our newest agent, Direni, has successfully sabotaged their water pump. Soon that irksome group will be forced to flee their sanctuary, and then they shall be at our mercy. Ready yourselves, brothers. Soon we shall drink of their blood!
Salazar, Blade of Ch'thon"
Required Player Level: 1
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Dusty Lectern (Burrwitch Village) [Map]
Tainted with the power of death, the Waystone now opens the way forward to unfathomable dangers where no reward awaits but for the glory of conquest.
It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 38th Shard of the Shattered Realm, and beyond.
This waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 38th Shard of the Shattered Realm, and beyond.
This waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"The corrupted ashes of Archon Barthollem, devout follower of a forgotten god."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
The Desecrated Waystone has been anointed in tainted blood. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 20th Shard, up to the 24th Shard, of the Shattered Realm.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
Dear Sister,
again I find myself at a loss of words. Why is it that you defy your very blood? Why do you forsake your brother when I am so close to the truth?
But no matter, I shall tear it out of our father's dying breath with or without you. If you are reading this, then you are again too late, for I have again ventured where the dead dare not, where the blood of the living is joined with the master. The time to join me has passed, Daila. Turn back, for where I go, you cannot follow...
again I find myself at a loss of words. Why is it that you defy your very blood? Why do you forsake your brother when I am so close to the truth?
But no matter, I shall tear it out of our father's dying breath with or without you. If you are reading this, then you are again too late, for I have again ventured where the dead dare not, where the blood of the living is joined with the master. The time to join me has passed, Daila. Turn back, for where I go, you cannot follow...
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Old Lectern (Burning Cellar) [Map]
Ashes of Malmouth
Dearest sister,
I am confident that this letter will find its way to you. You cannot resist returning to this place; I know that the memories of that night still conjure nightmares in your sleep. The face you saw, that is the price one pays for learning the truth. Truth which you deny!
Do you remember how we used to play around the old ruins as children? Father always told us not to, that we would be swept away by the harpies that fill the sky in the twilight hours. But what if he was not just trying to protect us? Perhaps there were ulterior motives to keeping us away from the old places of the world? What if, should we venture inside, we would learn more about his past than he wished for us to know?
I have done what you could not, Daila. I have defied our father and entered the depths of Anguish. It is there that my eyes were truly opened. If you are wise, you will do as I have...
I am confident that this letter will find its way to you. You cannot resist returning to this place; I know that the memories of that night still conjure nightmares in your sleep. The face you saw, that is the price one pays for learning the truth. Truth which you deny!
Do you remember how we used to play around the old ruins as children? Father always told us not to, that we would be swept away by the harpies that fill the sky in the twilight hours. But what if he was not just trying to protect us? Perhaps there were ulterior motives to keeping us away from the old places of the world? What if, should we venture inside, we would learn more about his past than he wished for us to know?
I have done what you could not, Daila. I have defied our father and entered the depths of Anguish. It is there that my eyes were truly opened. If you are wise, you will do as I have...
Required Player Level: 1
Item Level: 1
by now you must have seen the haunting echoes from Arkovia's past. Have you never wondered how all this came to be? How Arkovia really fell? Father called it greed, but greed alone cannot condemn a man to such torment. Nay, powerful sorcery was at play here.
I could feel it in the very walls. The stones screamed with unfettered rage, rage Do the dead despise the living so? Do they yearn after what was stolen from them? To exist in such a state of endless limbo would drive any soul mad, but I do not believe that madness is what inspired this response. There was something familiar within these stones.
I have to learn more. So I intend to visit the one place I know our father had been: our childhood home. Of course, this presents me with a bit of a challenge, as you well know why, for our home was consumed by the Chthonian rifts not long ago. But such trivialities will not stop me from discovering the answers I seek...
by now you must have seen the haunting echoes from Arkovia's past. Have you never wondered how all this came to be? How Arkovia really fell? Father called it greed, but greed alone cannot condemn a man to such torment. Nay, powerful sorcery was at play here.
I could feel it in the very walls. The stones screamed with unfettered rage, rage Do the dead despise the living so? Do they yearn after what was stolen from them? To exist in such a state of endless limbo would drive any soul mad, but I do not believe that madness is what inspired this response. There was something familiar within these stones.
I have to learn more. So I intend to visit the one place I know our father had been: our childhood home. Of course, this presents me with a bit of a challenge, as you well know why, for our home was consumed by the Chthonian rifts not long ago. But such trivialities will not stop me from discovering the answers I seek...
Required Player Level: 1
Item Level: 1
The pieces are finally falling into place. The answers were under our very noses all along. The rift violently consumed our home, but in doing so it revealed what was hidden from us underneath the floorboards. Our father kept a journal, a seemingly innocuous object, yet the pages were sealed from me with a protective rune.
Carelessly, or perhaps arrogantly, I dispelled the seal. The resulting flames consumed the book and marked my face with embers that refuse to extinguish. It is agonizing, but I will endure. Despite our father's efforts, I was able to rescue some pages from the inferno. He told us that our mother died in childbirth, that much is true, but what you do not know is that we were not the first. There were other women, and other children, but the dates...they did not make any sense. It was not until I turned to the final page that the answer became clear.
I must make haste to the City of the Dead. Therein lies our final clue...
The pieces are finally falling into place. The answers were under our very noses all along. The rift violently consumed our home, but in doing so it revealed what was hidden from us underneath the floorboards. Our father kept a journal, a seemingly innocuous object, yet the pages were sealed from me with a protective rune.
Carelessly, or perhaps arrogantly, I dispelled the seal. The resulting flames consumed the book and marked my face with embers that refuse to extinguish. It is agonizing, but I will endure. Despite our father's efforts, I was able to rescue some pages from the inferno. He told us that our mother died in childbirth, that much is true, but what you do not know is that we were not the first. There were other women, and other children, but the dates...they did not make any sense. It was not until I turned to the final page that the answer became clear.
I must make haste to the City of the Dead. Therein lies our final clue...
Required Player Level: 1
Item Level: 1
"There's a note attached to the flower: A prickly flower for a prickled woman. -D"
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"Viscous and dripping with raw magical power from the Eldritch Realm."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
A Waystone that tugs upon the strands of reality, bending them around it. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 32nd Shard, up to the 36th Shard, of the Shattered Realm.
This waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
This waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"An ancient relic, the eye-like jewel at its center burns with a dark energy."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Ancient Sarcophagus (Temple of Osyr) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"A shriveled eye brimming with arcane energies. You can't help but feel as if it's staring back at you."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Fang from Kalis Ka, the fallen spawn of Beronath. Could fetch a fair price at a merchant, or perhaps from a devious witch."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"In the darkness bound, Morgoneth's vile tongue saw seven fall from grace. Joined in the night, his fate became theirs. No longer will they bask in the light of the Eldritch Sun. They craved the cold embrace of night and so forever will they roam its dark tapestry.
The way is shut, the heresy sealed. But should the Korvan faith be shaken once more by Morgoneth's folly, then seek the second seal where stone meets the bleached sands, beyond the watchful eye of twin gryphons.
I pray that knowledge of this black stain upon the Korvan lands will be lost with our final breaths.
The way is shut, the heresy sealed. But should the Korvan faith be shaken once more by Morgoneth's folly, then seek the second seal where stone meets the bleached sands, beyond the watchful eye of twin gryphons.
I pray that knowledge of this black stain upon the Korvan lands will be lost with our final breaths.
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"A piece broken from the Tablet of Rahn. It appears as though someone may have shattered the tablet intentionally."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"A fragmented passage on Old Arkovia's history. Impossible to decipher without the remaining pieces."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Ancient Lectern (Old Arkovia, Arkovian Undercity) [Map]
"The orb of eldritch energy pulsates like the heart of some unnatural creature."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"Not so much an actual key but a collection of strange artifacts combined to resemble one. It emits a nearly imperceptible humming sound."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"A resounding heartbeat carries on its tune even beyond the beast's death."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The impossible to decipher scribblings of the mad Arcanist Oswald Hargate."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Ornate Strongbox (Hargate's Laboratory - Floor 2) [Map]
"To my dear brother: May this amulet keep you strong in battle. -Sybil"
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
The Haunted Waystone has been infused with the spirits of the dead. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 14th Shard, up to the 18th Shard, of the Shattered Realm.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"The still glowing aether eyes stare back blankly at you."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"The oddly-shaped heart of a massive crustacean. It reeks of seaweed."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"Teeming with vile energies that hunger for an ashen altar."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"The heart of an ancient eldritch creature. It continues to beat as if the creature were still living."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"Bestowed by the Witch God Dreeg himself to counteract the vile magic of his enemies."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"The stench emanating from this gland is nauseating."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"The Iris trembles with terrifying potential. Its jewels seem duller in sunlight."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Morgoneth's Collection (Conduit of the Eternal Night) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
A valuable resource in a world ravaged by death.
Garrus, the Keeper of Iron, at the Conclave of the Three will gladly exchange 50000 Iron Bits for this.
Garrus, the Keeper of Iron, at the Conclave of the Three will gladly exchange 50000 Iron Bits for this.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"The journal is mostly full of mad ramblings and nonsense, but some bits prove quite intriguing, if you could just make sense of them."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Ivonda's Chest (Malmouth Harbor) [Map]
Ashes of Malmouth
"A tome filled with dark rituals that depict the return of a great darkness from within the Necropolis."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Still intact despite the heavy scratches, likely from relentless competition for alpha status."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"Infused by military sorcerers to guarantee a giant payload."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"A stash of Black Legion raw materials. A veritable fortune given the situation in the empire."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Ornate Strongbox (Fort Ikon Armory) [Map]
"The stench emanating from this gland is nauseating."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"An ancient forging hammer passed down through generations. It bore witness to the birth of countless artifacts, and will bear the creation of countless more."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Dripping with a powerful toxin that burns the skin on contact."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"This pendant is all that remains of Uroboruuk. It features the silhouette of a young woman carved in bone, but no names or initials."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Uroboruuk's Possessions (Path of Ascension) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Said to be an ancient piece of a primordial being. The runes upon it still pulse with power."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"A resounding heartbeat carries on its tune even beyond the beast's death."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"The shard of obsidian pulses with dark power."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"An improvised explosive. It doesn't look powerful enough to get the job done."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
The Resonating Waystone shimmers with a fragment of its former power. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 8th Shard, up to the 12th Shard, of the Shattered Realm.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"Concentrated secretion from giant wasps of Old Arkovia. Widely believed to carry restorative properties."
Item Level: 1
"Runestone carried by the followers of Bysmiel. There is an inscription along the edge: ...And so, by the light of the EASTERN star, the Three joined together at their Sanctum. Bound by divine blood, their quarrels put to rest. The Covenant of the Three was forged."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Runestone carried by the thralls of Dreeg. There is an inscription along the edge: Though the Three are now as one, it was not always so. Wary of the other's power, they quarreled across Cairn in destructive displays of Eldritch might. Mountains crumbled and RIVERS shifted, but no god emerged the victor..."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Runestone carried by the adherents of Solael. There is an inscription along the edge: ...In the end it was Solael who looked past the carnage and saw the inevitability of their actions. In truth, none could triumph where all three were equal. He sent his loyal Attendant to speak before the rest of a resolution. They would seal a pact, there among the SWAMPY remains of their last skirmish."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"The ashes of Archon Barthollem, devout follower of the Lightbringer."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"Scrap materials such as bolts, leather cords and low-grade metals that can be used to fasten together items or structures."
Item Level: 1
"In the darkness bound, Morgoneth sought to disguise his intentions in the light of Ateph. But by the grace of the Eldritch Sun, the veil was lifted from his machinations. He served a great hunger, and hunger is all he shall ever know.
The way is shut, the heresy sealed. But should the Korvan faith be shaken once more by Morgoneth's folly, then seek the final seal deep within the howling abyss.
May no other ever set eyes upon the night's terrors."
The way is shut, the heresy sealed. But should the Korvan faith be shaken once more by Morgoneth's folly, then seek the final seal deep within the howling abyss.
May no other ever set eyes upon the night's terrors."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"A piece broken from the Tablet of Rahn. It appears as though someone may have shattered the tablet intentionally."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
The Shattered Waystone once offered incredible potential. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 2nd Shard, up to the 6th Shard, of the Shattered Realm.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"Forged by the Witch Gods themselves to pierce the veil into realms beyond."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"If the stories are to be believed, this key will open nearly any ancient door."
Item Level: 1
A valuable resource in a world ravaged by death.
Garrus, the Keeper of Iron, at the Conclave of the Three will gladly exchange 500000 Iron Bits for this.
Garrus, the Keeper of Iron, at the Conclave of the Three will gladly exchange 500000 Iron Bits for this.
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"Brain tissue scarred and twisted by the manipulations of a powerful Aetherial."
Item Level: 1
Item Level: 1
"In the darkness bound, Morgoneth forged his betrayal. In the Tomb of the Heretic, his soul knows no rest.
The way is shut, the heresy sealed. But should the Korvan faith be shaken once more by Morgoneth's folly, then steel your soul against the tendrils of night and deliver the keys to the Path of the Damned, beyond the resting place of our chosen champions.
With great sacrifice, we sealed away the night. Do not take lightly what awaits in its embrace."
The way is shut, the heresy sealed. But should the Korvan faith be shaken once more by Morgoneth's folly, then steel your soul against the tendrils of night and deliver the keys to the Path of the Damned, beyond the resting place of our chosen champions.
With great sacrifice, we sealed away the night. Do not take lightly what awaits in its embrace."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
"A piece broken from the Tablet of Rahn. It appears as though someone may have shattered the tablet intentionally."
Item Level: 1
Forgotten Gods
"This ancient tome seems to describe methods for the study of arcane relics and armor. It will require a well trained eye to fully decipher its texts."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
- Canen's Corpse
Forgotten Gods
"For having such vibrant colors, it emits a truly rotten stench."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"The fetish appears to be damaged, likely by careless handling, but this is what Garradia sought."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Dropped from:
- Scorv's Personal Items (Barrowholm) [Map]
Ashes of Malmouth
"Marked with the Coven's magic, it should, hopefully, open the way to Ulgrim."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"A rather mundane object considering the implications. Inquisitor Creed hopes to use it to home in on Ulgrim's location."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"Notes seemingly abandoned by Master Necromancer Uroboruuk."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
"It smells worse than it looks."
Item Level: 1
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"A vile spirit teeming with dark potential. It whispers to you with promises of power."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"A resounding heartbeat carries on its tune even beyond the beast's death."
Item Level: 1
Ashes of Malmouth
"A crystalline shard still lingering with Aetherial power. Can be used in the creation of arcane items."
Item Level: 5