Faction: Barrowholm
Helms (12)
Rare (12)
Rare Helm
732 Armor
27/33 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+44/+65% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
16/24% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Blade Arc
+2 to Blade Spirit
+2 to Judgment
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
15/21% Vitality Resistance
+2 to Grasping Vines
+2 to Hungering Reach
+2 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Aether Damage
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
15/21% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Overload
+2 to Supercharged
+2 to Phantasmal Blades
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Helm
732 Armor
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
20/30% Elemental Resistance
16/24% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Rune of Kalastor
+2 to Mogdrogen's Pact
+2 to Aegis of Menhir
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Helm
732 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Attack Speed
16/24% Pierce Resistance
15/21% Vitality Resistance
+2 to Blood Boil
+2 to Feral Hunger
+2 to Fighting Form
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Acid Damage
+44/+65% Poison Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Vile Eruption
+2 to Nidalla's Hidden Hand
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Helm
1233 Armor
36/54 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+67/+100% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
21/31% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Blade Arc
+3 to Blade Spirit
+3 to Judgment
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
18/26% Vitality Resistance
+3 to Grasping Vines
+3 to Hungering Reach
+3 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Aether Damage
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
18/26% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Overload
+3 to Supercharged
+3 to Phantasmal Blades
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Helm
1233 Armor
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
29/43% Elemental Resistance
21/31% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Rune of Kalastor
+3 to Mogdrogen's Pact
+3 to Aegis of Menhir
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Helm
1233 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Attack Speed
21/31% Pierce Resistance
18/26% Vitality Resistance
+3 to Blood Boil
+3 to Feral Hunger
+3 to Fighting Form
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Acid Damage
+67/+100% Poison Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Pierce Resistance
21/31% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Vile Eruption
+3 to Nidalla's Hidden Hand
+3 to Trozan's Sky Shard
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Shoulders (12)
Rare (12)
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
9/11 Cold Damage
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+384/+576 Health
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Vitality Resistance
+2 to Shadow Strike
+2 to Word of Agony
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Shoulders
890 Armor
+384/+576 Health
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Vitality Resistance
16/24% Stun Resistance
+2 to Blade Barrier
+2 to Temper
+2 to Clarity of Purpose
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
+384/+576 Health
20/30% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+2 to Summon Briarthorn
+2 to Summon Familiar
Bonus to All Pets
+48/+72% to All Damage
+7/+9% Health
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Shoulders
890 Armor
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+384/+576 Health
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Aether Resistance
16/24% Stun Resistance
+2 to Laceration
+2 to Circle of Slaughter
+2 to Resilience
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Shoulders
890 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Second Rite
+2 to Bone Harvest
+2 to Panetti's Replicating Missile
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
+44/+65% Acid Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Poison Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+384/+576 Health
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Reaping Strike
+2 to Lethal Assault
+2 to Entangling Vines
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
11/14 Cold Damage
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+480/+720 Health
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
29/43% Vitality Resistance
+3 to Shadow Strike
+3 to Word of Agony
+3 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Shoulders
1510 Armor
+480/+720 Health
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
+3 to Blade Barrier
+3 to Temper
+3 to Clarity of Purpose
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
+480/+720 Health
29/43% Chaos Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+3 to Summon Briarthorn
+3 to Summon Familiar
Bonus to All Pets
+64/+96% to All Damage
+8/+12% Health
+6/+8% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Shoulders
1510 Armor
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+480/+720 Health
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Aether Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
+3 to Laceration
+3 to Circle of Slaughter
+3 to Resilience
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Shoulders
1510 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Second Rite
+3 to Bone Harvest
+3 to Panetti's Replicating Missile
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
+67/+100% Acid Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Poison Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+480/+720 Health
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Reaping Strike
+3 to Lethal Assault
+3 to Entangling Vines
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Chest Armor (12)
Rare (12)
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
20/30% Aether Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Blade Trap
+2 to Chilling Rounds
+2 to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1020 Armor
+384/+576 Health
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
3/5% Physical Resistance
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Phantasmal Armor
+2 to Blast Shield
+2 to Vire's Might
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 721
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+2 to Conjure Primal Spirit
+2 to Summon Hellhound
Bonus to All Pets
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
16/24% Freeze Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1020 Armor
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Internal Trauma
+2 to Pneumatic Burst
+2 to Resilience
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 721
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
+44/+65% Acid Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Poison Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Foul Eruption
+2 to Merciless Repertoire
+2 to Retribution
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1020 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+384/+576 Health
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Sigil of Consumption
+2 to Siphon Souls
+2 to Rune of Hagarrad
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 721
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
29/43% Aether Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Blade Trap
+3 to Chilling Rounds
+3 to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1734 Armor
+480/+720 Health
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
3/5% Physical Resistance
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Phantasmal Armor
+3 to Blast Shield
+3 to Vire's Might
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 992
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+3 to Conjure Primal Spirit
+3 to Summon Hellhound
Bonus to All Pets
+4/+6% Defensive Ability
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1734 Armor
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
29/43% Vitality Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Internal Trauma
+3 to Pneumatic Burst
+3 to Resilience
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 992
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
+67/+100% Acid Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Poison Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
24/36% Stun Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Foul Eruption
+3 to Merciless Repertoire
+3 to Retribution
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1734 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+480/+720 Health
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
+3 to Siphon Souls
+3 to Rune of Hagarrad
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 992
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Belts (4)
Rare (4)
Rare Belt
64 Armor
+1/+3% Offensive Ability
13/19% Vitality Resistance
13/19% Bleeding Resistance
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Belt
70 Armor
+1/+3% Offensive Ability
13/19% Poison & Acid Resistance
13/19% Vitality Resistance
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Belt
94 Armor
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Vitality Resistance
18/26% Bleeding Resistance
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 606
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Belt
102 Armor
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Poison & Acid Resistance
18/26% Vitality Resistance
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 606
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Swords (1)
Epic (1)
Epic One-Handed Sword
88-146 Physical Damage
1.88 Attacks per Second
15/21 Acid Damage
+74/+110% Pierce Damage
+99/+147% Acid Damage
+99/+147% Poison Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Acid Damage
+12/+16% Attack Speed
20/30% Entrapment Resistance
+2 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+2 to Blood of Dreeg
+2 to Righteous Fervor
Granted Skills
Acid Spine Nova (10% Chance on Attack)
A burst of acidic spines erupts from you.
2 Second Skill Recharge
8 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
154-257 Acid Damage
504 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 493
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Axes (1)
Epic (1)
Epic One-Handed Axe
75-164 Physical Damage
1.88 Attacks per Second
18-25/26-35 Physical Damage
+99/+147% Physical Damage
+99/+147% Internal Trauma Damage
+99/+147% Bleeding Damage
+324/+484 Health
+35/+51 Defensive Ability
+8/+12% Attack Speed
+2 to Rune of Kalastor
+2 to Fighting Form
+2 to Deadly Momentum
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 532
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Maces (2)
Epic (1)
Epic One-Handed Mace
59-197 Physical Damage
1.8 Attacks per Second
+99/+147% Chaos Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+8/+12% Casting Speed
+2 to Master of Death
+2 to Primal Bond
+1 to all skills in Occultist
Bonus to All Pets
+60/+90% to All Damage
+3/+5% Total Speed
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 532
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Mace
56-239 Physical Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
63/87 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+114/+170% Vitality Damage
+114/+170% Bleeding Damage
+114/+170% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+288/+432 Health
+26/+38 Defensive Ability
+15/+21% Attack Speed
+15/+21% Casting Speed
+2 to Blood Pact
+3 to Blood Boil
+3 to Laceration
+1 to all skills in Shaman
200 Vitality Damage to Blade Arc
420 Vitality Decay Damage over 3 Seconds to Blade Arc
100% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Blade Arc
-1 Second Skill Recharge to Siphon Souls
100 Bleeding Damage per Second to Siphon Souls
-10% Vitality Resistance to Siphon Souls
-10% Bleeding Resistance to Siphon Souls
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
One-Handed Ranged (1)
Epic (1)
Epic One-Handed Ranged
55-78 Vitality Damage
1.64 Attacks per Second
3/5% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+99/+147% Vitality Damage
+61/+92% Bleeding Damage
+99/+147% Vitality Decay
+162/+242 Health
+8/+12% Casting Speed
+2 to Wendigo Totem
+2 to Devouring Swarm
Granted Skills
Vitality Barrage (10% Chance on Attack)
Bolts of life-stealing energies erupt from you, sapping any enemies they come in contact with of their precious vitality.
3 Second Skill Recharge
12 Projectile(s)
168 Vitality Damage
20% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 493
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Daggers (4)
Epic (3)
Epic One-Handed Dagger
57-74 Aether Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+102/+152% Vitality Damage
+172/+256% Aether Damage
+102/+152% Vitality Decay
20/30% Aether Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+12/+16% Casting Speed
+2 to Disintegration
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 368
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic One-Handed Dagger
28-37 Vitality Damage
28-37 Chaos Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+172/+256% Vitality Damage
+172/+256% Chaos Damage
+172/+256% Vitality Decay
+27/+39 Spirit
+26/+38 Defensive Ability
12/18% Stun Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Sigil of Consumption
+2 to Siphon Souls
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 368
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic One-Handed Dagger
57-74 Chaos Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+172/+256% Chaos Damage
+280/+420 Health
+36/+52 Defensive Ability
+2 to Summon Hellhound
+2 to Summon Briarthorn
+2 to Raise Skeletons
Bonus to All Pets
+10/+14% Health
+8/+12% Total Speed
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 368
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Dagger
65-81 Vitality Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+223/+333% Vitality Damage
+223/+333% Vitality Decay
+55/+81 Offensive Ability
+3 to Ember Claw
+3 to Blight Burst
+1 to all skills in Occultist
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
+10% Crit Damage to Call of the Grave
+300% Vitality Damage to Call of the Grave
Bonus to All Pets
+112/+168% to All Damage
+16/+24% Crit Damage
+16/+24% Health
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 396
Required Spirit: 495
Item Level: 94
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Off-Hands (3)
Epic (3)
Epic Off-Hand
+112/+168% Acid Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Damage
+112/+168% Poison Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Decay
+280/+420 Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
+8/+12% Casting Speed
20/30% Stun Resistance
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Vile Eruption
+3 to Decay
+2 to Path of the Three
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic Off-Hand
+5/+7% Crit Damage
+99/+147% Pierce Damage
+112/+168% Cold Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
15/21% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Olexra's Flash Freeze
+2 to Nightfall
Granted Skills
Ice Spike (10% Chance on Attack)
Launch a spike of rock solid ice to impale your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
1 Projectile(s)
50% Chance to pass through Enemies
365 Cold Damage
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic Off-Hand
11/14 Vitality Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Damage
+112/+168% Chaos Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Decay
20/30% Cold Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+24/+36 Defensive Ability
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
+10/+14% Casting Speed
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Bone Harvest
+2 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Shields (1)
Epic (1)
Epic Shield
30% Chance to block 898 damage
0.9 second Block Recovery
140 Vitality Damage
39/58 Vitality Damage
5/7% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+258/+386 Health
8/12% Physical Resistance
32/48% Pierce Resistance
+2 to Devouring Swarm
+2 to Siphon Souls
+2 to Path of the Three
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 745
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Two-Handed Axes (1)
Epic (1)
Epic Two-Handed Axe
252-372 Vitality Damage
1.5 Attacks per Second
52/77 Vitality Damage
7/9% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+273/+410% Vitality Damage
+201/+302% Bleeding Damage
+273/+410% Vitality Decay
36/54% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+13/+19% Attack Speed
20/28% Poison & Acid Resistance
+4 to Feral Hunger
+4 to Markovian's Advantage
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 607
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Two-Handed Ranged (1)
Epic (1)
Epic Two-Handed Ranged
182-228 Vitality Damage
1.52 Attacks per Second
+197/+292% Vitality Damage
+197/+292% Chaos Damage
+197/+292% Vitality Decay
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
24/36% Petrify Resistance
+8/12% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+4 to Siphon Souls
+4 to Wasting
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 531
Item Level: 84
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rings (2)
Epic (2)
Epic Ring
+352/+528 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
20/28% Aether Resistance
+2 to Summon Familiar
+2 to Raise Skeletons
Bonus to All Pets
+56/+84% to All Damage
+3/+5% Crit Damage
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
16/24% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 363
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic Ring
+81/+120% Aether Damage
+61/+92% Chaos Damage
+2/+4% Health
+27/+39 Defensive Ability
+3/+5% Casting Speed
20/28% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Reckless Power
+2 to Destruction
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 371
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Amulets (3)
Epic (2)
Epic Amulet
+81/+120% Cold Damage
+81/+120% Lightning Damage
+81/+120% Frostburn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+256/+384 Health
15/21% Chaos Resistance
16/24% Stun Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Wind Devil
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
+2 to Shadow Strike
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 378
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic Amulet
3/5% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+81/+120% Vitality Damage
+81/+120% Chaos Damage
+81/+120% Vitality Decay
+256/+384 Health
16/24% Chaos Resistance
20/28% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Spectral Binding
+2 to Blood of Dreeg
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 373
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (1)
Legendary Amulet
11-14/16 Vitality Damage
+84/+125% Vitality Damage
+84/+125% Vitality Decay
20/30% Elemental Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+53/+79 Defensive Ability
21/31% Aether Resistance
12/18% Chaos Resistance
+4% Maximum Chaos Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
-7/9% Skill Energy Cost
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
+3 to Dread
+3 to Shadow Strike
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
1 Meter Range to Bone Harvest
160 Vitality Damage to Bone Harvest
2 Second Duration to Sigil of Consumption
80 Vitality Damage to Sigil of Consumption
400 Vitality Damage to Shadow Strike
6% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Shadow Strike
100% Cold Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Shadow Strike
100% Acid Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Shadow Strike
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 407
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Medals (3)
Epic (2)
Epic Medal
+81/+120% Bleeding Damage
+596/+894 Health
+44/+66 Defensive Ability
26/38% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Aether Resistance
+2 to Blood Boil
+2 to Break Morale
+2 to Devouring Swarm
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic Medal
+81/+120% Aether Damage
+81/+120% Chaos Damage
+36/+52 Defensive Ability
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
12/18% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+3% Maximum Pierce Resistance
+2 to Solael's Witchfire
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
+2 to Flames of Ignaffar
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (1)
Legendary Medal
32/48% Vitality Resistance
10/14% Elemental Resistance
32/48% Bleeding Resistance
Increases Armor by 10/14%
+4/+6% Shield Block Chance
+20/+28% Shield Damage Blocked
+2 to Overguard
+2 to Maiven's Sphere of Protection
+2 to Word of Renewal
+3 to Shattering Smash
10% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Overguard
+80% to All Damage to Overguard
+40% to All Damage to Word of Renewal
Increases Health Regeneration by 50% to Word of Renewal
30% Weapon Damage to Shattering Smash
15% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Shattering Smash
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Augments (19)
Magic (8)
"Powder derived from the scales of the Bloodscale Slith sometimes seen roaming parts of Ugdenbog."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Bleeding Damage
+200 Health
+4% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder left behind by the ghostly apparitions sometimes seen around Ugdenbog."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Lightning Damage
+40% Aether Damage
+40% Electrocute Damage
10% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder derived from the scales of the Bloodscale Slith sometimes seen roaming parts of Ugdenbog."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Bleeding Damage
+440 Health
+8% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder left behind by the ghostly apparitions sometimes seen around Ugdenbog."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Lightning Damage
+90% Aether Damage
+90% Electrocute Damage
20% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder derived from the hard carapace of Ugdenbog spikeshell. It takes many hours and great strength to crush the shell into such a fine material."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Cold Damage
+90% Acid Damage
+90% Frostburn Damage
+90% Poison Damage
+50 Offensive Ability
Bonus to All Pets
+12% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder derived from tufts of wendigo fur, gift from the Ravager."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Physical Damage
+90% Vitality Damage
+90% Internal Trauma Damage
+90% Vitality Decay
+440 Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder derived from the hard carapace of Ugdenbog spikeshell. It takes many hours and great strength to crush the shell into such a fine material."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Cold Damage
+40% Acid Damage
+40% Frostburn Damage
+40% Poison Damage
+25 Offensive Ability
Bonus to All Pets
+6% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Powder derived from tufts of wendigo fur, gift from the Ravager."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Physical Damage
+40% Vitality Damage
+40% Internal Trauma Damage
+40% Vitality Decay
+200 Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare (8)
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. Its touch inflicts grievous wounds and blisters upon flesh."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
125 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+120% Pierce Damage
+120% Acid Damage
+120% Poison Damage
+550 Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. It inspires unmatched loyalty."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+8% Health
+6% Defensive Ability
Bonus to All Pets
+55% to All Damage
+6% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. It instills an insatiable hunger."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
25 Vitality Damage
+120% Vitality Damage
+120% Bleeding Damage
+120% Vitality Decay
+550 Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. It evokes uncontrollable rage."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
25 Fire Damage
+120% Fire Damage
+120% Aether Damage
+120% Burn Damage
20% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. Its touch inflicts grievous wounds and blisters upon flesh."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
60 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+55% Pierce Damage
+55% Acid Damage
+55% Poison Damage
+250 Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. It inspires unmatched loyalty."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+4% Health
+3% Defensive Ability
Bonus to All Pets
+25% to All Damage
+3% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. It instills an insatiable hunger."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
12 Vitality Damage
+55% Vitality Damage
+55% Bleeding Damage
+55% Vitality Decay
+250 Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift bestowed by the Ravager upon his cursed worshippers. It evokes uncontrollable rage."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
12 Fire Damage
+55% Fire Damage
+55% Aether Damage
+55% Burn Damage
10% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic (3)
"A gift from the Ravager to stifle blood loss and make the user more difficult to track."
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
15% Bleeding Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift from the Ravager to strengthen the mortal coil."
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
+4% Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"A gift from the Ravager to ward the soul against wraiths."
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
15% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Consumables (2)
Magic (2)
"An oil that infuses your weapons with the hunger of a wendigo."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Vitality Decay with +30% Increased Duration
Item Level: 40
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
"Shatter the vial, releasing a vile spirit to haunt your foes."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Lives for 15 Seconds
Bound Wraith Attributes:
Lives for 15 Seconds
74071 Health
2737 Energy
Bound Wraith Abilities:
Wraith's Touch
232-375 Cold Damage
232-375 Vitality Damage
8% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Item Level: 40
Faction: Barrowholm
Ashes of Malmouth
Blueprints (8)