Belts (1)
Legendary (1)
Legendary Belt
80 Armor
+72/+109% Acid Damage
+72/+109% Bleeding Damage
+72/+109% Poison Damage
+7/+9% Health
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
24/36% Reduction in Poison Duration
+5% Maximum Poison & Acid Resistance
304/456 Acid Retaliation
+68/+102% to All Retaliation Damage
+2 to Grasping Vines
+3 to Entangling Vines
+2 to Counter Strike
+3 to Reprisal
Granted Skills
Wildvines (50% Chance when Hit)
Vines grow wildly around your foes, entangling them and inflicting grievous wounds.
1 Second Skill Recharge
5 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
66 Acid Damage
240 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
20% Chance to Immobilize target for 3 Seconds
30% Slower target Movement for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 570
Item Level: 84
Game Version Changes
B27 or earlier