Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items BlueprintsConsumables
Common (7)
"Not for the faint of heart. Side effects may include: nausea, vomiting, forgetting where you were last night."
450 Second Duration
-10% Offensive Ability
-10% Defensive Ability
Item Level: 1
"A remnant of the Shattered Realm. But what purpose does it serve..."
30 Energy Cost
1 Summon Limit
Celestial Maggot Attributes:
100 Health
100 Energy
Celestial Maggot Abilities:
0.5 Meter Target Area
Item Level: 1
"It hums with strange energy, as if something is trying to escape..."
30 Energy Cost
1 Summon Limit
Aether Crystal Attributes:
100 Energy
Item Level: 1
"It hums with strange energy, as if something is trying to escape..."
30 Energy Cost
1 Summon Limit
Purified Crystal Attributes:
100 Energy
Item Level: 1
"The orb's purpose, or even origins, are a mystery. Would it be wise to use such a thing..."
30 Energy Cost
1 Summon Limit
Korvan Minivore Attributes:
100 Health
100 Energy
Korvan Minivore Abilities:
0.5 Meter Target Area
Item Level: 1
"A sacred creature, bound to the physical realm."
30 Energy Cost
1 Summon Limit
Sacred Crate Attributes:
100 Energy
Sacred Crate Abilities:
Crate Presence
2 Meter Target Area
Item Level: 1
"A harmless spirit, trapped in a jar."
30 Energy Cost
1 Summon Limit
Will'O'Wisp Attributes:
100 Energy
Will'O'Wisp Abilities:
Wisp Aura
14 Meter Radius
+20% Light Radius
Item Level: 1
Magic (48)
"A viscous fluid teeming with potential."Can be placed in the Transfer Stash to use on other characters.
1 Second Skill Recharge
3600 Second Duration
+100% Experience Gained
Item Level: 1
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Only for the truely stubborn
1 Second Skill Recharge
3600 Second Duration
-100% Experience Gained
Item Level: 1
GD League Season 7
"The black liquid inside emits no scent, yet your senses are appalled by it. Its very presence seems to nullify magic."
120 Second Duration
3 Meter Radius
Item Level: 1
"A large cluster of Aether crystals, humming with strange energy."
90 Second Skill Recharge
8 Second Duration
75% Damage Absorption
100% Skill Disruption Protection
Item Level: 5
"A mixture employed by the Gildam Arcanum to enhance the focal properties of weapons."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+80% Lightning Damage
+80% Electrocute Damage
Item Level: 5
"A thick concoction that constantly shifts between black and a deep bloody red."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
25% Chaos Resistance
Item Level: 5
"A foul toxin which induces heavy bleeding in the target."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Bleeding Damage with +30% Increased Duration
Item Level: 5
"A nauseating concoction that bubbles and shifts even after application."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
25% Vitality Resistance
20% Reduction in Vitality Decay Duration
Item Level: 5
"A powerful elixir derived from the essence of the Aether."
You can only benefit from one Elixir at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Aether Damage
+10% Casting Speed
Item Level: 5
"A powerful elixir derived from the ancient beasts of Cairn."
You can only benefit from one Elixir at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Physical Damage
+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+40 Offensive Ability
Item Level: 5
"A powerful elixir employed by hunters and assassins to better track their prey."
You can only benefit from one Elixir at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+8% Attack Speed
+8% Casting Speed
+15% Movement Speed
Item Level: 5
"A powerful elixir derived by foul blood magic."
You can only benefit from one Elixir at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Vitality Damage
+100% Chaos Damage
+100% Vitality Decay
Increases Energy Regeneration by 25%
Item Level: 5
"A foul-smelling concoction which refuses to catch fire."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
30% Fire Resistance
20% Reduction in Burn Duration
Item Level: 5
"A dense concoction that's strangely warm to the touch."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
30% Cold Resistance
20% Reduction in Frostburn Duration
Item Level: 5
"An oily concoction so warm it's nearly scalding to the touch."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
66% Freeze Resistance
Item Level: 5
"A repulsive toxin used to draw the life out of the intended target."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
6% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Item Level: 5
"A soothing concoction made from concentrated Royal Jelly."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+10 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 15%
Item Level: 5
"A revitalizing tonic made from wasp Royal Jelly."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+8% Health
+8% Energy
Item Level: 5
"A concentrated form of Royal Jelly which sharpens the mind."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
Increases Energy Regeneration by 15%
Item Level: 5
"A soothing concoction made from concentrated Royal Jelly."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+25 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 20%
Item Level: 5
"A soothing concoction made from concentrated Royal Jelly."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+18 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 18%
Item Level: 5
"A glowing concoction that gives off a strange warmth."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
25% Aether Resistance
Item Level: 5
"A slimy concoction that deflects electrical energy."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
30% Lightning Resistance
20% Reduction in Electrocute Duration
Item Level: 5
"A vile toxin mixed from various poisonous creatures, with a touch of slith venom."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Poison Damage with +30% Increased Duration
Item Level: 5
"A sweet-smelling concoction that neutralizes most toxins."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20% Reduction in Poison Duration
Item Level: 5
"A powerful elixir concocted by Mogdrogen himself."
You can only benefit from one Elixir at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
Bonus to All Pets
+12% Health
+8% Total Speed
Required Player Level: 75
Item Level: 5
"A powerful elixir derived from the stem of Ugdenbloom."
You can only benefit from one Elixir at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+40 Offensive Ability
+40 Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 75
Item Level: 5
"A sweet-smelling concoction made from Ugdenbloom extract."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+40 Health Regenerated per second
Required Player Level: 75
Item Level: 5
"A soothing concoction made from concentrated Ugdenbloom."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+800 Health
+800 Energy
Required Player Level: 75
Item Level: 5
"A viscous concoction that accelerates coagulation."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
30% Life Leech Resistance
30% Bleeding Resistance
Required Player Level: 75
Item Level: 5
"Shatter the vial, conjuring swirling blades around you."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
600 Physical Damage Retaliation
+150% Physical Damage Retaliation
Item Level: 25
Faction: The Black Legion
"Shatter the vial, emboldening all nearby allies."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
18 Meter Radius
+60 Defensive Ability
Increases Armor by 25%
Item Level: 25
Faction: Homestead
"A toxin derived from the poison glands of Dermapterans."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+80% Acid Damage
+80% Poison Damage
Item Level: 25
Faction: Homestead
"Shatter the vial, releasing a bone-chilling wind around you."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
4 Meter Target Area
240 Cold Damage
Freeze target for 1 Second
30% Slow target for 5 Seconds
Item Level: 25
Faction: Order of Death's Vigil
"A toxin devised by Black Legion assassins."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+80% Pierce Damage
Item Level: 25
Faction: The Black Legion
"An arcane toxin that freezes the blood of your enemies."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+80% Cold Damage
+80% Frostburn Damage
Item Level: 25
Faction: Order of Death's Vigil
"Sacred oils blessed by Kymon himself to ignite your foes."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+80% Fire Damage
+80% Burn Damage
Item Level: 25
Faction: Kymon's Chosen
"Shatter the vial, releasing Kymon's divine wrath around you."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
8 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
442-700 Fire Damage
1200 Burn Damage over 6 Seconds
Item Level: 25
Faction: Kymon's Chosen
"A toxin derived from the vile undead roaming Old Arkovia."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+80% Vitality Damage
+80% Vitality Decay
Item Level: 25
Faction: Rovers
"Shatter the vial, releasing a cloud of vile toxins around you."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
4 Meter Target Area
480 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds
25% Chance for target to Fumble attacks for 2 Seconds
25% Chance of Impaired Aim to target for 2 Seconds
Item Level: 25
Faction: Devil's Crossing
"An oil that strengthens the shield and lightens its load."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+30% Shield Damage Blocked
Item Level: 25
Faction: Devil's Crossing
"Shatter the vial, driving your minions into a frenzy."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
Bonus to All Pets
+80% to All Damage
+20% Crit Damage
Item Level: 25
Faction: Rovers
"An oil that wards your weapon against the Aether."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+8% Damage to Aetherials
8% Less Damage from Aetherials
+8% Damage to Aether Corruptions
8% Less Damage from Aether Corruptions
Item Level: 40
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
"Shatter the vial, releasing a cruel curse upon nearby foes."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
8 Meter Radius
-8% Physical Resistance
-8% Pierce Resistance
-8% Poison & Acid Resistance
-8% Vitality Resistance
-8% Aether Resistance
-8% Chaos Resistance
-8% Elemental Resistance
-8% Bleeding Resistance
Item Level: 40
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"An oil infused with the foul curses of the Coven."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
15% Chance for one of the following:
Petrify target for 1 Second
20% Slow target for 3 Seconds
70 Reduced target's Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds
70 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 3 Seconds
Item Level: 40
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"An oil that infuses your weapons with the hunger of a wendigo."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
+100% Vitality Decay with +30% Increased Duration
Item Level: 40
Faction: Barrowholm
"Shatter the vial, releasing an explosion of electrified flames."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
8 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
400 Fire Damage
172-555 Lightning Damage
1200 Electrocute Damage over 5 Seconds
Item Level: 40
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
"Shatter the vial, releasing a vile spirit to haunt your foes."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Lives for 15 Seconds
Bound Wraith Attributes:
Lives for 15 Seconds
74071 Health
2737 Energy
Bound Wraith Abilities:
Wraith's Touch
232-375 Cold Damage
232-375 Vitality Damage
8% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Item Level: 40
Faction: Barrowholm
Epic (2)
"Clears the mind and primes it for a new spiritual journey."
Item Level: 1
"Fills you with an uncomfortable warmth as your entire body seemingly reshapes itself."
Item Level: 1