Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items BlueprintsFaction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Helms (12)Rare (12)
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+384/+576 Health
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Aether Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Heavy Helm
890 Armor
45/55 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
16/24% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Forcewave
+2 to Oak Skin
+2 to Spectral Wrath
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Heavy Helm
890 Armor
+384/+576 Health
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
15/21% Aether Resistance
15/21% Chaos Resistance
Increases Armor by 3/5%
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Aspect of the Guardian
+2 to Vindictive Flame
+2 to Shadow Dance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Heavy Helm
890 Armor
27/33 Electrocute Damage over 3 Seconds
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Lightning Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
15/21% Chaos Resistance
16/24% Bleeding Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Static Strike
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
+2 to Consecration
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Aether Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Casting Speed
15/21% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Wendigo Totem
+2 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Storm Spirit
+2 to Emboldening Presence
+2 to Lightning Strike
Bonus to All Pets
+28/+42% to All Damage
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
20/30% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+480/+720 Health
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
24/36% Aether Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Inquisitor Seal
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Heavy Helm
1510 Armor
60/90 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
21/31% Pierce Resistance
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Forcewave
+3 to Oak Skin
+3 to Spectral Wrath
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Heavy Helm
1510 Armor
+480/+720 Health
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
18/26% Aether Resistance
18/26% Chaos Resistance
Increases Armor by 4/6%
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Aspect of the Guardian
+3 to Vindictive Flame
+3 to Shadow Dance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Heavy Helm
1510 Armor
36/54 Electrocute Damage over 3 Seconds
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Lightning Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
18/26% Chaos Resistance
21/31% Bleeding Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Static Strike
+3 to Stormcaller's Pact
+3 to Consecration
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Aether Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Casting Speed
18/26% Chaos Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+3 to Wendigo Totem
+3 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Pierce Resistance
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Storm Spirit
+3 to Emboldening Presence
+3 to Lightning Strike
Bonus to All Pets
+44/+66% to All Damage
+5/+7% Offensive Ability
24/36% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Shoulders (12)Rare (12)
Rare Shoulders
613 Armor
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Elemental Balance
+2 to Flame Touched
+2 to Presence of Virtue
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
6-7/9-12 Fire Damage
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Aether Resistance
+2 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+2 to Fire Strike
+2 to Chilling Rounds
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
9/11 Piercing Damage
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Aether Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Fighting Form
+2 to Ranged Expertise
+2 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
613 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Aether Resistance
+2 to Summon Blight Fiend
+2 to Primal Bond
+2 to Raise Skeletons
Bonus to All Pets
+5/+7% Attack Speed
16/24% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
+44/+65% Lightning Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
20/30% Elemental Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Stun Jacks
+2 to Savagery
+2 to Blade Arc
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
613 Armor
+44/+65% Aether Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Reap Spirit
+2 to Distortion
+2 to Sigil of Consumption
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Flame Touched
+3 to Presence of Virtue
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
9-10/12-15 Fire Damage
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Aether Resistance
+3 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+3 to Fire Strike
+3 to Chilling Rounds
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
11/14 Piercing Damage
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Aether Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Fighting Form
+3 to Ranged Expertise
+3 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Aether Resistance
+3 to Summon Blight Fiend
+3 to Primal Bond
+3 to Raise Skeletons
Bonus to All Pets
+7/+9% Attack Speed
20/30% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
+67/+100% Lightning Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
29/43% Elemental Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Stun Jacks
+3 to Savagery
+3 to Blade Arc
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Shoulders
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Aether Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Reap Spirit
+3 to Distortion
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Chest Armor (12)Rare (12)
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Nether Edge
+2 to High Impact
+2 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Aether Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Panetti's Replicating Missile
+2 to "The Big One"
+2 to Blade Arc
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
6-7/9-12 Physical Damage
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Deadly Momentum
+2 to Aura of Conviction
+2 to Avenging Shield
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Devouring Swarm
+2 to Raise Skeletons
+2 to Call of the Grave
Bonus to All Pets
+5/+7% Offensive Ability
16/24% Chaos Resistance
16/24% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
+44/+65% Lightning Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Aether Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Heavy Ordnance
+2 to Storm Surge
+2 to Storm Spread
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Aether Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
3/5% Physical Resistance
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Spectral Wrath
+2 to Devastation
+2 to Oleron's Rage
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nether Edge
+3 to High Impact
+3 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
29/43% Aether Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Panetti's Replicating Missile
+3 to "The Big One"
+3 to Blade Arc
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
9-12/14 Physical Damage
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Deadly Momentum
+3 to Aura of Conviction
+3 to Avenging Shield
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
29/43% Chaos Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Devouring Swarm
+3 to Raise Skeletons
+3 to Call of the Grave
Bonus to All Pets
+7/+9% Offensive Ability
20/30% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
+67/+100% Lightning Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Aether Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Heavy Ordnance
+3 to Storm Surge
+3 to Storm Spread
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Aether Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
3/5% Physical Resistance
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Spectral Wrath
+3 to Devastation
+3 to Oleron's Rage
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Belts (4)Rare (4)
Rare Belt
70 Armor
+1/+3% Offensive Ability
13/19% Vitality Resistance
13/19% Chaos Resistance
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Belt
64 Armor
+1/+3% Offensive Ability
13/19% Poison & Acid Resistance
13/19% Chaos Resistance
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Belt
102 Armor
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Vitality Resistance
18/26% Chaos Resistance
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 606
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare Belt
94 Armor
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Poison & Acid Resistance
18/26% Chaos Resistance
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 606
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Axes (3)Epic (2)
Epic One-Handed Axe
84-157 Physical Damage
1.84 Attacks per Second
9/12 Aether Damage
+99/+147% Vitality Damage
+99/+147% Aether Damage
+99/+147% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Aether Damage
+23/+33 Defensive Ability
+12/+16% Casting Speed
+2 to Reap Spirit
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Granted Skills
Aether Blastwave (10% Chance on Attack)
A blast of Aether energy knocks your attackers back.
4 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
260-460 Aether Damage
Knockdown target for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 532
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic One-Handed Axe
100-138 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
+5/+7% Crit Damage
+99/+147% Cold Damage
+99/+147% Vitality Damage
+99/+147% Frostburn Damage
+99/+147% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
+12/+16% Attack Speed
12/18% Stun Resistance
+2 to Wendigo Totem
+1 to all skills in Nightblade
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 532
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Axe
80-199 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
12/18 Cold Damage
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+95/+142% Pierce Damage
+114/+170% Cold Damage
+114/+170% Frostburn Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
+53/+79 Offensive Ability
15/21% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Biting Cold
+3 to Ring of Steel
+1 to all skills in Soldier
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
80 Cold Damage to Rune of Hagarrad
Freeze target for 1 Second to Rune of Hagarrad
120 Cold Damage to Ring of Steel
660 Frostburn Damage over 3 Seconds to Ring of Steel
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
One-Handed Ranged (3)Epic (2)
"Though crude in design, Coven secrets imbue this weapon."
Epic One-Handed Ranged
55-78 Fire Damage
1.64 Attacks per Second
16/25 Fire Damage
+99/+147% Fire Damage
+99/+147% Chaos Damage
+99/+147% Burn Damage
+26/+38 Offensive Ability
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Destruction
Granted Skills
Voidfire Nova (10% Chance on Attack)
A burst of concentrated negative energy erupts from you.
2 Second Skill Recharge
8 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
135-205 Fire Damage
135-205 Chaos Damage
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 493
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Though crude in design, Coven secrets imbue this weapon."
Epic One-Handed Ranged
55-78 Acid Damage
1.61 Attacks per Second
16/22 Acid Damage
+78/+117% Pierce Damage
+78/+117% Acid Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Acid Damage
+2/+4% Cunning
+162/+242 Health
+12/+18% Attack Speed
+2 to Ranged Expertise
+2 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+2 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 493
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Ranged
46-107 Aether Damage
1.64 Attacks per Second
18/26 Aether Damage
+117/+176% Aether Damage
36/54% Vitality Damage converted to Aether Damage
+244/+366 Health
+32/+48 Offensive Ability
+15/+21% Casting Speed
+2 to Fabric of Reality
+2 to Drain Essence
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
76 Aether Damage to Drain Essence
100% Vitality Damage converted to Aether Damage to Drain Essence
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 511
Item Level: 94
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Daggers (4)Epic (3)
Epic One-Handed Dagger
57-74 Aether Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+102/+152% Lightning Damage
+172/+256% Aether Damage
+102/+152% Electrocute Damage
+196/+294 Health
+10/+14% Casting Speed
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Distortion
+2 to Maelstrom
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 368
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic One-Handed Dagger
57-74 Acid Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+3/+5% Crit Damage
+172/+256% Acid Damage
+172/+256% Vitality Damage
+172/+256% Poison Damage
+172/+256% Vitality Decay
+98/+146 Health
+3/+5% Offensive Ability
+2 to Blood Burst
+2 to Ravenous Earth
+2 to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
Granted Skills
Poison Bolt (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches a bolt of toxins at your enemies.
1 Second Skill Recharge
1 Projectile(s)
1.2 Meter Radius
126 Acid Damage
855 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 368
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic One-Handed Dagger
19-25 Fire Damage
19-25 Cold Damage
19-25 Lightning Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+3/+5% Crit Damage
+172/+256% Elemental Damage
+116/+174% Burn Damage with +34/+52% Increased Duration
+116/+174% Frostburn Damage with +34/+52% Increased Duration
+116/+174% Electrocute Damage with +34/+52% Increased Duration
+100/+150 Health
+12/+16% Casting Speed
+3 to Supercharged
+2 to Stun Jacks
+2 to Word of Pain
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 368
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Dagger
65-81 Fire Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+223/+333% Fire Damage
+118/+176% Chaos Damage
+223/+333% Burn Damage
+642/+962 Energy
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
+13/+19% Casting Speed
+2 to Hellfire Mine
+2 to "The Big One"
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
70 Fire Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+15% Crit Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Aether Damage converted to Fire Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Fire Resistance to Thermite Mine
-10% Chaos Resistance to Thermite Mine
400 Burn Damage over 5 Seconds to Mortar Trap
100% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 396
Required Spirit: 495
Item Level: 94
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Off-Hands (3)Epic (3)
Epic Off-Hand
+3/+5% Crit Damage
+112/+168% Elemental Damage
+112/+168% Burn Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage
+112/+168% Electrocute Damage
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
+10/+14% Casting Speed
13/19% Vitality Resistance
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Full Spread
+2 to Word of Agony
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Off-Hand
11/14 Acid Damage
+112/+168% Acid Damage
+112/+168% Poison Damage
+24/+36 Cunning
+24/+36 Spirit
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
+7/+9% Total Speed
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Lethal Assault
+2 to Dreeg's Evil Eye
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Off-Hand
+112/+168% Vitality Damage
+112/+168% Bleeding Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Decay
+2/+4% Spirit
+280/+420 Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
+12/+18% Casting Speed
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Devouring Swarm
+2 to Bloody Pox
+2 to Wasting
Granted Skills
Vitality Barrage (10% Chance on Attack)
Bolts of life-stealing energies erupt from you, sapping any enemies they come in contact with of their precious vitality.
3 Second Skill Recharge
12 Projectile(s)
168 Vitality Damage
20% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Shields (1)Epic (1)
Epic Shield
30% Chance to block 940 damage
1 second Block Recovery
148 Aether Damage
39/58 Aether Damage
+67/+100% Aether Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Aether Damage
+484/+726 Health
27/39% Vitality Resistance
16/24% Chaos Resistance
32/48% Stun Resistance
+2 to Reckless Power
+2 to Cadence
+2 to Spectral Wrath
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 745
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Two-Handed Maces (2)Epic (1)
Epic Two-Handed Mace
65-158 Fire Damage
65-158 Cold Damage
65-158 Lightning Damage
1.45 Attacks per Second
+273/+410% Aether Damage
+273/+410% Elemental Damage
+273/+410% Burn Damage
+273/+410% Frostburn Damage
+273/+410% Electrocute Damage
+199/+297 Health
+15/+21% Casting Speed
4/6% Physical Resistance
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
+4 to Death Sentence
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (20% Chance on Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
182 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 607
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Legendary (1)
Legendary Two-Handed Mace
148-622 Fire Damage
1.45 Attacks per Second
64-81/93-118 Fire Damage
+331/+496% Fire Damage
+331/+496% Burn Damage
36/54% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
40/60% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+128/+192 Offensive Ability
+21/+31% Attack Speed
4/6% Physical Resistance
+2 to Upheaval
+4 to Flame Touched
+4 to Temper
+2 to all skills in Shaman
+2 to all skills in Oathkeeper
24 Fire Damage to Flame Touched
100% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage to Flame Touched
50% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage to Flame Touched
+8% Offensive Ability to Flame Touched
100% Weapon Damage to Upheaval
Stun target for 0.8 Seconds to Upheaval
100% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage to Upheaval
160% Weapon Damage to Vire's Might
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 650
Item Level: 94
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rings (3)Epic (3)
Epic Ring
3/5% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+2/+4% Physique
+4/+6% Health
10/14% Vitality Resistance
20/28% Chaos Resistance
20/28% Bleeding Resistance
+3% Maximum Vitality Resistance
+2 to Harbinger of Souls
+2 to Veil of Shadow
+2 to Menhir's Will
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 376
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Ring
+81/+120% Cold Damage
+81/+120% Lightning Damage
+81/+120% Frostburn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
20/28% Elemental Resistance
16/24% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
+2 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+2 to Intensify
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 378
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Ring
+81/+120% Physical Damage
+81/+120% Lightning Damage
+81/+120% Internal Trauma Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+3/+5% Attack Speed
24/36% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/28% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Field Command
+2 to Heart of the Wild
+2 to Storm Touched
+2 to Presence of Virtue
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 380
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Amulets (4)Epic (3)
Epic Amulet
+81/+120% Physical Damage
+81/+120% Internal Trauma Damage
+61/+92% Bleeding Damage
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
+6/+8% Attack Speed
21/31% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
+4% Maximum Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Blade Arc
+3 to Entangling Vines
+2 to Judgment
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 378
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Amulet
9/12 Acid Damage
+67/+100% Pierce Damage
+81/+120% Acid Damage
+81/+120% Poison Damage
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Acid Damage
+5/+7% Attack Speed
+5/+7% Casting Speed
15/21% Elemental Resistance
28/40% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Dreeg's Evil Eye
+1 to all skills in Nightblade
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 378
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Amulet
+304/+456 Health
+4/+6% Casting Speed
12/18% Chaos Resistance
23/33% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Master of Death
+2 to Emboldening Presence
+2 to Hellfire
Bonus to All Pets
+16/+24% Health
+5/+7% Total Speed
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 368
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Legendary (1)
Legendary Amulet
+84/+125% Lightning Damage
+84/+125% Aether Damage
+84/+125% Electrocute Damage
+39/+57 Defensive Ability
+7/+9% Casting Speed
23/33% Chaos Resistance
12/18% Elemental Resistance
+6% Maximum Fire Resistance
+6% Maximum Cold Resistance
+6% Maximum Lightning Resistance
+1 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Lightning Tether
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
-8% Lightning Resistance to Storm Box of Elgoloth
-12% Aether Resistance to Storm Box of Elgoloth
15-100 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 395
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Medals (3)Epic (2)
Epic Medal
9-10/12-15 Piercing Damage
+81/+120% Physical Damage
+50/+72% Pierce Damage
+81/+120% Internal Trauma Damage
+258/+386 Health
27/39% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Entrapment Resistance
+2 to Amarasta's Quick Cut
+2 to Word of Renewal
+2 to Crushing Verdict
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic Medal
+81/+120% Elemental Damage
+81/+120% Burn Damage
+81/+120% Frostburn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Spirit
+61/+91 Offensive Ability
15/21% Pierce Resistance
26/38% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+2 to Stun Jacks
+2 to Volcanic Stride
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Legendary (1)
Legendary Medal
+67/+100% Pierce Damage
+84/+125% Acid Damage
+84/+125% Bleeding Damage
+84/+125% Poison Damage
+61/+91 Offensive Ability
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Vitality Resistance
16/24% Aether Resistance
+3 to Dreeg's Evil Eye
+3 to Grasping Vines
+2 to Entangling Vines
+3 to Lethal Assault
0.5 Second Duration to Grasping Vines
120 Acid Damage to Grasping Vines
100% Vitality Damage converted to Acid Damage to Grasping Vines
12% Weapon Damage to Dreeg's Evil Eye
80 Acid Damage to Dreeg's Evil Eye
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Relics (5)Rare (5)
"Fury in all things."
Empowered Relic
2-6/4-10 Lightning Damage
+15/+21% Fire Damage
+15/+21% Lightning Damage
+3/+5% Attack Speed
8/12% Vitality Resistance
Granted Skills
Fervor (10% Chance on Attack)
Enter a fervored state of eagerness to tear your foes to shreds.
10 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
+25% Crit Damage
+25 Offensive Ability
+10% Offensive Ability
Completion Bonus
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Crit Damage
Required Player Level: 25
Item Level: 28
Faction: Homestead
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Bravery in battle."
Empowered Relic
+15/+21 Defensive Ability
16/24% Stun Resistance
Increases Armor by 7/9%
+8/+12% Shield Damage Blocked
Granted Skills
Shield Bash (Granted by Item)
Bash your foe with your shield, sending them into a daze. Requires a melee weapon and shield.
15% Chance to be Used
1 Projectile(s)
115% Weapon Damage
16% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
50 Physical Damage
225 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds
Stun target for 1 Second
Completion Bonus
+4/+6% Health
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
11/19% Freeze Resistance
7/13% Elemental Resistance
7/13% Poison & Acid Resistance
7/13% Pierce Resistance
11/19% Stun Resistance
11/19% Bleeding Resistance
5/9% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 25
Item Level: 28
Faction: The Black Legion
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Endless hunger."
Empowered Relic
2/4% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+16/+24% Vitality Damage
+16/+24% Vitality Decay
+6/+8 Health Regenerated per second
10/14% Aether Resistance
Granted Skills
Breath of Death (10% Chance on Attack)
A wave of vampiric energy erupts from you.
2 Second Skill Recharge
16 Meter Range
65-98 Vitality Damage
25% of Attack Damage converted to Health
110 Vitality Decay Damage over 2 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Crit Damage
Required Player Level: 25
Item Level: 28
Faction: Devil's Crossing
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Madness beyond death."
Empowered Relic
+80/+120 Health
+16/+24 Defensive Ability
Bonus to All Pets
+24/+36% to All Damage
+7/+9% Health
Granted Skills
Summon Crab Spirit (Granted by Item)
Bind a spirit of a swamp creature to serve you. The spirit chills foes with its icy attacks. Only one Crab Spirit can be summoned at any one time. The crab scales with Pet Bonuses.
180 Energy Cost
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Crab Spirit Attributes:
47640 Health
2737 Energy
Crab Spirit Abilities:
Crab Claws
55-105 Cold Damage
55-105 Vitality Damage
Completion Bonus
+4/+6% Health
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
11/19% Freeze Resistance
7/13% Elemental Resistance
7/13% Poison & Acid Resistance
7/13% Pierce Resistance
11/19% Stun Resistance
11/19% Bleeding Resistance
5/9% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 25
Item Level: 28
Faction: Homestead
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A tormented soul stirs within this stone."
Empowered Relic
+15/+21% Aether Damage
+1.5 Energy Regenerated per second
+3/+5% Casting Speed
10/14% Chaos Resistance
Granted Skills
Spectral Bolt (Granted by Item)
Unleash an orb of spectral energy that saps the strength from your foes.
22 Energy Cost
1 Projectile(s)
2.5 Meter Radius
80 Vitality Damage
98-154 Aether Damage
50 Reduced target's Offensive Ability for 2 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Crit Damage
Required Player Level: 25
Item Level: 28
Faction: Rovers
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Augments (32)Magic (14)
"Though necromancy is seldom used among the Coven, it has its uses. The pus from blight beasts in particular has arcane properties if extracted properly."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Acid Damage
+40% Poison Damage
+200 Health
Bonus to All Pets
+20% to All Damage
Increases Armor by 8%
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"So named for its incredibly sharp thorns and vibrant red color, the bloodrose thorn makes a potent hemorrhaging poison when concentrated."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
36 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+36% Pierce Damage
+36% Bleeding Damage
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"This plant appears to be new to Cairn, likely having traveled through the weakening barrier between realities as the rifthounds and other beasts had, but its arcane properties quickly earned it a place in the Coven's stockpiles."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Lightning Damage
+36% Aether Damage
+36% Electrocute Damage
8% Petrify Resistance
Bonus to All Pets
+3% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Powder derived from a rare mushroom growing in Ugdenbog. It is considered a delicacy by the common folk, and a powerful ingredient by the Coven."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Elemental Damage
+200 Health
+25 Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A potent powder used by the Coven to dispose of particularly undesirable pests."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Fire Damage
+40% Chaos Damage
+40% Burn Damage
15% Chance of 15% Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Magecaps thrive in the damp earth of Ugdenbog, providing the Coven both with sustenance and materials for their craft."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Fire Damage
+36% Cold Damage
+36% Burn Damage
+36% Frostburn Damage
8% Freeze Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Though necromancy is seldom used among the Coven, it has its uses. The pus from blight beasts in particular has arcane properties if extracted properly."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Acid Damage
+90% Poison Damage
+440 Health
Bonus to All Pets
+45% to All Damage
Increases Armor by 16%
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A potent powder used by the Coven to dispose of particularly undesirable pests."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Fire Damage
+90% Chaos Damage
+90% Burn Damage
30% Chance of 15% Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Dust from a passing star, carefully collected so that its arcane properties would not wane."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Cold Damage
+90% Lightning Damage
+90% Frostburn Damage
+90% Electrocute Damage
+8% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Whipvine is difficult to harvest, and sometimes deadly, but its many uses for both medicine and magic make it worth the effort."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
22 Physical Damage
+90% Physical Damage
+90% Internal Trauma Damage
+90% Bleeding Damage
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"The creator insisted that it is simply powdered flesh from the bloated human corpses floating about Ugdenbog. Nobody really wants to know for certain."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Acid Damage
+36% Vitality Damage
+36% Poison Damage
+36% Vitality Decay
15% Life Leech Resistance
15% Bleeding Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Dust from a passing star, carefully collected so that its arcane properties would not wane."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Cold Damage
+40% Lightning Damage
+40% Frostburn Damage
+40% Electrocute Damage
+4% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Powdered tongue from a Chthonian fiend."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Vitality Damage
+36% Chaos Damage
+36% Vitality Decay
8% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Whipvine is difficult to harvest, and sometimes deadly, but its many uses for both medicine and magic make it worth the effort."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
10 Physical Damage
+40% Physical Damage
+40% Internal Trauma Damage
+40% Bleeding Damage
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare (15)
"A powerful toxin extracted from the venom glands of Ugdenbog basilisks."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+50% Vitality Damage
+50% Bleeding Damage
+50% Vitality Decay
+350 Health
8% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A powerful toxin extracted from the petrifying eyes of Ugdenbog basilisks."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+50% Acid Damage
+50% Chaos Damage
+50% Poison Damage
Increases Armor by 12%
Increases Armor Absorption by 10%
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A vile toxin derived from various plants in Ugdenbog, combined with Coven magic to maximize its efficacy."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+55% Acid Damage
+55% Vitality Damage
+55% Poison Damage
+55% Vitality Decay
+1.2 Energy Regenerated per second
10% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A special enchanting powder crafted by the Coven to sharpen the senses."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+55% Pierce Damage
+55% Cold Damage
+55% Frostburn Damage
+1.2 Energy Regenerated per second
10% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A special poison imbued by Coven hexes to overwhelm the minds of their foes with terrifying visions."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+55% Physical Damage
+55% Chaos Damage
+55% Internal Trauma Damage
+250 Health
+4% Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A special enchanting powder crafted by the Coven to empower their dark arts."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+30 Offensive Ability
Increases Armor by 5%
Bonus to All Pets
+25% to All Damage
+4% Total Speed
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A potent enchantment crafted from the stone hearts of Ugdenbog's mightiest golems."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
70 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds
+6% Health
8% Petrify Resistance
+25% Shield Damage Blocked
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A vile toxin derived from various plants in Ugdenbog, combined with Coven magic to maximize its efficacy."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+120% Acid Damage
+120% Vitality Damage
+120% Poison Damage
+120% Vitality Decay
+2.4 Energy Regenerated per second
20% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A special enchanting powder crafted by the Coven to sharpen the senses."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+120% Pierce Damage
+120% Cold Damage
+120% Frostburn Damage
+2.4 Energy Regenerated per second
20% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A special poison imbued by Coven hexes to overwhelm the minds of their foes with terrifying visions."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+120% Physical Damage
+120% Chaos Damage
+120% Internal Trauma Damage
+550 Health
+8% Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"A special enchanting powder crafted by the Coven to empower their dark arts."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+60 Offensive Ability
Increases Armor by 10%
Bonus to All Pets
+55% to All Damage
+8% Total Speed
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Originally created by the Arcanist Master Trozan, the Coven has made great use of the arcane potential of sky borne objects."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
12 Lightning Damage
+50% Cold Damage
+50% Lightning Damage
+50% Frostburn Damage
+50% Electrocute Damage
+75 Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Legends speak of a mythical entity growing within Ugdenbog whose roots span the entirety of the swamp. So named after this creature, the enchantment derives its properties from many plants in the region."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+3% Offensive Ability
15% Poison & Acid Resistance
Bonus to All Pets
+4% Offensive Ability
30% Poison & Acid Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Often associated with rituals performed by the cults of the three Witch Gods, the Coven often makes use of this vile powder when a ritual calls for it."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+50% Fire Damage
+50% Chaos Damage
+50% Burn Damage
+350 Health
8% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Through a terrifying binding ritual, a Coven hexxer is capable of trapping and disintegrating an Ugdenbog wraith."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
12 Vitality Damage
+50% Cold Damage
+50% Vitality Damage
+50% Frostburn Damage
+50% Vitality Decay
+75 Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Epic (3)
"Ashes infused by the Coven with the blood of Chthonians."
(Applied to all armor)
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
10% Pierce Resistance
10% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Ashes infused by the Coven with the blood of Wendigos."
(Applied to all armor)
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
Increases Health Regeneration by 8%
10% Bleeding Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"Sorcerous powder crafted by the Coven to protect them during rituals."
(Applied to all armor)
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
9% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Consumables (2)Magic (2)
"Shatter the vial, releasing a cruel curse upon nearby foes."
Tinctures have shared cooldowns.
30 Second Skill Recharge
10 Second Duration
8 Meter Radius
-8% Physical Resistance
-8% Pierce Resistance
-8% Poison & Acid Resistance
-8% Vitality Resistance
-8% Aether Resistance
-8% Chaos Resistance
-8% Elemental Resistance
-8% Bleeding Resistance
Item Level: 40
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
"An oil infused with the foul curses of the Coven."
You can only benefit from one Oil at a time.
1 Second Skill Recharge
900 Second Duration
15% Chance for one of the following:
Petrify target for 1 Second
20% Slow target for 3 Seconds
70 Reduced target's Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds
70 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 3 Seconds
Item Level: 40
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Blueprints (15)Magic (5)
Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn.
Faction: Homestead
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn.
Faction: The Black Legion
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn.
Faction: Devil's Crossing
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn.
Faction: Homestead
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn.
Faction: Rovers
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Rare (4)
Legendary (6)