Helms (1)
Legendary (1)
"A blessing, and a curse, bestowed upon the bearer of Dreeg's word, the one voice through which the Witch God echoes his cryptic messages."
Legendary Caster Helm
1149 Armor
11-14/16 Acid Damage
+70/+103% Acid Damage
+70/+103% Chaos Damage
+70/+103% Poison Damage
+442/+662 Health
+4/+6% Health
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+4.5 Energy Regenerated per second
26/38% Pierce Resistance
26/38% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+3 to Foul Eruption
+2 to Path of the Three
+1 to all skills in Occultist
36% Weapon Damage to Dreeg's Evil Eye
80 Acid Damage to Ravenous Earth
160 Poison Damage per Second to Ravenous Earth
20% Chance of Impaired Aim to target for 1 Second to Ravenous Earth
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 356
Required Spirit: 572
Item Level: 94
Game Version Changes
B27 or earlier