Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints-
Off-Hands (1)Legendary (1)
Legendary Off-Hand
+36/+54% to All Damage
+36/+54 Offensive Ability
Increases Energy Regeneration by 55/81%
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
Bonus to All Pets
+29/+43% to All Damage
+7/+9% Health
20/30% Vitality Resistance
24/36% Elemental Resistance
+5% Maximum All Resistances
Granted Skills
Dominion (Granted by Item)
Impress your dominion over the foes in the target area, shattering the minds of the weak and forcing them to fight for you.
90 Energy Cost
25 Second Skill Recharge
1 Second Duration
3.2 Meter Radius
Control target's mind for 60 Seconds
Required Player Level: 65
Required Spirit: 575
Item Level: 65
Item prefixes (8)Legendary (8)
Item suffixes (4)Legendary (4)
Game Version Changes
B27 or earlier