Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints-
Amulets (1)Legendary (1)
"The guilty and the polluted fight. They deny. They struggle. I grant them the prospect of reconciliation."
Legendary Amulet
+85/+127% Cold Damage
+85/+127% Frostburn Damage
+5/+7% Attack Speed
+5/+7% Casting Speed
15/21% Vitality Resistance
23/33% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Menhir's Will
+2 to Squad Tactics
+2 to Spectral Binding
+2 to Will of the Crypt
-3 Second Skill Recharge to Menhir's Will
2 Second Duration to Menhir's Will
22 Cold Damage to Spectral Binding
100% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage to Spectral Binding
Bonus to All Pets
+68/+102% Elemental Damage
40/60% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
+4/+6% Defensive Ability
+3/+5% Total Speed
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
Necklace of the Lich Crusader
(2) Set
+120% Cold Damage
+120% Frostburn Damage with +50% Increased Duration
+6% Offensive Ability
+6% Defensive Ability
+2 to Field Command
+2 to Bone Harvest
(3) Set
Bonus to All Pets
+35% Crit Damage
50% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
+20% Health
+5% Offensive Ability
100% Freeze Resistance
100% Reduced Mind Control Duration
Increases Armor by 20%
+35% Crit Damage
4% Physical Resistance
Increases Armor by 10%
+15% Maximum Reduced Freeze Duration
+1 to all Skills
40% Weapon Damage to Counter Strike
100% Chance to Freeze target for 1 - 2 Seconds to Counter Strike
35 Reduced target's Elemental Resistances for 5 Seconds to Counter Strike
-30% Cold Resistance to Ill Omen
-6% Life Leech Resistance to Ill Omen
93 Frostburn Damage over 3 Seconds to Raise Skeletons
+100% Health to Raise Skeletons
+20% Attack Speed to Raise Skeletons
+20% Casting Speed to Raise Skeletons
20% Physical Resistance to Raise Skeletons
Granted Skills
Summon Ice Thrall (Granted by Item)
Summon forth an abomination of all those convicted of heresy. The Ice Thrall scales with Pet Bonuses.
200 Energy Cost
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Ice Thrall Attributes:
74605 Health
2737 Energy
Ice Thrall Abilities:
Freezing Claws
70-94 Physical Damage
244 Cold Damage
244 Vitality Damage
25% Chance to Freeze target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 397
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
Cannot be transmuted into another item from this set
GD League Season 7
Game Version Changes
B27 or earlier