Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints-
Shoulders (1)Legendary (1)
Legendary Shoulders
1149 Armor
+28/+42% to All Damage
+40/+60 Offensive Ability
+48/+72 Defensive Ability
20/30% Aether Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Blight Burst
+2 to Ground Slam
Bonus to All Pets
+96/+144% Acid Damage
20/30% Aether Resistance
32/48% Elemental Resistance
Ghol's Mantle
(2) Set
+80 Defensive Ability
25% Petrify Resistance
(3) Set
Bonus to All Pets
30 Acid Damage
+24% Crit Damage
+20% Health
+100% to All Damage
+2400 Health
(4) Set
+3 to Summon Blight Fiend
+3 to Summon Briarthorn
1 Summon Limit to Summon Blight Fiend
28 Reduced target's Resistances for 2 Seconds to Mogdrogen's Pact
+12% Attack Speed to Mogdrogen's Pact
6 Second Duration to Devouring Swarm
-20% Poison & Acid Resistance to Devouring Swarm
Granted Skills
Summon Eldritch Talon (Granted by Item)
Call forth an eldritch fiend to fight alongside you. The eldritch talon unravels the existence of nearby foes. Only one eldritch talon can be summoned at any one time. The eldritch talon scales with Pet Bonuses.
300 Energy Cost
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Eldritch Talon Attributes:
42920 Health
2737 Energy
Eldritch Talon Abilities:
132-310 Physical Damage
182 Acid Damage
Eldritch Instability
10 Meter Radius
-8% Attack Speed
-8% Casting Speed
-10% Poison & Acid Resistance
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Game Version Changes
B27 or earlier