Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items BlueprintsFaction: Cult of Solael
Helms (8)Rare (8)
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+384/+576 Health
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
+2 to Harbinger of Souls
+2 to High Impact
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Helm
732 Armor
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+384/+576 Health
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
15/21% Aether Resistance
15/21% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Improved Casing
+2 to Blade Spirit
+2 to Tectonic Shift
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Heavy Helm
890 Armor
15/21% Chaos Resistance
16/24% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Conjure Primal Spirit
+2 to Raise Skeletons
+2 to Master of Death
Bonus to All Pets
+48/+72% to All Damage
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Chaos Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Destruction
+2 to Flames of Ignaffar
+2 to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+480/+720 Health
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
+3 to Harbinger of Souls
+3 to High Impact
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Helm
1233 Armor
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+480/+720 Health
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
18/26% Aether Resistance
18/26% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Improved Casing
+3 to Blade Spirit
+3 to Tectonic Shift
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Heavy Helm
1510 Armor
18/26% Chaos Resistance
21/31% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Conjure Primal Spirit
+3 to Raise Skeletons
+3 to Master of Death
Bonus to All Pets
+64/+96% to All Damage
+5/+7% Offensive Ability
+4/+6% Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Chaos Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Pierce Resistance
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Destruction
+3 to Flames of Ignaffar
+3 to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Shoulders (8)Rare (8)
Rare Shoulders
613 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+3/+5% Spirit
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Infernal Purge
+2 to Sigil of Consumption
+2 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Shoulders
613 Armor
27/33 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Feral Hunger
+2 to Heart Seeker
+2 to Aegis of Menhir
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Bleeding Damage
+3/+5% Cunning
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Death Sentence
+2 to Fighting Spirit
+2 to Storm Spread
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Heavy Shoulders
890 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Reap Spirit
+2 to Summon Hellhound
+2 to Conjure Primal Spirit
Bonus to All Pets
+48/+72% to All Damage
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 636
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Shoulders
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+3/+5% Spirit
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Sigil of Consumption
+3 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Shoulders
1047 Armor
36/54 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Feral Hunger
+3 to Heart Seeker
+3 to Aegis of Menhir
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Bleeding Damage
+3/+5% Cunning
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Chaos Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Death Sentence
+3 to Fighting Spirit
+3 to Storm Spread
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Heavy Shoulders
1510 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Reap Spirit
+3 to Summon Hellhound
+3 to Conjure Primal Spirit
Bonus to All Pets
+64/+96% to All Damage
+6/+8% Offensive Ability
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 877
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Chest Armor (8)Rare (8)
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
+2 to Demon Fire
+2 to Destruction
+2 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+36/+54% Pierce Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
+2 to Shadow Strike
+2 to Judgment
+2 to Rune of Kalastor
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1020 Armor
+44/+65% Vitality Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
+2 to Raise Skeletons
+2 to Squad Tactics
+2 to Primal Bond
Bonus to All Pets
+48/+72% to All Damage
16/24% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 721
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Chaos Damage
+44/+65% Vitality Decay
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
20/30% Stun Resistance
+2 to Flames of Ignaffar
+2 to Hellfire Mine
+2 to Dreeg's Evil Eye
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
24/36% Stun Resistance
+3 to Demon Fire
+3 to Destruction
+3 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
24/36% Stun Resistance
+3 to Shadow Strike
+3 to Judgment
+3 to Rune of Kalastor
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Heavy Chest Armor
1734 Armor
+67/+100% Vitality Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
29/43% Poison & Acid Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
24/36% Stun Resistance
+3 to Raise Skeletons
+3 to Squad Tactics
+3 to Primal Bond
Bonus to All Pets
+64/+96% to All Damage
20/30% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 992
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Chaos Damage
+67/+100% Vitality Decay
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
24/36% Stun Resistance
+3 to Flames of Ignaffar
+3 to Hellfire Mine
+3 to Dreeg's Evil Eye
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Belts (3)Rare (2)
Rare Belt
64 Armor
+2/+4% Health
10/14% Bleeding Resistance
+1 to all skills in Occultist
Bonus to All Pets
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare Belt
94 Armor
+3/+5% Health
13/19% Bleeding Resistance
+1 to all skills in Occultist
Bonus to All Pets
+3/+5% Offensive Ability
+3/+5% Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 606
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
"Brand of the White Lotus, caretakers of the celestial flower that blooms within the Korvan lands."
Legendary Belt
74 Armor
+296/+444 Health
+3/+5% Health
7/9% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
24/36% Elemental Resistance
16/24% Bleeding Resistance
+7% Maximum Poison & Acid Resistance
+7% Maximum Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Word of Renewal
+3 to Menhir's Will
+3 to Blast Shield
Granted Skills
Gift of the Lotus (20% Chance when Hit)
The lotus revitalizes your essence.
4 Second Skill Recharge
4% + 350 Health Restored
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Swords (2)Epic (1)
Epic One-Handed Sword
88-146 Physical Damage
1.88 Attacks per Second
+56/+84% Fire Damage
+99/+147% Chaos Damage
+56/+84% Burn Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+35/+51 Defensive Ability
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/+18% Casting Speed
+2 to Destruction
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Flames of Ignaffar
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 493
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Sword
106-144 Physical Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
16/22 Vitality Damage
+114/+170% Vitality Damage
+114/+170% Bleeding Damage
+114/+170% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage
36/54% Piercing Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+204/+306 Health
+15/+21% Attack Speed
12/18% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Reaping Strike
+2 to Blood Boil
+3 to Savagery
+3 to Whirling Death
45 Vitality Damage to Savagery
100% Lightning Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Savagery
100% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Savagery
2 Second Duration to Siphon Souls
110 Bleeding Damage per Second to Siphon Souls
+150% Bleeding Damage with +150% Increased Duration to Siphon Souls
220 Vitality Damage to Whirling Death
100% Piercing Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Whirling Death
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 511
Item Level: 94
Faction: Cult of Solael
Maces (1)Epic (1)
Epic One-Handed Mace
47-214 Physical Damage
1.8 Attacks per Second
45/63 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+99/+147% Physical Damage
+99/+147% Internal Trauma Damage
+99/+147% Bleeding Damage
+53/+79 Offensive Ability
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Grasping Vines
+2 to Mark of Torment
+2 to Crushing Verdict
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 532
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Scepters (3)Epic (2)
Epic One-Handed Scepter
48-99 Chaos Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+172/+256% Chaos Damage
+172/+256% Bleeding Damage
+220/+330 Health
+36/+52 Offensive Ability
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Bloody Pox
+2 to Wasting
+2 to Wendigo Totem
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 460
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Epic One-Handed Scepter
24-50 Fire Damage
24-50 Vitality Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+172/+256% Fire Damage
+172/+256% Vitality Damage
+172/+256% Burn Damage
+172/+256% Vitality Decay
20/30% Fire Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+148/+222 Health
+13/+19% Attack Speed
+2 to Fire Strike
+2 to Smite
+2 to Siphon Souls
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 460
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
Legendary One-Handed Scepter
56-106 Chaos Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
1-16/4-25 Chaos Damage
10/14% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+223/+333% Vitality Damage
+223/+333% Chaos Damage
+223/+333% Vitality Decay
+15/+21% Casting Speed
+2 to Reap Spirit
+2 to Flames of Ignaffar
+3 to Infernal Purge
-0.5 Second Skill Recharge to Reap Spirit
122-450 Chaos Damage to Reap Spirit
100% Aether Damage converted to Chaos Damage to Reap Spirit
25% Weapon Damage to Flames of Ignaffar
+100% Vitality Decay with +100% Increased Duration to Flames of Ignaffar
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 495
Required Spirit: 495
Item Level: 94
Faction: Cult of Solael
Off-Hands (3)Epic (2)
Epic Off-Hand
+5/+7% Crit Damage
+112/+168% Cold Damage
+112/+168% Lightning Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage
+112/+168% Electrocute Damage
+53/+79 Offensive Ability
+5.5 Energy Regenerated per second
13/19% Vitality Resistance
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Maelstrom
+2 to Aura of Censure
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Epic Off-Hand
+112/+168% Chaos Damage
+186/+278 Health
+5.5 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/+18% Casting Speed
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+1 to all skills in Occultist
+1 to all skills in Shaman
Bonus to All Pets
+7/+9% Health
+7/+9% Total Speed
20/30% Stun Resistance
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
"The cruel words of Solael, as passed down to his priests."
Legendary Off-Hand
+134/+201% Fire Damage
+134/+201% Vitality Damage
+134/+201% Burn Damage
+134/+201% Vitality Decay with +168/+251% Increased Duration
36/54% Fire Damage converted to Vitality Damage
36/54% Acid Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
+6 Energy Regenerated per second
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
-7/9% Skill Energy Cost
+2 to Bloody Pox
+2 to Black Death
+2 to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
240 Vitality Decay Damage per Second to Bloody Pox
100% Acid Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Bloody Pox
-80 Defensive Ability to Bloody Pox
-0.4 Second Skill Recharge to Grenado
2500 Vitality Decay Damage over 5 Seconds to Grenado
100% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Grenado
100% Fire Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Grenado
+1 Summon to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
1 Summon Limit to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 724
Item Level: 94
Faction: Cult of Solael
Two-Handed Axes (1)Epic (1)
Epic Two-Handed Axe
267-352 Fire Damage
1.5 Attacks per Second
46-53/68-77 Fire Damage
+273/+410% Fire Damage
+273/+410% Chaos Damage
+273/+410% Burn Damage
+3.5 Energy Regenerated per second
+15/+21% Casting Speed
+2 to Destruction
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
+4 to Consecration
+2 to all skills in Occultist
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 607
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Two-Handed Ranged (2)Epic (1)
Epic Two-Handed Ranged
228-260 Physical Damage
1.52 Attacks per Second
45-55/66-80 Physical Damage
+197/+292% Physical Damage
+197/+292% Fire Damage
+197/+292% Internal Trauma Damage
+197/+292% Burn Damage
+520/+780 Health
+15/+21% Attack Speed
+2 to Fighting Spirit
+2 to Resilience
+2 to all skills in Soldier
+2 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Required Player Level: 84
Required Cunning: 531
Item Level: 84
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
Legendary Two-Handed Ranged
196-260 Chaos Damage
1.54 Attacks per Second
39/56 Chaos Damage
+244/+367% Vitality Damage
+244/+367% Chaos Damage
+244/+367% Vitality Decay
20/28 Reduced target's Resistances for 3 Seconds
+6 Energy Regenerated per second
+20/+28% Casting Speed
12/18% Bleeding Resistance
+4 to Flames of Ignaffar
+4 to Hellfire Mine
+2 to all skills in Occultist
50% Weapon Damage to Flames of Ignaffar
100 Chaos Damage to Thermite Mine
-18% Chaos Resistance to Thermite Mine
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 552
Item Level: 94
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rings (2)Epic (2)
Epic Ring
+81/+120% Fire Damage
+81/+120% Lightning Damage
+81/+120% Burn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+194/+290 Health
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Aether Resistance
27/39% Petrify Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Rune of Kalastor
+2 to Eye of Reckoning
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 378
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Epic Ring
+81/+120% Aether Damage
+81/+120% Chaos Damage
+194/+290 Health
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Pierce Resistance
27/39% Petrify Resistance
+2 to Disintegration
+2 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 371
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Amulets (3)Epic (2)
Epic Amulet
+81/+120% Fire Damage
+81/+120% Lightning Damage
+81/+120% Burn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/28% Elemental Resistance
+4% Maximum Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Fire Strike
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
+2 to Stun Jacks
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 380
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Epic Amulet
+81/+120% Chaos Damage
+258/+386 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
27/39% Pierce Resistance
+2 to Summon Hellhound
+2 to Summon Familiar
+2 to Summon Briarthorn
Bonus to All Pets
+8/+12% Health
+4/+6% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 368
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
Legendary Amulet
18/26 Physical Damage
+84/+125% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Pierce Damage
+84/+125% Internal Trauma Damage
+84/+125% Bleeding Damage with +33/+50% Increased Duration
+3/+5% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Casting Speed
15/21% Aether Resistance
+3 to Grasping Vines
+3 to Entangling Vines
+1 to all skills in Soldier
120 Physical Damage to Grasping Vines
70 Bleeding Damage per Second to Grasping Vines
Granted Skills
Blood Spout (15% Chance on Attack)
A crimson spout erupts beneath your foes, showering them with blood and gore.
2 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
2.5 Meter Radius
80 Physical Damage
45 Vitality Damage
200 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 383
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Medals (3)Epic (2)
Epic Medal
9/12 Vitality Damage
3/5% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+81/+120% Vitality Damage
+81/+120% Vitality Decay
+2/+4% Physique
+3/+5% Health
26/38% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Blood Pact
+3 to Reaping Strike
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Epic Medal
8-9/11-14 Piercing Damage
+81/+120% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Pierce Damage
+81/+120% Internal Trauma Damage
+2/+4% Cunning
+258/+386 Health
20/28% Aether Resistance
+2 to Fighting Form
+2 to Shadow Dance
+2 to Rebuke
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Legendary (1)
Legendary Medal
+84/+125% Fire Damage
+84/+125% Vitality Damage
+84/+125% Burn Damage
+84/+125% Vitality Decay
12/18% Pierce Resistance
15/21% Poison & Acid Resistance
27/39% Chaos Resistance
27/39% Stun Resistance
Increases Armor by 5/7%
+3% Maximum Pierce Resistance
+3 to Agonizing Flames
+3 to Bone Harvest
+3 to Dread
+2 to Righteous Fervor
330 Fire Damage to Bone Harvest
100% Cold Damage converted to Fire Damage to Bone Harvest
100% Vitality Damage converted to Fire Damage to Bone Harvest
150 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds to Blackwater Cocktail
150 Vitality Decay Damage over 3 Seconds to Blackwater Cocktail
26 Vitality Damage to Righteous Fervor
150 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Relics (1)Epic (1)
"The will to carry on through all adversity."
Transcendent Relic
+32/+48% Physical Damage
+32/+48% Fire Damage
+248/+372 Health
+120 Armor
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Granted Skills
Flame Burst (30% Chance when Hit)
Flames burst from you in a wave when struck, incinerating those foolish enough to strike in the first place.
1 Second Skill Recharge
10 Meter Range
88 Physical Damage
104-145 Fire Damage
150 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+1 to Retribution
+1 to Consecration
+1 to Haven
+1 to Avenging Shield
+1 to Celestial Presence
+1 to Reprisal
+1 to Soulfire
+1 to Clarity of Purpose
+1 to Tectonic Shift
+1 to Crushing Verdict
Required Player Level: 35
Item Level: 35
Augments (25)Magic (12)
"A common symbol of power used by the Witch God cults."
(Applied to Medals)
(Applied to Medals)
Magic Augment
Granted Skills
Disengage (Granted by Item)
Quickly disengage from combat by leaping backwards away from your foes, leaving a blinding flash.
33 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
5 Meter Target Area
15 Meter Range
Confuse target for 2.5 Seconds
10% Reduced target's Damage for 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 1
Item Level: 1
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A common symbol of power used by the Witch God cults."
(Applied to Medals)
(Applied to Medals)
Magic Augment
Granted Skills
Rush (Granted by Item)
Letting nothing stand in your way, you rush through your enemies towards a nearby target destination, smashing anyone that stands in your way. When used with a shield, the shield's damage is added.
33 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
13 Meter Range
120% Weapon Damage
Stun target for 0.5 Seconds
+300% Movement Speed
Required Player Level: 1
Item Level: 1
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Powder derived from a vibrant red plant found growing within the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
10 Chaos Damage
+36% Chaos Damage
Bonus to All Pets
4 Chaos Damage
+18% to All Damage
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"The powdered petals of a potent plant found growing near now seldom seen pools of water within the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Chaos Damage
+20 Defensive Ability
Increases Armor by 5%
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Teeming with eldritch energies and nearly impossible to turn to powder without arcane tools."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
50 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds
+40% Physical Damage
+40% Internal Trauma Damage
+25 Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Powder derived from the talons of gryphons inhabiting the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Magic Augment
+40% Vitality Damage
+40% Bleeding Damage
+40% Vitality Decay
+4% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Arcane essence from the various guardians roaming the temples of the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Elemental Damage
+20 Defensive Ability
Increases Armor by 4%
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"The powdered petals of a potent plant found growing near now seldom seen pools of water within the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Chaos Damage
+40 Defensive Ability
Increases Armor by 10%
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Teeming with eldritch energies and nearly impossible to turn to powder without arcane tools."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
110 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds
+90% Physical Damage
+90% Internal Trauma Damage
+50 Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Powder derived from the talons of gryphons inhabiting the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Magic Augment
+90% Vitality Damage
+90% Bleeding Damage
+90% Vitality Decay
+8% Health
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"Venom from the tail glands of the deadly creatures roaming the desert sands."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
10 Acid Damage
+36% Pierce Damage
+36% Acid Damage
+36% Poison Damage
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
"The essence of a wraithlike spirit bound into bonemeal for enchanting purposes."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Magic Augment
+36% Fire Damage
+36% Aether Damage
+36% Burn Damage
+20 Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 65
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Solael
Rare (10)
"A fine enchanting powder derived from the ashes of the pyres within Irrah's temple, said to be infused with celestial blood."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
45 Vitality Decay Damage over 3 Seconds
+50% Vitality Damage
+50% Vitality Decay
+70 Defensive Ability
15% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A fine enchanting powder derived from the ashes of the pyres within Irrah's temple that fills the bearer with an unnatural calm."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+350 Health
+5% Health
8% Petrify Resistance
Increases Armor by 6%
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A fine enchanting powder derived from the ashes of the pyres within Irrah's temple, still infused with soul fragments of sacrificial victims."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
12 Aether Damage
+50% Fire Damage
+50% Aether Damage
+50% Burn Damage
+70 Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A fine enchanting powder derived from the ashes of the pyres within Irrah's temple, infused with various toxins found among the flora and fauna of the Korvan Plateau."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+50% Acid Damage
+50% Poison Damage
+75 Offensive Ability
Bonus to All Pets
+6% Crit Damage
+60% Poison Damage
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, infused with the essence of the Eldritch Flame's will."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+120% Cold Damage
+120% Lightning Damage
+120% Frostburn Damage
+120% Electrocute Damage
+550 Health
20% Pierce Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, promising untold destruction upon his enemies."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
+120% Fire Damage
+120% Lightning Damage
+120% Burn Damage
+120% Electrocute Damage
+550 Health
20% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, granting the bearer a taste of the Eldritch Flame's endless hunger."
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
(Applied to all two-handed weapons)
Rare Augment
25 Piercing Damage
+120% Pierce Damage
+120% Bleeding Damage
+550 Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, infused with the essence of the Eldritch Flame's will."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+55% Cold Damage
+55% Lightning Damage
+55% Frostburn Damage
+55% Electrocute Damage
+250 Health
10% Pierce Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, promising untold destruction upon his enemies."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
+55% Fire Damage
+55% Lightning Damage
+55% Burn Damage
+55% Electrocute Damage
+250 Health
10% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, granting the bearer a taste of the Eldritch Flame's endless hunger."
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Augment
12 Piercing Damage
+55% Pierce Damage
+55% Bleeding Damage
+250 Health
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Epic (3)
"A gift from the witch god Solael, a foul powder used in rituals that bind the recipients to Solael's covenant."
(Applied to all armor)
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
+150 Health
+16 Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael, a vile powder used in spirit-binding rituals for the Eldritch Flame to devour."
(Applied to all armor)
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
10% Pierce Resistance
10% Vitality Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
"A gift from the witch god Solael intended to shield the mind from the ravages of the void so that the Eldritch Flame may study its secrets unhindered."
(Applied to all armor)
(Applied to all armor)
Epic Augment
15% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Solael
Blueprints (10)Rare (3)
Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn.
Legendary (7)