Search results for query "ulzuin's chosen" (21)
Shoulders (2)
Legendary (2)
Legendary Shoulders
939 Armor
+46/+67% Fire Damage
+46/+67% Lightning Damage
+46/+67% Burn Damage
+46/+67% Electrocute Damage
20/30% Chaos Damage converted to Fire Damage
+208/+312 Health
+36/+52 Offensive Ability
+21/+31 Defensive Ability
34/50% Poison & Acid Resistance
22/32% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Temper
Ulzuin's Shoulderguard
(2) Set
+80% Fire Damage
+80% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+100% Burn Damage with +50% Increased Duration
+100% Electrocute Damage with +50% Increased Duration
12% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+15% Crit Damage
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers fall from the sky and incinerate all.
3.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Second Duration
1 Projectile(s)
4 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
50 Fire Damage
200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 432
Item Level: 75
Legendary Shoulders
1357 Armor
+70/+103% Fire Damage
+70/+103% Lightning Damage
+70/+103% Burn Damage
+70/+103% Electrocute Damage
20/30% Chaos Damage converted to Fire Damage
+320/+480 Health
+50/+74 Offensive Ability
+28/+40 Defensive Ability
36/54% Poison & Acid Resistance
24/36% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Temper
Mythical Ulzuin's Shoulderguard
(2) Set
+120% Fire Damage
+120% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+200% Burn Damage with +100% Increased Duration
+200% Electrocute Damage with +100% Increased Duration
15% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+18% Crit Damage
0.9 Meter Radius to Canister Bomb
14% Weapon Damage to Canister Bomb
-40% Skill Energy Cost to Canister Bomb
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers fall from the sky and incinerate all.
3 Second Skill Recharge
2 Second Duration
1 Projectile(s)
4 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
86 Fire Damage
240 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Chest Armor (2)
Epic (2)
Epic Chest Armor
540 Armor
3/6 Piercing Damage
+31/+46% Pierce Damage
+31/+46% Fire Damage
+25/+37 Cunning
+58/+86 Offensive Ability
23/33% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Bursting Round
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 359
Item Level: 50
Epic Chest Armor
1525 Armor
9/12 Piercing Damage
+54/+79% Pierce Damage
+54/+79% Fire Damage
+54/+79% Burn Damage
24/36% Cold Damage converted to Piercing Damage
+39/+57 Cunning
+79/+117 Offensive Ability
32/48% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Bursting Round
+2 to Artifact Handling
+2 to Blade Spirit
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 662
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Boots (1)
Legendary (1)
"The boots bore the full brunt of a lightning storm, and yet do not discharge completely into the earth beneath them."
Legendary Heavy Boots
1454 Armor
+70/+103% Fire Damage
+70/+103% Lightning Damage
+70/+103% Burn Damage
+70/+103% Electrocute Damage
+56/+84 Defensive Ability
+6/+8% Movement Speed
3/5% Physical Resistance
28/42% Vitality Resistance
15/21% Elemental Resistance
240/360 Fire Retaliation
0-801/2-1203 Lightning Retaliation
+3 to Maelstrom
+3 to Supercharged
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Retribution
Granted Skills
Stormfield (33% Chance when Hit)
A field of electricity forms at your command, electrocuting any enemies that pass through it.
3 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
4 Meter Radius
3% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
80-155 Lightning Damage
200 Electrocute Damage over 2 Seconds
15% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 795
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Off-Hands (1)
Legendary (1)
"A source of power once contained within the Spire of Empyrion, the location of which has become lost to time."
Legendary Off-Hand
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+112/+168% Fire Damage
+112/+168% Lightning Damage
+112/+168% Burn Damage
+112/+168% Electrocute Damage
36/54% Chaos Damage converted to Lightning Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+448/+672 Energy
+98/+146 Offensive Ability
Increases Energy Regeneration by 60/88%
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Judgment
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
+1 to all skills in Soldier
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
-1 Second Skill Recharge to Judgment
Granted Skills
Sun Spot (Granted by Item)
Blast your target with a heavenly ray of searing flames.
150 Energy Cost
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
1 Second Duration
3 Meter Radius
1200-1600 Fire Damage
1200 Lightning Damage
1200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
+70% Crit Damage
Knockdown target for 1.5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Forgotten Gods
Two-Handed Ranged (2)
Legendary (2)
Legendary Two-Handed Ranged
163-202 Fire Damage
1.5 Attacks per Second
+153/+229% Fire Damage
+153/+229% Lightning Damage
+153/+229% Burn Damage
+153/+229% Electrocute Damage
+392/+588 Health
+56/+84 Offensive Ability
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+4 to Canister Bomb
+4 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Flame (20% Chance on Attack)
Cover your target with the wild flame of Ulzuin, which will hungrily spread to nearby foes as it seeks to cover the world in fire.
3 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
42-77 Fire Damage
92 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
-10% Physical Resistance
-10% Fire Resistance
-10% Lightning Resistance
Ulzuin's Flamespreader
(2) Set
+80% Fire Damage
+80% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+100% Burn Damage with +50% Increased Duration
+100% Electrocute Damage with +50% Increased Duration
12% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+15% Crit Damage
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers fall from the sky and incinerate all.
3.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Second Duration
1 Projectile(s)
4 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
50 Fire Damage
200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Cunning: 483
Item Level: 75
Legendary Two-Handed Ranged
210-255 Fire Damage
1.5 Attacks per Second
+243/+362% Fire Damage
+243/+362% Lightning Damage
+243/+362% Burn Damage
+243/+362% Electrocute Damage
+592/+888 Health
+80/+120 Offensive Ability
+15/21% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+4 to Canister Bomb
+4 to Ulzuin's Chosen
200 Burn Damage over 5 Seconds to Canister Bomb
100% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage to Canister Bomb
100% Piercing Damage converted to Fire Damage to Canister Bomb
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Flame (20% Chance on Attack)
Cover your target with the wild flame of Ulzuin, which will hungrily spread to nearby foes as it seeks to cover the world in fire.
3 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
50-85 Fire Damage
110 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
-15% Physical Resistance
-15% Fire Resistance
-15% Lightning Resistance
Mythical Ulzuin's Flamespreader
(2) Set
+120% Fire Damage
+120% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+200% Burn Damage with +100% Increased Duration
+200% Electrocute Damage with +100% Increased Duration
15% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+18% Crit Damage
0.9 Meter Radius to Canister Bomb
14% Weapon Damage to Canister Bomb
-40% Skill Energy Cost to Canister Bomb
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers fall from the sky and incinerate all.
3 Second Skill Recharge
2 Second Duration
1 Projectile(s)
4 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
86 Fire Damage
240 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 552
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Amulets (3)
Epic (3)
Epic Amulet
+24/+33% Elemental Damage
+28/+43% Frostburn Damage
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+29/+43 Offensive Ability
10/14% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nightfall
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Granted Skills
Sky Fragment (10% Chance on Attack)
Brings down the sky upon your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
96 Cold Damage
96 Lightning Damage
Required Player Level: 30
Required Spirit: 152
Item Level: 30
Forgotten Gods
Epic Amulet
+46/+70% Elemental Damage
+62/+93% Frostburn Damage with +26/+39% Increased Duration
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+48/+72 Offensive Ability
15/21% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nightfall
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
Granted Skills
Sky Fragment (10% Chance on Attack)
Brings down the sky upon your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
146 Cold Damage
146 Lightning Damage
Required Player Level: 50
Required Spirit: 238
Item Level: 50
Forgotten Gods
Epic Amulet
+78/+117% Elemental Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage with +28/+42% Increased Duration
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+64/+96 Offensive Ability
20/28% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nightfall
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
+2 to Biting Cold
Granted Skills
Sky Fragment (10% Chance on Attack)
Brings down the sky upon your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
239 Cold Damage
239 Lightning Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Required Spirit: 356
Item Level: 84
Forgotten Gods
Medals (6)
Epic (3)
Epic Medal
+24/+33% Acid Damage
+24/+33% Elemental Damage
+20/+28 Offensive Ability
16/24% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Vulnerability
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Required Player Level: 30
Item Level: 30
Forgotten Gods
Epic Medal
+46/+70% Acid Damage
+46/+70% Elemental Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
21/31% Chaos Resistance
16/24% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Vulnerability
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Deadly Aim
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Forgotten Gods
Epic Medal
+72/+109% Acid Damage
+72/+109% Elemental Damage
+72/+109% Poison Damage
20/30% Acid Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+36/+52 Offensive Ability
24/36% Chaos Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Vulnerability
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Deadly Aim
+2 to Lethal Assault
Required Player Level: 82
Item Level: 84
Forgotten Gods
Legendary (3)
Legendary Medal
8% Less Damage from Aetherials
8% Less Damage from Aether Corruptions
+444/+666 Health
+18/+26 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 16/24%
24/36% Elemental Resistance
+3% Maximum Fire Resistance
+3% Maximum Cold Resistance
+3% Maximum Lightning Resistance
+3 to Flame Touched
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Divine Mandate
Granted Skills
Divine Light (Granted by Item)
The light swells within you in times of trouble, helping you fight on when things are most grim.
Activates when Health drops below 30%
120 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
10% Health Restored
100% Damage Absorption
Required Player Level: 75
Item Level: 75
"Used by the faithful of Ulzuin to sear their flesh and dedicate themselves to the wrathful god."
Legendary Medal
+74/+110% Fire Damage
+74/+110% Chaos Damage
+74/+110% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Health
+68/+102 Offensive Ability
16/24% Cold Resistance
35/51% Vitality Resistance
+4% Maximum Cold Resistance
+3 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+3 to Destruction
+3 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+3 to Heart of Wrath
60 Fire Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
360 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
280-420 Chaos Damage to Grenado
100% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage to Grenado
100% Fire Damage converted to Chaos Damage to Grenado
-0.6 Second Skill Recharge to Judgment
140-305 Chaos Damage to Judgment
Required Player Level: 84
Item Level: 84
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Medal
8% Less Damage from Aetherials
8% Less Damage from Aether Corruptions
+656/+984 Health
+21/+31 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 18/26%
26/38% Elemental Resistance
+3% Maximum Fire Resistance
+3% Maximum Cold Resistance
+3% Maximum Lightning Resistance
+3 to Flame Touched
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Master of Death
+2 to Divine Mandate
Granted Skills
Divine Light (Granted by Item)
The light swells within you in times of trouble, helping you fight on when things are most grim.
Activates when Health drops below 30%
80 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
15% Health Restored
100% Damage Absorption
Required Player Level: 94
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Item prefixes (4)
Magic (1)
+3/+5% Cunning
+3/+5% Spirit
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Applies to: Medals
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare (3)
+17/+23% Fire Damage
+17/+23% Lightning Damage
+17/+23% Burn Damage with +25/+35% Increased Duration
+17/+23% Electrocute Damage with +25/+35% Increased Duration
13/17% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Required Player Level: 42
Applies to: Helms, Daggers, Scepters, Amulets
+22/+28% Fire Damage
+22/+28% Lightning Damage
+22/+28% Burn Damage with +26/+34% Increased Duration
+22/+28% Electrocute Damage with +26/+34% Increased Duration
28/36% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Required Player Level: 65
Applies to: Helms, Daggers, Scepters, Amulets
+34/+46% Fire Damage
+34/+46% Lightning Damage
+34/+46% Burn Damage with +26/+34% Increased Duration
+34/+46% Electrocute Damage with +26/+34% Increased Duration
34/46% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Required Player Level: 90
Applies to: Helms, Daggers, Scepters, Amulets
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