Search results for query "totally normal" (18)
Maces (18)
Legendary (18)
"This is not the shield you are looking for."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
80-106 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
9/11 Aether Damage
+62/+93% Lightning Damage
+62/+93% Aether Damage
+62/+93% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Aether Damage
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Hellfire Mine
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
Granted Skills
Aether Cascade (20% Chance on Block)
Pure arcane energy erupts from you and cascades among your foes.
2 Second Skill Recharge
Affects up to 5 targets
214-453 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 369
Item Level: 50
Dropped from:
  • Scrap Pile (Old Grove) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
80-106 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
27/33 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+62/+93% Physical Damage
+62/+93% Internal Trauma Damage
+62/+93% Bleeding Damage
+10/+14% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Anatomy of Murder
+1 to all skills in Shaman
Granted Skills
Blood of the Sands (20% Chance on Block)
A pool of blood bubbles up from the earth beneath your foes.
2 Second Skill Recharge
5 Second Duration
2.4 Meter Radius
124 Physical Damage
124 Bleeding Damage per Second
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 369
Item Level: 50
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Suffering) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
80-106 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
3-10/6-15 Chaos Damage
+62/+93% Vitality Damage
+62/+93% Chaos Damage
+62/+93% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Counter Strike
+1 to all skills in Occultist
Granted Skills
Doom Bolt (20% Chance on Block)
A bolt of entropic power tears through the fabric of reality to inflict massive damage on any foe it strikes. Striking a target directly with the bolt inflicts double damage.
3 Second Skill Recharge
2.5 Meter Target Area
300 Vitality Damage
300 Chaos Damage
25% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 369
Item Level: 50
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Shrine of the Forgotten God) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
80-106 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
9/11 Elemental Damage
+62/+93% Elemental Damage
+62/+93% Burn Damage
+62/+93% Frostburn Damage
+62/+93% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Maelstrom
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Dawnshard (20% Chance on Block)
A shard of pure soladrin crystal erupts from you to sear your foes before returning to you.
1.4 Second Skill Recharge
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
1 Meter Radius
5% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
240 Elemental Damage
196 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
8% Reduced target's Damage for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 369
Item Level: 50
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Tainted Wood) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws be mad."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
80-106 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
5-11/7-15 Fire Damage
+62/+93% Fire Damage
+62/+93% Burn Damage with +31/+46% Increased Duration
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Granted Skills
Rain of Fire (20% Chance on Block)
Fire rains down from the heavens, incinerating your foes.
6 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
10% Weapon Damage
121-168 Physical Damage
188-266 Fire Damage
200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 369
Item Level: 50
Dropped from:
  • Scrap Pile (Old Grove) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
80-106 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
5-9/7-13 Physical Damage
+62/+93% Physical Damage
+62/+93% Internal Trauma Damage with +31/+46% Increased Duration
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Safeguard
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Granted Skills
Counterblow (20% Chance on Block)
Provoke nearby foes with a shockwave emanating from your shield. Requires a shield.
1.6 Second Skill Recharge
3.5 Meter Target Area
20% Weapon Damage
6% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
225-367 Physical Damage
Generate Additional Threat
30% Slow target for 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 369
Item Level: 50
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Shrine of Horran) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"This is not the shield you are looking for."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
90-118 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
10/15 Aether Damage
+72/+109% Lightning Damage
+72/+109% Aether Damage
+72/+109% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Aether Damage
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Hellfire Mine
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
+1 to all skills in Shaman
Granted Skills
Aether Cascade (20% Chance on Block)
Pure arcane energy erupts from you and cascades among your foes.
2 Second Skill Recharge
Affects up to 5 targets
214-453 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 485
Item Level: 75
Dropped from:
  • Scrap Pile (Old Grove) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
90-118 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
30/45 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+72/+109% Physical Damage
+72/+109% Internal Trauma Damage
+72/+109% Bleeding Damage
+12/+16% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Anatomy of Murder
+1 to all skills in Shaman
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Granted Skills
Blood of the Sands (20% Chance on Block)
A pool of blood bubbles up from the earth beneath your foes.
2 Second Skill Recharge
5 Second Duration
2.4 Meter Radius
124 Physical Damage
124 Bleeding Damage per Second
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 485
Item Level: 75
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Suffering) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
90-118 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
5-13/7-19 Chaos Damage
+72/+109% Vitality Damage
+72/+109% Chaos Damage
+72/+109% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+8/+10% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Counter Strike
+1 to all skills in Occultist
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Granted Skills
Doom Bolt (20% Chance on Block)
A bolt of entropic power tears through the fabric of reality to inflict massive damage on any foe it strikes. Striking a target directly with the bolt inflicts double damage.
3 Second Skill Recharge
2.5 Meter Target Area
300 Vitality Damage
300 Chaos Damage
25% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 485
Item Level: 75
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Shrine of the Forgotten God) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
90-118 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
10/15 Elemental Damage
+72/+109% Elemental Damage
+72/+109% Burn Damage
+72/+109% Frostburn Damage
+72/+109% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Maelstrom
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Granted Skills
Dawnshard (20% Chance on Block)
A shard of pure soladrin crystal erupts from you to sear your foes before returning to you.
1.4 Second Skill Recharge
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
1 Meter Radius
5% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
240 Elemental Damage
196 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
8% Reduced target's Damage for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 485
Item Level: 75
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Tainted Wood) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws be mad."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
90-118 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
7-13/10-18 Fire Damage
+72/+109% Fire Damage
+72/+109% Burn Damage with +52/+78% Increased Duration
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+8/+10% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Rain of Fire (20% Chance on Block)
Fire rains down from the heavens, incinerating your foes.
6 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
10% Weapon Damage
121-168 Physical Damage
188-266 Fire Damage
200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 485
Item Level: 75
Dropped from:
  • Scrap Pile (Old Grove) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
90-118 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
9-12/11-16 Physical Damage
+72/+109% Physical Damage
+72/+109% Internal Trauma Damage with +52/+78% Increased Duration
+8/+10% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+3 to Safeguard
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Granted Skills
Counterblow (20% Chance on Block)
Provoke nearby foes with a shockwave emanating from your shield. Requires a shield.
1.6 Second Skill Recharge
3.5 Meter Target Area
20% Weapon Damage
6% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
225-367 Physical Damage
Generate Additional Threat
30% Slow target for 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 485
Item Level: 75
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Shrine of Horran) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"This is not the shield you are looking for."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
120-144 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
14/19 Aether Damage
+112/+168% Lightning Damage
+112/+168% Aether Damage
+112/+168% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Aether Damage
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
272/408 Lightning Retaliation
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Hellfire Mine
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
+1 to all skills in Shaman
Granted Skills
Aether Cascade (20% Chance on Block)
Pure arcane energy erupts from you and cascades among your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
Affects up to 5 targets
233-480 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
  • Scrap Pile (Old Grove) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
120-144 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
48/66 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+112/+168% Physical Damage
+112/+168% Internal Trauma Damage
+112/+168% Bleeding Damage
+13/+19% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
360/540 Physical Damage Retaliation
+56/+84% Physical Damage Retaliation
+3 to Anatomy of Murder
+1 to all skills in Shaman
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Granted Skills
Blood of the Sands (20% Chance on Block)
A pool of blood bubbles up from the earth beneath your foes.
2 Second Skill Recharge
5 Second Duration
2.4 Meter Radius
145 Physical Damage
145 Bleeding Damage per Second
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Suffering) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
120-144 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
7-17/9-23 Chaos Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Damage
+112/+168% Chaos Damage
+112/+168% Vitality Decay
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+8/+12% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+40/+60% to All Retaliation Damage
+3 to Counter Strike
+1 to all skills in Occultist
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Granted Skills
Doom Bolt (20% Chance on Block)
A bolt of entropic power tears through the fabric of reality to inflict massive damage on any foe it strikes. Striking a target directly with the bolt inflicts double damage.
3 Second Skill Recharge
2.5 Meter Target Area
300 Vitality Damage
300 Chaos Damage
25% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Shrine of the Forgotten God) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
120-144 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
14/19 Elemental Damage
+112/+168% Elemental Damage
+112/+168% Burn Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage
+112/+168% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
272/408 Fire Retaliation
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Maelstrom
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Granted Skills
Dawnshard (20% Chance on Block)
A shard of pure soladrin crystal erupts from you to sear your foes before returning to you.
1.4 Second Skill Recharge
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
1 Meter Radius
6% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
270 Elemental Damage
224 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
10% Reduced target's Damage for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Tainted Wood) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws be mad."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
120-144 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
11-17/14-22 Fire Damage
+112/+168% Fire Damage
+112/+168% Burn Damage with +89/+134% Increased Duration
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+8/+12% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+40/+60% to All Retaliation Damage
+3 to Heart of Wrath
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Rain of Fire (20% Chance on Block)
Fire rains down from the heavens, incinerating your foes.
6 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
10% Weapon Damage
132-185 Physical Damage
220-320 Fire Damage
230 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
  • Scrap Pile (Old Grove) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
"Southpaws will understand."
Legendary One-Handed Mace
120-144 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
21-31/29-43 Physical Damage
+112/+168% Physical Damage
+112/+168% Internal Trauma Damage with +89/+134% Increased Duration
+8/+12% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
360/540 Physical Damage Retaliation
+56/+84% Physical Damage Retaliation
+3 to Safeguard
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Granted Skills
Counterblow (20% Chance on Block)
Provoke nearby foes with a shockwave emanating from your shield. Requires a shield.
1.6 Second Skill Recharge
3.5 Meter Target Area
20% Weapon Damage
6% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
250-410 Physical Damage
Generate Additional Threat
30% Slow target for 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 552
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
  • Urn Cluster (Shrine of Horran) [Map]
Forgotten Gods
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