Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints"The fangs still drip with hemorrhaging venom."
Rare Medal
+27/+40% Bleeding Damage
+27/+40% Poison Damage
26/38% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+3 to Aspect of the Guardian
180 Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
100% Piercing Damage converted to Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
120 Second Duration to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Offensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Defensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
Required Player Level: 40
Item Level: 40
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The fangs still drip with hemorrhaging venom."
Rare Medal
+31/+46% Bleeding Damage
+31/+46% Poison Damage
28/42% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+3 to Aspect of the Guardian
180 Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
100% Piercing Damage converted to Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
120 Second Duration to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Offensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Defensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
Required Player Level: 55
Item Level: 55
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The fangs still drip with hemorrhaging venom."
Rare Medal
+36/+52% Bleeding Damage
+36/+52% Poison Damage
31/45% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+3 to Aspect of the Guardian
180 Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
100% Piercing Damage converted to Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
120 Second Duration to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Offensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Defensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The fangs still drip with hemorrhaging venom."
Rare Medal
+43/+62% Acid Damage
+43/+62% Bleeding Damage
+43/+62% Poison Damage
33/49% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+3 to Aspect of the Guardian
180 Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
100% Piercing Damage converted to Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
120 Second Duration to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Offensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Defensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
Required Player Level: 84
Item Level: 84
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The fangs still drip with hemorrhaging venom."
Rare Medal
+50/+75% Acid Damage
+50/+75% Bleeding Damage
+50/+75% Poison Damage
36/52% Poison & Acid Resistance
+3 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+3 to Aspect of the Guardian
180 Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
100% Piercing Damage converted to Acid Damage to Ring of Steel
120 Second Duration to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Offensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
+40 Defensive Ability to Blood of Dreeg
Required Player Level: 94
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth