Shattered Realm Shard:10
Player Level:100
Game version:
Monster Level 100
Combat Stats
Offensive Ability
Defensive Ability
Damage Per Second (?)
Armor Rating (?)
Damage Per Hit
Weapon Attack
1334 - 1621
Weapon Damage
1334 - 1621
Attacks per Second
Attack Speed
Critical Damage
+ 0%
Run Speed
Healing Increase
+ 0%
Health Regeneration
Energy Regeneration
Energy Absorption
Constitution Bonus
+ 0%
Experience Gained
+ 0%
Light Radius
+ 0%
Physical Damage
846 - 1134
Physical Modifier
+ 9%
Pierce Damage
Pierce Modifier
+ 73%
Bleed Damage
Bleed Modifier
+ 45%
Bleed Duration
+ 0%
Trauma Damage
Trauma Modifier
+ 45%
Trauma Duration
+ 0%
Life Steal
Cast Speed
Cooldown Reduction
+ 0%
Skill Energy Cost
- 0%
Health Damage
Fire Damage
Fire Modifier
+ 73%
Cold Damage
Cold Modifier
+ 73%
Lightning Damage
Lightning Modifier
+ 73%
Acid Damage
Acid Modifier
+ 73%
Vitality Damage
Vitality Modifier
+ 73%
Aether Damage
Aether Modifier
+ 73%
Chaos Damage
Chaos Modifier
+ 73%
Burn Damage
Burn Modifier
+ 45%
Burn Duration
+ 0%
Frostburn Damage
Frostburn Modifier
+ 45%
Frostburn Duration
+ 0%
Electrocute Damage
Electrocute Modifier
+ 45%
Electrocute Duration
+ 0%
Poison Damage
Poison Modifier
+ 45%
Poison Duration
+ 0%
Vitality Decay Damage
Vitality Decay Modifier
+ 45%
Vitality Decay Duration
+ 0%
Pet Bonuses
+ 0%
+ 0%
Attack Speed
+ 0%
Cast Speed
+ 0%
Run Speed
+ 0%
Critical Damage
+ 0%
Offensive Ability
+ 0%
Defensive Ability
+ 0%
Physical Resist
+ 0%
Fire Resist
+ 0%
Cold Resist
+ 0%
Lightning Resist
+ 0%
Poison/Acid Resist
+ 0%
Pierce Resist
+ 0%
Bleeding Resist
+ 0%
Vitality Resist
+ 0%
Aether Resist
+ 0%
Chaos Resist
+ 0%
Stun Resist
Trap Resist
Petrify Resist
Freeze Resist
Sleep Resist
Slow Resist
Chance to Block
Damage Blocked
Block Recovery
Dodge Chance
Deflect Chance
Stun Resist
Disruption Resist
Life Leech Resist
Energy Leech Resist
Trap Resist
Petrify Resist
Freeze Resist
Sleep Resist
Slow Resist
Reflect Resist
Damage Reflect
Life Retaliation
Physical Modifier
Pierce Modifier
Bleed Modifier
Trauma Modifier
Fire Modifier
Cold Modifier
Lightning Modifier
Acid Modifier
Vitality Modifier
Aether Modifier
Chaos Modifier
Burn Modifier
Frostburn Modifier
Electrocute Modifier
Poison Modifier
Vitality Decay
Vitality Decay Modifier
Gollus, the Deepdweller(Normal)
Source: Select
Summon skill level:
Summon skill cooldown:
Summon limit:
Loot and its drop chances depend on monster level.
Loot tables change at the following monster levels: 50, 92, 40
Loot tables change at the following monster levels: 50, 92, 40
Ancient Heart15.05%
Blueprint: Allagast's Robe (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Avenger's Armor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Blightlord's Hood (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Bonemonger's Hood (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cataclysm's Pact (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Chillwhisper Crown (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cindercore (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cinderplate Girdle (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Arcane Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Destructive Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Divine Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Eldritch Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Night Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Runic Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Undying Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Warring Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Wild Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Crown of the Revenant King (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cyclone Mask (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Dawnshard Gaze (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Ghol's Raiment (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Harra's Hood (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Judgment of the Three (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Ludrigan's Hat (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mark of Consumption (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Arcane Harmony Leggings (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Avatar of Mercy (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Avenger of Cairn (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Band of the Eternal Haunt (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Beronath, Reforged (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Blazeborn Mantle (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Blood Orb of Ch'thon (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Chillflame Evoker (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Crescent Moon (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Crimson Lotus (Level 84)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Crown of the Revenant King (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Dawnshard Gaze (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Deathdealer's Sidearm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Divinesteel Hauberk (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Dread Armor of Azragor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Edge of Death (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Fang of Ch'thon (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Footpads of the Grey Magi (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Glyph of Kelphat'Zoth (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Hammerfall Girdle (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Iceskorn Talons (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Anathema (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Calamitous Desires (Level 84)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Dark Dreams (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Kalastor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Northern Wyrm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Pack of Treacherous Means (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Plaguebearer of Dreeg (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Reign of Ice and Fire (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Sash of the Immortal Sage (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Scion of Bitter Winds (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Shard of Asterkarn (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Soulare's Helm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Stormreaver (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Stormseer Sapphire (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Stormweave Armor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Temporal Arcblade (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Time-Flux Band (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Tinker's Ingenuity (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Titan Pauldrons (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Vileblood Mantle (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Vortex of Souls (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Windshear Greaves (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Wretched Tome of Nar'adin (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Wyrmbone Handguards (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Yugol's Ichor (Level 94)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Zolhan's Revenge (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Rah'Zin's Armor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Really Great Pants (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Soulare's Helm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Stoneguard Girdle (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Stronghold Waistguard (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Venomlance (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Virtue's Gaze (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Arcane Insights (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Ashen Wastes (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Burning Rifts (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Disorder (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Ghastly Retreats (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Incorporeal Winds (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Seismic Strength (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Spontaneous Blades (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Sudden Strikes (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Elusive Assassin (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Northern Ram (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Pouncing Manticore (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Ravenous Wendigo (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Rising Phoenix (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Scorpion Tail (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Stormclap (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Winter Fox (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Wayward Souls (Level 40)0.01%
Blueprint: Eldritch Mirror (Level 85)0.03%
Blueprint: Living Armor (Level 85)0.03%
Blueprint: Sacred Plating (Level 85)0.03%
Blueprint: Titan Plating (Level 85)0.03%
Blueprint: Seal of Ancestry (Level 95)0.02%
Blueprint: Seal of Annihilation (Level 95)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Ancestor (Level 35)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Blight (Level 35)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Desolation (Level 35)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Sacrifice (Level 35)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Zeal (Level 35)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Absolution (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Absolution (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Agrivix's Malice (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Annihilation (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Avenger (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Azrakaa's Epoch (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Azrakaa's Epoch (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Bane (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Belgothian's Carnage (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Blademaster's Talisman (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Bysmiel's Domination (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Citadel (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Dirge of Arkovia (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Doom (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Dreeg's Affliction (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Eldritch Pact (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Eternity (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Eye of the Storm (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Honor (Level 70)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Honor (Level 70)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Ignaffar's Combustion (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Impurity (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Iskandra's Balance (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Korvaak's Deception (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Malediction (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Massacre (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Meditation (Level 60)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Meditation (Level 60)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Menhir's Bastion (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Mogdrogen's Ardor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Necrosis (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Nemesis (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Nidalla's Outbreak (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Oblivion (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Oleron's Wrath (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Plunderer's Talisman (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Primal Instinct (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Reckoning (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Salvation (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Scourge (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Serenity (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Serenity (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Solael's Decimation (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Ulzuin's Pyroclasm (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Uroboruuk's Reaping (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Vengeance (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Yugol's Hunger (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Relic - Yugol's Hunger (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cosmic Torrent (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Dreadwalker Cowl (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Luminari Hat (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Alchemist's Belt (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Aldur's Inquisition (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Amarastan Pauldrons (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Amarastan Sigil (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Amulet of Scorched Earth (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Banshee's Misery (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Blessed Torch (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Bounty Hunter's Shoulderguard (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Burrwitch Peacekeeper (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Callidor's Vestments (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Chains of Anguish (Level 80)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Combat Medic's Mark (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Cowl of Mogdrogen (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Cowl of the Blind Assassin (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Cowl of the Paragon (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Dawnguard Helm (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Doomforged Breastplate (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Doomsaw of Gluttony (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Duelist's Sabre (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Faceguard of Perdition (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Flame Keeper's Jacket (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Goliath Signet (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Hellmaw Shotgun (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Hellrune Carver (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Lichguard (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Magelord's Greaves (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Myrmidon Visor (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Nighthunter's Chestguard (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Quickdraw Gloves (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Rifthound Leather Boots (Level 90)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Ruby of Elemental Balance (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Sanctus Crest (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Sapphire of Elemental Balance (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Serenity Stone (Level 80)0.03%
Blueprint: Mythical Shard of Command (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Sharpshooter's Glass Eye (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Soul's Touch (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Spellweave Legwraps (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Tainted Blade of Nera'Val (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Unholy Visage of the Covenant (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Volcanum (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Widow's Sting (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Mythical Wrathmourne (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Rageflame Spellblade (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: Runefather's Gem (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Sanguinus (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Stonefather Helm (Level 90)0.04%
Blueprint: Stormherald's Visage (Level 80)0.04%
Blueprint: The Dissenter (Level 20)0.04%
Blueprint: Eldritch Mirror (Level 85)0.01%
Blueprint: Living Armor (Level 85)0.01%
Blueprint: Sacred Plating (Level 85)0.01%
Blueprint: Titan Plating (Level 85)0.01%
Blueprint: Seal of Ancestry (Level 95)0.01%
Blueprint: Seal of Annihilation (Level 95)0.01%
Blueprint: Glyph of Arcane Insights (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Ashen Wastes (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Burning Rifts (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Disorder (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Ghastly Retreats (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Incorporeal Winds (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Seismic Strength (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Spontaneous Blades (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Sudden Strikes (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Elusive Assassin (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Northern Ram (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Pouncing Manticore (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Ravenous Wendigo (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Rising Phoenix (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Scorpion Tail (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Stormclap (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of the Winter Fox (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Glyph of Wayward Souls (Level 40)0%
Blueprint: Allagast's Robe (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Avenger's Armor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Blightlord's Hood (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Bonemonger's Hood (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cataclysm's Pact (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Chillwhisper Crown (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cindercore (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cinderplate Girdle (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Arcane Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Destructive Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Divine Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Eldritch Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Night Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Runic Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Undying Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Warring Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Conduit of Wild Whispers (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Crown of the Revenant King (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cyclone Mask (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Dawnshard Gaze (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Ghol's Raiment (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Harra's Hood (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Judgment of the Three (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Ludrigan's Hat (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mark of Consumption (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Arcane Harmony Leggings (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Avatar of Mercy (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Avenger of Cairn (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Band of the Eternal Haunt (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Beronath, Reforged (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Blazeborn Mantle (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Blood Orb of Ch'thon (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Chillflame Evoker (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Crescent Moon (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Crimson Lotus (Level 84)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Crown of the Revenant King (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Dawnshard Gaze (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Deathdealer's Sidearm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Divinesteel Hauberk (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Dread Armor of Azragor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Edge of Death (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Fang of Ch'thon (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Footpads of the Grey Magi (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Glyph of Kelphat'Zoth (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Hammerfall Girdle (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Iceskorn Talons (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Anathema (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Calamitous Desires (Level 84)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Dark Dreams (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Mark of Kalastor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Northern Wyrm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Pack of Treacherous Means (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Plaguebearer of Dreeg (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Reign of Ice and Fire (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Sash of the Immortal Sage (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Scion of Bitter Winds (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Shard of Asterkarn (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Soulare's Helm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Stormreaver (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Stormseer Sapphire (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Stormweave Armor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Temporal Arcblade (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Time-Flux Band (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Tinker's Ingenuity (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Titan Pauldrons (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Vileblood Mantle (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Vortex of Souls (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Windshear Greaves (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Wretched Tome of Nar'adin (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Wyrmbone Handguards (Level 80)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Yugol's Ichor (Level 94)0%
Blueprint: Mythical Zolhan's Revenge (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Rah'Zin's Armor (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Really Great Pants (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Soulare's Helm (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Stoneguard Girdle (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Stronghold Waistguard (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Venomlance (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Virtue's Gaze (Level 90)0%
Blueprint: Cosmic Torrent (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Dreadwalker Cowl (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Luminari Hat (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Alchemist's Belt (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Aldur's Inquisition (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Amarastan Pauldrons (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Amarastan Sigil (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Amulet of Scorched Earth (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Banshee's Misery (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Blessed Torch (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Bounty Hunter's Shoulderguard (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Burrwitch Peacekeeper (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Callidor's Vestments (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Chains of Anguish (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Combat Medic's Mark (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Cowl of Mogdrogen (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Cowl of the Blind Assassin (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Cowl of the Paragon (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Dawnguard Helm (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Doomforged Breastplate (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Doomsaw of Gluttony (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Duelist's Sabre (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Faceguard of Perdition (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Flame Keeper's Jacket (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Goliath Signet (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Hellmaw Shotgun (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Hellrune Carver (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Lichguard (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Magelord's Greaves (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Myrmidon Visor (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Nighthunter's Chestguard (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Quickdraw Gloves (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Rifthound Leather Boots (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Ruby of Elemental Balance (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Sanctus Crest (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Sapphire of Elemental Balance (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Serenity Stone (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Shard of Command (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Sharpshooter's Glass Eye (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Soul's Touch (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Spellweave Legwraps (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Tainted Blade of Nera'Val (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Unholy Visage of the Covenant (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Volcanum (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Widow's Sting (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Mythical Wrathmourne (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Rageflame Spellblade (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: Runefather's Gem (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Sanguinus (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Stonefather Helm (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Stormherald's Visage (Level 80)0.01%
Blueprint: The Dissenter (Level 20)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Ancestor (Level 35)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Blight (Level 35)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Desolation (Level 35)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Sacrifice (Level 35)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Zeal (Level 35)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Absolution (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Absolution (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Agrivix's Malice (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Annihilation (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Avenger (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Azrakaa's Epoch (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Azrakaa's Epoch (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Bane (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Belgothian's Carnage (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Blademaster's Talisman (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Bysmiel's Domination (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Citadel (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Dirge of Arkovia (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Doom (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Dreeg's Affliction (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Eldritch Pact (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Eternity (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Eye of the Storm (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Honor (Level 70)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Honor (Level 70)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Ignaffar's Combustion (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Impurity (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Iskandra's Balance (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Korvaak's Deception (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Malediction (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Massacre (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Meditation (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Meditation (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Menhir's Bastion (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Mogdrogen's Ardor (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Necrosis (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Nemesis (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Nidalla's Outbreak (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Oblivion (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Oleron's Wrath (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Plunderer's Talisman (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Primal Instinct (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Reckoning (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Salvation (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Scourge (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Serenity (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Serenity (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Solael's Decimation (Level 60)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Ulzuin's Pyroclasm (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Uroboruuk's Reaping (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Vengeance (Level 60)0.02%
Blueprint: Relic - Yugol's Hunger (Level 90)0.01%
Blueprint: Relic - Yugol's Hunger (Level 90)0.01%
Gollus' Ring (Level 84)45.95%
Gollus' Ring (Level 94)54.05%