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Relics (16)Legendary (16)
"The secrets of the aether are ours for the taking. I simply do not fear what lies beyond the veil."
Mythical Relic
+68/+102% Aether Damage
+68/+102% Chaos Damage
+15% Damage to Aetherials
+15% Damage to Aether Corruptions
+4/+6% Attack Speed
+4/+6% Casting Speed
24/36% Aether Resistance
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Granted Skills
Agrivix's Malice (25% Chance on Attack)
Harness the fury of Agrivix, creating swirling bursts of aether and chaos energy around you.
1 Second Skill Recharge
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
0.3 Meter Radius
362 Aether Damage
135-274 Chaos Damage
Completion Bonus
+1 to Distortion
+1 to Elemental Balance
+1 to Inferno
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Disintegration
+1 to Overload
+1 to Inferno
+1 to Frozen Core
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Shattered Star
+1 to Elemental Balance
+1 to Proliferation
+1 to Shattered Star
+1 to Disintegration
+1 to Star Pact
+1 to Conversion
+1 to Star Pact
+1 to Supercharged
+1 to Frozen Core
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"The skies shall tear asunder, and fire shall rain from crimson heavens..."
Mythical Relic
10-20/14-28 Fire Damage
+63/+93% Physical Damage
+73/+109% Fire Damage
+73/+109% Internal Trauma Damage
+73/+109% Burn Damage
+36/+54 Spirit
+4/+6% Attack Speed
+4/+6% Casting Speed
-7/9% Skill Energy Cost
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Meteor (20% Chance on Attack)
Rip through the fragile barrier between the nether and the mortal realm as you conjure a massive burning rock to drop upon your enemies.
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
4 Meter Radius
202-514 Physical Damage
415 Fire Damage
1200 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
Stun target for 1.5 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+1 to Heavy Ordnance
+1 to Stun Jacks
+1 to Explosive Strike
+1 to Temper
+1 to Demon Fire
+1 to High Impact
+1 to Temper
+1 to Agonizing Flames
+1 to Improved Casing
+1 to High Impact
+1 to Hellfire Mine
+1 to "The Big One"
+1 to Ulzuin's Wrath
+1 to Static Strike
+1 to High Impact
+1 to Searing Light
+1 to Full Spread
+1 to Shattering Blast
+1 to Searing Light
+1 to Brimstone
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"It is true, you have landed a mighty blow; but the last one shall be mine."
Mythical Relic
+73/+109% Physical Damage
+88/+132% Lightning Damage
+88/+132% Electrocute Damage
+4/+6% Defensive Ability
28/42% Vitality Resistance
28/42% Elemental Resistance
200-560/300-840 Lightning Retaliation
+36/+54% to All Retaliation Damage
Granted Skills
Vengeance (20% Chance when Hit)
Unleash the combined energy of the blows you have sustained into a devastating shockwave.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
5 Meter Target Area
18% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
505-1204 Physical Damage
324-787 Lightning Damage
Completion Bonus
+4/+6% Health
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
17/33% Reduced Freeze Duration
14/26% Elemental Resistance
14/26% Poison & Acid Resistance
14/26% Pierce Resistance
13/37% Reduced Petrify Duration
17/33% Reduced Stun Duration
6/18% Chaos Resistance
17/33% Bleeding Resistance
11/19% Vitality Resistance
5/15% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"Ruin upon your foes."
Mythical Relic
13/19 Fire Damage
3/5% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+68/+102% Elemental Damage
+3/+5% Offensive Ability
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
+4/+6% Attack Speed
+4/+6% Casting Speed
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Granted Skills
Elemental Bane (33% Chance on Critical Attack)
Unleash a bolt of pure elemental energies to knock back any advancing foes.
1.3 Second Skill Recharge
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
1 Meter Radius
380 Elemental Damage
5% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Knockdown target for 1 Second
Completion Bonus
+1 to Word of Pain
+1 to Flames of Ignaffar
+1 to Rune of Kalastor
+1 to Inquisitor Seal
+1 to Aura of Censure
+1 to Word of Pain
+1 to Rune of Hagarrad
+1 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+1 to Word of Renewal
+1 to Inquisitor Seal
+1 to Horn of Gandarr
+1 to Word of Pain
+1 to Chilling Rounds
+1 to Rune of Hagarrad
+1 to Flames of Ignaffar
+1 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+1 to Aura of Conviction
+1 to Horn of Gandarr
+1 to Bursting Round
+1 to Storm Spread
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
Ashes of Malmouth
"My brother nightblades have their methods, and I have mine. There are no innocents."
Mythical Relic
7/9 Piercing Damage
+52/+78% Physical Damage
+52/+78% Pierce Damage
+28/+42 Cunning
+45/+67 Offensive Ability
+1 to all skills in Nightblade
Granted Skills
Carnage (33% Chance on Critical Attack)
The more carnage and devastation you cause, the easier it becomes to do so once again. This is a melee dual-wielding technique. Also enables the ability to dual wield melee weapons.
-1 Second to All Currently Active Skill Cooldowns
4.5 Second Skill Recharge
Completion Bonus
+1 to Circle of Slaughter
+1 to Shadow Dance
+1 to Devouring Blades
+1 to Pneumatic Burst
+1 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+1 to Night's Chill
+1 to Heart Seeker
+1 to Devouring Blades
+1 to Lethal Assault
+1 to Heart Seeker
+1 to Heart Seeker
+1 to Blade Trap
+1 to Nether Edge
+1 to Nightfall
+1 to Nightfall
+1 to Lethal Assault
+1 to Shadow Dance
+1 to Lethal Assault
+1 to Night's Chill
+1 to Nether Edge
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"Look at them, little puppets, all moving along my invisible strings."
Mythical Relic
+30/+44 Physique
+40/+60 Spirit
+48/+72 Offensive Ability
+48/+72 Defensive Ability
4/6% Physical Resistance
Bonus to All Pets
+36/+54% to All Damage
+8/+12% Crit Damage
+12/+18% Offensive Ability
Granted Skills
Frenzied Devotion (100% Chance when Hit)
Seeing their master injured drives your minions into a vicious frenzy.
15 Second Skill Recharge
8 Second Duration
30% Physical Resistance
30% Elemental Resistance
Bonus to All Pets
22-35 Chaos Damage
+200% to All Damage
+45% Total Speed
Completion Bonus
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+12% Damage to Humans
+12% Damage to Beastkin
+12% Damage to Beasts
+12% Damage to Aetherials
+12% Damage to Aether Corruptions
+12% Damage to Chthonics
+2/+4% Crit Damage
+12% Damage to Undead
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"A terrifying song emanates from this stone."
Mythical Relic
23/33% Vitality Resistance
15/21% Elemental Resistance
33% Chance of 1/3 Seconds of Terrify Retaliation
+1 to all skills in Necromancer
Bonus to All Pets
+40/+60% to All Damage
+20/+30% Health
+8/+12% Total Speed
Granted Skills
Summon Skeletal Servant (Granted by Item)
Bind the remains of a hundred tormented souls to serve you. This terrifying being cleaves through foes and traps them within cages of bone. Only one Skeletal Servant can be summoned at any one time. The servant scales with Pet Bonuses.
200 Energy Cost
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Skeletal Servant Attributes:
43424 Health
2737 Energy
Skeletal Servant Abilities:
Skeletal Claws
220-343 Physical Damage
244 Vitality Damage
Completion Bonus
+1 to Drain Essence
+1 to Ravenous Earth
+1 to Bone Harvest
+1 to Siphon Souls
+1 to Harbinger of Souls
+1 to Spectral Binding
+1 to Summon Blight Fiend
+1 to Raise Skeletons
+1 to Spectral Binding
+1 to Bone Harvest
+1 to Reap Spirit
+1 to Raise Skeletons
+1 to Reaping Strike
+1 to Necrotic Edge
+1 to Siphon Souls
+1 to Ravenous Earth
+1 to Master of Death
+1 to Ill Omen
+1 to Drain Essence
+1 to Reap Spirit
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
Ashes of Malmouth
"The greatest secret kept from you is the fallacy of your fragile mortality."
Mythical Relic
+88/+132% Acid Damage
+63/+93% Vitality Damage
+88/+132% Poison Damage
+48/+72 Defensive Ability
+4/+6% Total Speed
3/5% Physical Resistance
528/792 Acid Retaliation
+1 to all skills in Occultist
Granted Skills
Dreeg's Afflicted Spines (Granted by Item)
Unleash a ring of Dreeg's poisonous spines upon your unsuspecting foes, infecting them with the great one's blood.
80 Energy Cost
3.6 Second Skill Recharge
15 Projectile(s)
70% Chance to pass through Enemies
28% Weapon Damage
22% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
122-182 Piercing Damage
182 Acid Damage
1500 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Destruction
+1 to Vulnerability
+1 to Vile Eruption
+1 to Mend Flesh
+1 to Hellfire
+1 to Blood Burst
+1 to Black Death
+1 to Aspect of the Guardian
+1 to Vile Eruption
+1 to Manipulation
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Ember Claw
+1 to Aspect of the Guardian
+1 to Destruction
+1 to Infernal Breath
+1 to Second Rite
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Wasting
+1 to Vulnerability
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"The ceaseless pursuit of righteousness in a world devoid of it."
Mythical Relic
+56/+84% to All Damage
+12% Damage to Humans
+3/+5% Attack Speed
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
432/648 Fire Retaliation
+40/+60% to All Retaliation Damage
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Granted Skills
Vire's Cascade (Granted by Item)
Smash the ground, causing the earth to crack and erupt in a fan away from you.
70 Energy Cost
3 Second Skill Recharge
5 Projectile(s)
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
0.3 Meter Radius
50% Weapon Damage
22% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
138 Physical Damage
138 Fire Damage
668 Internal Trauma over 2 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+1 to Reprisal
+1 to Crushing Verdict
+1 to Heart of Wrath
+1 to Soulfire
+1 to Clarity of Purpose
+1 to Haven
+1 to Clarity of Purpose
+1 to Avenging Shield
+1 to Rebuke
+1 to Celestial Presence
+1 to Tectonic Shift
+1 to Celestial Presence
+1 to Shattering Smash
+1 to Consecration
+1 to Soulfire
+1 to Resilience
+1 to Consecration
+1 to Volcanic Stride
+1 to Smite
+1 to Shattering Smash
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
Forgotten Gods
"The first lesson every aspirant must learn is to find a balance in the raw forces of magic that surround us all."
Mythical Relic
+69/+103% Elemental Damage
25% Chance of:
+160/+240% Fire Damage
+160/+240% Cold Damage
+160/+240% Lightning Damage
+160/+240% Burn Damage
+160/+240% Frostburn Damage
+160/+240% Electrocute Damage
+52/+76 Spirit
+4/+6% Total Speed
-8/12% Skill Energy Cost
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Granted Skills
Elemental Imbalance (33% Chance on Critical Attack)
Your furious arcane assault sometimes disrupts your careful balance between the elements, unleashing a surge of power that will make your foes regret ever coming near you.
15 Second Skill Recharge
8 Second Duration
33-55 Elemental Damage
+18% Crit Damage
+300% Elemental Damage
+300% Burn Damage
+300% Frostburn Damage
+300% Electrocute Damage
0.5 Seconds of Freeze Retaliation
Completion Bonus
+1 to Distortion
+1 to Elemental Balance
+1 to Inferno
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Disintegration
+1 to Overload
+1 to Inferno
+1 to Frozen Core
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Shattered Star
+1 to Elemental Balance
+1 to Proliferation
+1 to Shattered Star
+1 to Disintegration
+1 to Star Pact
+1 to Conversion
+1 to Star Pact
+1 to Supercharged
+1 to Frozen Core
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"The earth will suffer neither foul spirit nor vile blood of heathens. Rise up to her defense and Cairn will rise with you."
Mythical Relic
+440/+660 Health
-10% Physique Requirement for Armor
4/6% Physical Resistance
40/60% Reduction in Bleeding Duration
+3/+5% Shield Block Chance
+31/+45% Shield Damage Blocked
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Granted Skills
Menhir's Bastion (Granted by Item)
Become empowered with the protective spirit of Menhir, shielding yourself and your allies from harm.
56 Energy Cost
24 Second Skill Recharge
8 Second Duration
15 Meter Radius
18% Health Restored
20% Damage Absorption
34-56 Physical Damage
Completion Bonus
+1 to Break Morale
+1 to Laceration
+1 to Rending Force
+1 to Laceration
+1 to Laceration
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Fighting Form
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Internal Trauma
+1 to Blindside
+1 to Deadly Momentum
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Break Morale
+1 to Break Morale
+1 to Fighting Form
+1 to Blindside
+1 to Internal Trauma
+1 to Deadly Momentum
+1 to Break Morale
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"In the end of all things, we all share the same fate."
Mythical Relic
8-24/10-32 Vitality Damage
+73/+109% Vitality Damage
+73/+109% Vitality Decay with +40/+60% Increased Duration
+48/+72 Physique
+480/+720 Health
+29/+43 Offensive Ability
+4/+6% Attack Speed
+4/+6% Casting Speed
Granted Skills
Necrosis (Granted by Item)
Invoke a debilitating curse upon your enemies, causing their flesh to rot and their senses to slow.
56 Energy Cost
8 Second Duration
5 Meter Radius
112-145 Vitality Damage
-100 Offensive Ability
-33% Movement Speed
-10% Pierce Resistance
-10% Poison & Acid Resistance
-10% Vitality Resistance
-10% Aether Resistance
-10% Chaos Resistance
-10% Elemental Resistance
-10% Bleeding Resistance
Completion Bonus
+4/+6% Health
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
17/33% Reduced Freeze Duration
14/26% Elemental Resistance
14/26% Poison & Acid Resistance
14/26% Pierce Resistance
13/37% Reduced Petrify Duration
17/33% Reduced Stun Duration
6/18% Chaos Resistance
17/33% Bleeding Resistance
11/19% Vitality Resistance
5/15% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"I have looked into the great dark beyond expecting the empty void. I never expected it to look back."
Mythical Relic
0-28/2-44 Chaos Damage
+72/+108% Chaos Damage
+15% Damage to Chthonics
+52/+78 Spirit
+2.2 Energy Regenerated per second
+5/+7% Attack Speed
+5/+7% Casting Speed
24/36% Chaos Resistance
Granted Skills
Oblivion (Granted by Item)
Unleash the pure destructive force of chaos upon your enemies.
42 Energy Cost
16 Meter Range
125% Weapon Damage
220 Vitality Damage
255-460 Chaos Damage
25% Chance for target to Fumble attacks for 2 Seconds
25% Chance of Impaired Aim to target for 2 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Cunning
+2/+4% Spirit
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
+12% Damage to Humans
+12% Damage to Beastkin
+12% Damage to Beasts
+12% Damage to Aetherials
+12% Damage to Aether Corruptions
+12% Damage to Chthonics
+2/+4% Crit Damage
+12% Damage to Undead
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"Blood... agony... death. Will you deny the drums of war?"
Mythical Relic
12-18/18-26 Physical Damage
+79/+117% Physical Damage
+88/+132% Bleeding Damage with +24/+36% Increased Duration
+56/+84 Offensive Ability
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Granted Skills
Oleron's Wrath (10% Chance on Attack)
Become empowered with the power of the war god's blood, unleashing his wrath upon nearby enemies.
1.6 Second Skill Recharge
3 Meter Target Area
25% Weapon Damage
224-317 Physical Damage
663 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
Completion Bonus
+1 to Break Morale
+1 to Laceration
+1 to Rending Force
+1 to Laceration
+1 to Laceration
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Fighting Form
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Internal Trauma
+1 to Blindside
+1 to Deadly Momentum
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Squad Tactics
+1 to Break Morale
+1 to Break Morale
+1 to Fighting Form
+1 to Blindside
+1 to Internal Trauma
+1 to Deadly Momentum
+1 to Break Morale
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"Come forth, my minions. It is time to feast..."
Mythical Relic
+48/+72 Physique
+3/+5% Offensive Ability
+28/+42 Health Regenerated per second
+1 to all skills in Shaman
Bonus to All Pets
+13/+19% Health
+12/+18% Attack Speed
796/1194 Physical Damage Retaliation
Granted Skills
Swarm Mind (20% Chance on Attack)
The rhythmic pace of your never-ending strife calls forth a Swarmling to your aid. Swarmlings scale with Pet Bonuses.
2 Second Skill Recharge
+1 Summon
5 Summon Limit
Lives for 25 Seconds
Swarmling Attributes:
Lives for 25 Seconds
4130 Health
1792 Energy
Swarmling Abilities:
62-128 Physical Damage
222 Fire Damage
Completion Bonus
+1 to Oak Skin
+1 to Maelstrom
+1 to Tenacity of the Boar
+1 to Heart of the Wild
+1 to Entangling Vines
+1 to Tenacity of the Boar
+1 to Torrent
+1 to Oak Skin
+1 to Storm Touched
+1 to Emboldening Presence
+1 to Storm Surge
+1 to Blood Pact
+1 to Raging Tempest
+1 to Torrent
+1 to Blood Pact
+1 to Entangling Vines
+1 to Heart of the Wild
+1 to Storm Touched
+1 to Ground Slam
+1 to Storm Surge
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70
"They said no man could harness such power, so I ceased to be a man."
Mythical Relic
+63/+93% Vitality Damage
+63/+93% Chaos Damage
+28/+40 Spirit
+72/+108 Offensive Ability
+3/+5% Offensive Ability
+1 to all skills in Occultist
Granted Skills
Decimation (100% Chance when Hit)
Unleash the fury of Solael upon any who would dare strike his chosen servant.
0.5 Second Skill Recharge
Affects up to 5 targets
86-174 Vitality Damage
86-174 Chaos Damage
Completion Bonus
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Destruction
+1 to Vulnerability
+1 to Vile Eruption
+1 to Mend Flesh
+1 to Hellfire
+1 to Blood Burst
+1 to Black Death
+1 to Aspect of the Guardian
+1 to Vile Eruption
+1 to Manipulation
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Ember Claw
+1 to Aspect of the Guardian
+1 to Destruction
+1 to Infernal Breath
+1 to Second Rite
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Wasting
+1 to Vulnerability
Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70