Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints Search results for query "survivor's" (4)
Augments (4)Rare (4)
"When allies are few, an animal companion can prove to be the only true friend."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
12% Elemental Resistance
Bonus to All Pets
+15% to All Damage
+12% Health
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Faction: Devil's Crossing
"With supplies limited, the people of Devil's Crossing have devised clever solutions to deal with seemingly any threat, and that includes enchantments."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+20% to All Damage
+2% Offensive Ability
+2% Defensive Ability
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Faction: Devil's Crossing
"With the powers of chaos and the aether on their doorstep, the survivors have adapted to these new threats."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+30% Aether Damage
+30% Chaos Damage
12% Aether Resistance
12% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Faction: Devil's Crossing
"When times seem most grim, the human will to survive is at its greatest."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
+3% Health
+3% Shield Block Chance
+20% Shield Damage Blocked
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Faction: Devil's Crossing