Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints Search results for query "infernal" (45)
Item sets (3)Legendary (3)
"Armor of Gallros Val, better known as the Infernal Knight of the Black Legion."
(2) Set
+6% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+10% Total Speed
20% Vitality Resistance
20% Bleeding Resistance
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
72-115 Fire Damage
130 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
"Armor of Gallros Val, better known as the Infernal Knight of the Black Legion."
(2) Set
+14% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+16% Total Speed
25% Vitality Resistance
25% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
60 Fire Damage to Blackwater Cocktail
220 Fire Damage to Judgment
80-350 Chaos Damage to Judgment
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
190-224 Fire Damage
660 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
"The seething hatred of the betrayed god fills the wearer with an unquenchable flame."
(2) Set
+120% Fire Damage
+120% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+200% Burn Damage with +100% Increased Duration
+200% Electrocute Damage with +100% Increased Duration
15% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+18% Crit Damage
0.9 Meter Radius to Canister Bomb
14% Weapon Damage to Canister Bomb
-40% Skill Energy Cost to Canister Bomb
Granted Skills
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers fall from the sky and incinerate all.
3 Second Skill Recharge
2 Second Duration
1 Projectile(s)
4 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
86 Fire Damage
240 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Helms (7)Epic (3)
Epic Helm
205 Armor
+18/+25% Fire Damage
+18/+25% Aether Damage
+18/+25% Burn Damage
+16/+24 Offensive Ability
13/19% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Heart of Wrath
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Required Player Level: 30
Required Physique: 175
Item Level: 30
Forgotten Gods
Epic Helm
405 Armor
+36/+54% Fire Damage
+36/+54% Aether Damage
+36/+54% Burn Damage
+23/+33 Offensive Ability
+3/+5% Casting Speed
18/26% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Heart of Wrath
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Required Player Level: 50
Required Physique: 290
Item Level: 50
Forgotten Gods
Epic Helm
1326 Armor
+78/+117% Fire Damage
+78/+117% Aether Damage
+78/+117% Burn Damage
20/30% Aether Damage converted to Fire Damage
+36/+52 Offensive Ability
+3/+5% Casting Speed
23/33% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Heart of Wrath
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
+2 to Vindictive Flame
+1 to all skills in Soldier
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Forgotten Gods
Legendary (4)
Legendary Helm
939 Armor
+41/+62% Fire Damage
+33/+49% Chaos Damage
+41/+62% Burn Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
20/30% Elemental Resistance
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Wave of Fire (15% Chance on Attack)
A wave of scorching flame emanates from you in a destructive path.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
10 Meter Range
8% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
104-184 Fire Damage
200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Infernal Knight's Faceguard
(2) Set
+6% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+10% Total Speed
20% Vitality Resistance
20% Bleeding Resistance
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
72-115 Fire Damage
130 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 432
Item Level: 75
Legendary Heavy Helm
1154 Armor
6-8/9-13 Fire Damage
+36/+54% Physical Damage
+36/+54% Fire Damage
+36/+54% Internal Trauma Damage
+36/+54% Burn Damage with +52/+78% Increased Duration
+584/+876 Health
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
10/14% Elemental Resistance
258/386 Fire Retaliation
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Canister Bomb
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Flame Breath (Granted by Item)
The mask allows you to breathe fire.
90 Energy Cost
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
10 Meter Range
33% Weapon Damage
25% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
594-676 Fire Damage
1800 Burn Damage over 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 733
Item Level: 75
Legendary Helm
1357 Armor
+70/+103% Fire Damage
+70/+103% Chaos Damage
+70/+103% Burn Damage
+36/+54 Offensive Ability
+2.2 Energy Regenerated per second
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
22/32% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Judgment
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
0.5 Meter Radius to Blackwater Cocktail
330 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds to Blackwater Cocktail
0.5 Meter Target Area to Thermite Mine
350 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds to Judgment
Mythical Infernal Knight's Faceguard
(2) Set
+14% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+16% Total Speed
25% Vitality Resistance
25% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
60 Fire Damage to Blackwater Cocktail
220 Fire Damage to Judgment
80-350 Chaos Damage to Judgment
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
190-224 Fire Damage
660 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Heavy Helm
1666 Armor
9-13/12-18 Fire Damage
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage with +56/+84% Increased Duration
+832/+1248 Health
7/9% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
28/42% Elemental Resistance
680/1020 Fire Retaliation
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Canister Bomb
+2 to Crushing Verdict
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
+1 to all skills in Nightblade
18% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack to Canister Bomb
40 Fire Damage to Canister Bomb
100% Piercing Damage converted to Fire Damage to Canister Bomb
+1 Summon to Mortar Trap
1 Summon Limit to Mortar Trap
-25% Skill Energy Cost to Mortar Trap
Granted Skills
Flame Breath (Granted by Item)
The mask allows you to breathe fire.
100 Energy Cost
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
10 Meter Range
50% Weapon Damage
60% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
1500-2000 Fire Damage
2500 Burn Damage over 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 915
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Shoulders (2)Legendary (2)
Legendary Shoulders
939 Armor
+41/+62% Fire Damage
+46/+67% Chaos Damage
+41/+62% Burn Damage with +31/+46% Increased Duration
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
3/5% Physical Resistance
16/24% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Hellfire Mine
Infernal Knight's Pauldrons
(2) Set
+6% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+10% Total Speed
20% Vitality Resistance
20% Bleeding Resistance
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
72-115 Fire Damage
130 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 432
Item Level: 75
Legendary Shoulders
1357 Armor
+70/+103% Fire Damage
+70/+103% Chaos Damage
+70/+103% Burn Damage with +33/+50% Increased Duration
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
5/7% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
3/5% Physical Resistance
15/21% Aether Resistance
18/26% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Hellfire Mine
+2 to Heart of Wrath
Mythical Infernal Knight's Pauldrons
(2) Set
+14% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+16% Total Speed
25% Vitality Resistance
25% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
60 Fire Damage to Blackwater Cocktail
220 Fire Damage to Judgment
80-350 Chaos Damage to Judgment
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
190-224 Fire Damage
660 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 538
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Chest Armor (2)Legendary (2)
Legendary Chest Armor
1071 Armor
+52/+78% Fire Damage
+52/+78% Chaos Damage
+52/+78% Burn Damage
+256/+384 Health
3/5% Physical Resistance
18/26% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Agonizing Flames
+2 to Demon Fire
Infernal Knight's Jacket
(2) Set
+6% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+10% Total Speed
20% Vitality Resistance
20% Bleeding Resistance
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
72-115 Fire Damage
130 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 533
Item Level: 75
Legendary Chest Armor
1553 Armor
+70/+103% Fire Damage
+70/+103% Chaos Damage
+70/+103% Burn Damage
+600/+900 Health
+36/+54 Defensive Ability
3/5% Physical Resistance
20/28% Pierce Resistance
20/28% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Agonizing Flames
+2 to Demon Fire
+2 to Heart of Wrath
Mythical Infernal Knight's Jacket
(2) Set
+14% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+16% Total Speed
25% Vitality Resistance
25% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
60 Fire Damage to Blackwater Cocktail
220 Fire Damage to Judgment
80-350 Chaos Damage to Judgment
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
190-224 Fire Damage
660 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 662
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Belts (2)Legendary (2)
Legendary Belt
70 Armor
+4/+6% Crit Damage
+72/+109% Fire Damage
+72/+109% Chaos Damage
+72/+109% Burn Damage
+2/+4% Health
+34/+50 Defensive Ability
23/33% Poison & Acid Resistance
16/24% Aether Resistance
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Thermite Mine
Infernal Knight's Girdle
(2) Set
+6% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+10% Total Speed
20% Vitality Resistance
20% Bleeding Resistance
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
72-115 Fire Damage
130 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 515
Item Level: 75
Legendary Belt
96 Armor
+89/+134% Fire Damage
+89/+134% Chaos Damage
+89/+134% Burn Damage
+7/+9% Health
+60/+88 Defensive Ability
24/36% Poison & Acid Resistance
18/26% Aether Resistance
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Thermite Mine
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Mythical Infernal Knight's Girdle
(2) Set
+14% Health
30% Reduction in Burn Duration
(3) Set
+16% Total Speed
25% Vitality Resistance
25% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Heart of Wrath
(4) Set
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Demon Fire
60 Fire Damage to Blackwater Cocktail
220 Fire Damage to Judgment
80-350 Chaos Damage to Judgment
Granted Skills
Call Forth the Inferno (10% Chance on Attack)
Infernal flames burst out from the earth beneath your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
8 Meter Target Area
5 Target Maximum
190-224 Fire Damage
660 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 630
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Off-Hands (1)Epic (1)
Epic Off-Hand
+5/+7% Crit Damage
+112/+168% Fire Damage
+112/+168% Cold Damage
+112/+168% Burn Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage
20/30% Fire Damage converted to Cold Damage
+186/+278 Health
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
15/21% Aether Resistance
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Night's Chill
+2 to High Impact
+3 to Celestial Presence
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Ashes of Malmouth
Two-Handed Maces (2)Legendary (2)
"Birthed when the blessed spear of Paladin Allister Forgebearer met with the heart of a greater demon."
Legendary Two-Handed Mace
61-324 Fire Damage
1.45 Attacks per Second
318/474 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+150/+226% Fire Damage
+150/+226% Burn Damage
36/54% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+48/+72 Offensive Ability
+2.2 Energy Regenerated per second
+22/+32% Attack Speed
480/720 Fire Retaliation
+1 to Vindictive Flame
+2 to Retribution
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
+2 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Granted Skills
Rain of Fire (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
Fire rains down from the heavens, incinerating your foes.
3.5 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
10% Weapon Damage
121-168 Physical Damage
188-266 Fire Damage
200 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 509
Item Level: 65
"Birthed when the blessed spear of Paladin Allister Forgebearer met with the heart of a greater demon."
Legendary Two-Handed Mace
137-375 Fire Damage
1.48 Attacks per Second
453/678 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+324/+482% Fire Damage
+324/+482% Burn Damage with +144/+216% Increased Duration
36/54% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+66/+98 Offensive Ability
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
+22/+32% Attack Speed
3200/4800 Fire Retaliation
+2 to Vindictive Flame
+2 to Retribution
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
+2 to all skills in Oathkeeper
560 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds to Vindictive Flame
+15% Health to Vindictive Flame
+260% to All Retaliation Damage to Vindictive Flame
Granted Skills
Rain of Fire (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
Fire rains down from the heavens, incinerating your foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
8 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
10% Weapon Damage
9% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
144-190 Physical Damage
230-335 Fire Damage
264 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 627
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Medals (1)Epic (1)
Epic Medal
+74/+110% Physical Damage
+74/+110% Fire Damage
+74/+110% Internal Trauma Damage
+74/+110% Burn Damage
+40/+60 Defensive Ability
16/24% Pierce Resistance
23/33% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Rending Force
+2 to Grenado
+3 to Heart of Wrath
Granted Skills
Fire Surge (10% Chance on Attack)
A surge of flames erupts from you, damaging all nearby enemies.
4 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
255-450 Fire Damage
172 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 82
Item Level: 84
Ashes of Malmouth
Augments (1)Rare (1)
"Sorcerous powder burning with the wrath of Empyrion."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
30 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+100% Burn Damage
+25 Offensive Ability
12% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Faction: Kymon's Chosen
Blueprints (4)Legendary (4)
Item prefixes (20)Rare (20)
30% Chance of 8/12 Fire Damage
15/21 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+10/+16% Fire Damage
+10/+16% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
3/5% Physical Resistance
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Shields
2-5/4-9 Fire Damage
+11/+17% Fire Damage
11/19% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+9/+15 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches a fireball at nearby enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
1 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
4-9/6-13 Fire Damage
+18/+32% Fire Damage
26/44% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+13/+21 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches a fireball at nearby enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
1 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
3-6/5-10 Fire Damage
+15/+23% Fire Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+15/+21 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches a fireball at nearby enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
1 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 24
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
5-12/7-16 Fire Damage
+27/+41% Fire Damage
28/42% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+21/+31 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches a fireball at nearby enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
1 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 24
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
30% Chance of 15/21 Fire Damage
27/39 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+14/+20% Fire Damage
+14/+20% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
3/5% Physical Resistance
Required Player Level: 36
Applies to: Shields
4-9/6-13 Fire Damage
+20/+28% Fire Damage
13/17% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+20/+28 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
2 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 41
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
8-18/10-22 Fire Damage
+32/+44% Fire Damage
29/41% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+28/+38 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
2 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 41
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
30% Chance of 24/34 Fire Damage
42/54 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+19/+27% Fire Damage
+19/+27% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
4/6% Physical Resistance
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: Shields
5-12/7-16 Fire Damage
+26/+34% Fire Damage
+26/+34% Burn Damage
13/17% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+24/+32 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
2 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 55
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
10-22/12-28 Fire Damage
+41/+55% Fire Damage
+43/+57% Burn Damage
30/40% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+34/+46 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
2 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 55
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
6-15/8-19 Fire Damage
+31/+41% Fire Damage
+31/+41% Burn Damage
13/17% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+30/+40 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 68
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
12-27/14-33 Fire Damage
+50/+66% Fire Damage
+51/+67% Burn Damage
30/40% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+40/+54 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 68
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
30% Chance of 41/55 Fire Damage
54/72 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+26/+34% Fire Damage
+26/+34% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
4/6% Physical Resistance
Required Player Level: 70
Applies to: Shields
7-21/9-25 Fire Damage
+39/+49% Fire Damage
+39/+49% Burn Damage
14/16% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+36/+44 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
2 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
13-37/15-45 Fire Damage
+65/+81% Fire Damage
+65/+81% Burn Damage
31/39% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+49/+61 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
2 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
30% Chance of 58/72 Fire Damage
75/93 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+37/+47% Fire Damage
+37/+47% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
5/7% Physical Resistance
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
8-24/10-30 Fire Damage
+44/+56% Fire Damage
+44/+56% Burn Damage
14/16% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+41/+51 Spirit
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (10% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
15-45/17-53 Fire Damage
+73/+91% Fire Damage
+73/+91% Burn Damage
31/39% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
+55/+69 Spirit
+4 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Fireball (20% Chance on Attack)
Launches multiple fireballs at nearby enemies.
2 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
16-28 Fire Damage
50% Chance to Stun target for 1 Second
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
30% Chance of 74/94 Fire Damage
93/117 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+44/+56% Fire Damage
+44/+56% Burn Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
5/7% Physical Resistance
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth