Helms Shoulders Chest Armor Gloves Belts Pants BootsWeapons
Swords Axes Maces Daggers Scepters One-Handed Ranged Shields Off-Hands Two-Handed Swords Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Spears Two-Handed RangedJewelry
Rings Amulets MedalsOther
Relics Augments Components Consumables Quest Items Blueprints Search results for query "arcane" (166)
Item sets (2)Epic (2)
"Tumultuous energies rage within the aether, tapped into only by the daring, or the foolish."
(2) Set
+5% Offensive Ability
(3) Set
+3 to Wind Devil
+3 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Aether Lightning (Granted by Item)
Unleash lightning infused with pure aether that cascades through your foes.
42 Energy Cost
Affects up to 4 targets
15% Weapon Damage
24-315 Lightning Damage
220 Aether Damage
+35% Crit Damage
Required Player Level: 72
"Tumultuous energies rage within the aether, tapped into only by the daring, or the foolish."
(2) Set
+6% Offensive Ability
(3) Set
+3 to Wind Devil
+3 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Aether Lightning (Granted by Item)
Unleash lightning infused with pure aether that cascades through your foes.
44 Energy Cost
Affects up to 7 targets
70% Weapon Damage
155-400 Lightning Damage
350 Aether Damage
+50% Crit Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Ashes of Malmouth
Helms (2)Rare (2)
Rare Caster Helm
613 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+384/+576 Health
+3 Energy Regenerated per second
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Aether Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 252
Required Spirit: 450
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Helm
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+480/+720 Health
+3.4 Energy Regenerated per second
21/31% Poison & Acid Resistance
24/36% Aether Resistance
+3/5% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+3 to Inquisitor Seal
+3 to Blackwater Cocktail
+3 to Righteous Fervor
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 342
Required Spirit: 557
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Shoulders (6)Rare (6)
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
+44/+65% Physical Damage
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Internal Trauma Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Volcanic Stride
+2 to Thermite Mine
+2 to Internal Trauma
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Bysmiel
Forgotten Gods
Rare Shoulders
613 Armor
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Elemental Balance
+2 to Flame Touched
+2 to Presence of Virtue
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
732 Armor
6-7/9-12 Fire Damage
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Aether Resistance
+2 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+2 to Fire Strike
+2 to Chilling Rounds
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 376
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
+67/+100% Physical Damage
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Internal Trauma Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Volcanic Stride
+3 to Thermite Mine
+3 to Internal Trauma
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Bysmiel
Forgotten Gods
Rare Shoulders
1047 Armor
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Bleeding Resistance
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Flame Touched
+3 to Presence of Virtue
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Shoulders
1233 Armor
9-10/12-15 Fire Damage
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Aether Resistance
+3 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+3 to Fire Strike
+3 to Chilling Rounds
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 516
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Chest Armor (11)Rare (11)
"The robes shimmer with finely woven arcane runes."
Rare Caster Chest Armor
273 Armor
+22/+32% Fire Damage
+22/+32% Cold Damage
24/36% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+5 Energy Regenerated per second
18/26% Poison & Acid Resistance
10/14% Slow Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Storm Totem
Required Player Level: 40
Required Physique: 197
Required Spirit: 327
Item Level: 40
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The robes shimmer with finely woven arcane runes."
Rare Caster Chest Armor
520 Armor
+26/+36% Fire Damage
+26/+36% Cold Damage
24/36% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+5.5 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Poison & Acid Resistance
12/18% Slow Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Storm Totem
Required Player Level: 55
Required Physique: 267
Required Spirit: 415
Item Level: 55
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
835 Armor
+44/+65% Fire Damage
+44/+65% Cold Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
20/30% Vitality Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Nether Edge
+2 to High Impact
+2 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+384/+576 Health
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Aether Resistance
20/30% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Panetti's Replicating Missile
+2 to "The Big One"
+2 to Blade Arc
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Chest Armor
700 Armor
+44/+65% Elemental Damage
+44/+65% Burn Damage
+44/+65% Frostburn Damage
+44/+65% Electrocute Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+20/+28 Defensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/30% Pierce Resistance
20/30% Elemental Resistance
20/30% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Soulfire
+2 to Elemental Balance
+2 to Blitz
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 313
Required Spirit: 468
Item Level: 65
Faction: Cult of Dreeg
Forgotten Gods
"The robes shimmer with finely woven arcane runes."
Rare Caster Chest Armor
820 Armor
+28/+41% Fire Damage
+28/+41% Cold Damage
24/36% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+6.2 Energy Regenerated per second
23/33% Poison & Acid Resistance
15/21% Slow Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Storm Totem
Required Player Level: 70
Required Physique: 336
Required Spirit: 492
Item Level: 70
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
"The robes shimmer with finely woven arcane runes."
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1160 Armor
+33/+50% Fire Damage
+33/+50% Cold Damage
+33/+50% Burn Damage
+33/+50% Frostburn Damage
24/36% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
25/37% Poison & Acid Resistance
17/25% Slow Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Storm Totem
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 399
Required Spirit: 555
Item Level: 84
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Chest Armor
1416 Armor
+67/+100% Fire Damage
+67/+100% Cold Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
29/43% Vitality Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nether Edge
+3 to High Impact
+3 to Doom Bolt
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 635
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+480/+720 Health
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
29/43% Aether Resistance
29/43% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Panetti's Replicating Missile
+3 to "The Big One"
+3 to Blade Arc
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1207 Armor
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+44/+66 Offensive Ability
+32/+48 Defensive Ability
+6.5 Energy Regenerated per second
29/43% Pierce Resistance
29/43% Elemental Resistance
24/36% Freeze Resistance
+3 to Soulfire
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Blitz
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 427
Required Spirit: 579
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Dreeg
Forgotten Gods
"The robes shimmer with finely woven arcane runes."
Rare Caster Chest Armor
1273 Armor
+40/+60% Fire Damage
+40/+60% Cold Damage
+40/+60% Burn Damage
+40/+60% Frostburn Damage
24/36% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+6.7 Energy Regenerated per second
28/40% Poison & Acid Resistance
20/30% Slow Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Storm Totem
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 444
Required Spirit: 594
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Belts (2)Rare (2)
Rare Belt
64 Armor
+1/+3% Offensive Ability
13/19% Vitality Resistance
13/19% Aether Resistance
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 453
Item Level: 65
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Belt
95 Armor
+2/+4% Offensive Ability
18/26% Vitality Resistance
18/26% Aether Resistance
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Required Player Level: 90
Required Physique: 606
Item Level: 90
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Ashes of Malmouth
Pants (4)Legendary (4)
Legendary Pants
1091 Armor
+19/+27% to All Damage
+60/+90 Spirit
+64/+96 Defensive Ability
15/21% Aether Resistance
13/19% Elemental Resistance
80/120% Skill Disruption Protection
Granted Skills
Elemental Blast (30% Chance when Hit)
A blast of elemental energies erupts from you, pushing back all nearby foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
422 Elemental Damage
Knockdown target for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 464
Item Level: 65
Legendary Pants
1190 Armor
+41/+62% Aether Damage
+41/+62% Elemental Damage
+48/+72 Defensive Ability
+4/+6% Movement Speed
3/5% Physical Resistance
24/36% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Cadence
+2 to Raging Tempest
+2 to Mirror of Ereoctes
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (33% Chance when Hit)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
192 Elemental Damage
33% Chance for one of the following:
120 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
120 Frostburn Damage over 2 Seconds
120 Electrocute Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 533
Item Level: 75
Forgotten Gods
Legendary Pants
1553 Armor
+44/+67% to All Damage
+84/+126 Spirit
+84/+126 Defensive Ability
16/24% Aether Resistance
16/24% Elemental Resistance
12/18% Petrify Resistance
12/18% Entrapment Resistance
80/120% Skill Disruption Protection
Granted Skills
Elemental Blast (30% Chance when Hit)
A blast of elemental energies erupts from you, pushing back all nearby foes.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
455 Elemental Damage
Knockdown target for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 662
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Pants
1552 Armor
+67/+100% Aether Damage
+67/+100% Elemental Damage
+67/+100% Burn Damage
+67/+100% Frostburn Damage
+67/+100% Electrocute Damage
+64/+96 Defensive Ability
+4/+6% Movement Speed
3/5% Physical Resistance
27/39% Poison & Acid Resistance
16/24% Freeze Resistance
+2 to Cadence
+2 to Raging Tempest
+2 to Mirror of Ereoctes
+2 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (33% Chance when Hit)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
212 Elemental Damage
33% Chance for one of the following:
140 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
140 Frostburn Damage over 2 Seconds
140 Electrocute Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 662
Item Level: 94
Forgotten Gods
Daggers (3)Common (3)
One-Handed Dagger
21-36 Lightning Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Lightning Damage
+16/+22% Electrocute Damage
Required Cunning: 146
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
One-Handed Dagger
21-36 Acid Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Acid Damage
+16/+22% Poison Damage
Required Cunning: 146
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
One-Handed Dagger
21-36 Cold Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Cold Damage
+16/+22% Frostburn Damage
Required Cunning: 146
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
Scepters (15)Common (4)
One-Handed Scepter
23-39 Chaos Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Chaos Damage
Required Physique: 183
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
One-Handed Scepter
23-39 Fire Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Fire Damage
+16/+22% Burn Damage
Required Physique: 183
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
One-Handed Scepter
23-39 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Aether Damage
Required Physique: 183
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
One-Handed Scepter
23-39 Vitality Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+16/+22% Vitality Damage
+16/+22% Vitality Decay
Required Physique: 183
Required Spirit: 183
Item Level: 26
Rare (8)
Rare One-Handed Scepter
8-19 Lightning Damage
8-19 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+34/+49% Lightning Damage
+34/+49% Aether Damage
+34/+49% Electrocute Damage
+3/+5% Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
40-115 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Skill Energy Cost to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 20
Required Physique: 146
Required Spirit: 146
Item Level: 20
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
Rare One-Handed Scepter
11-17 Fire Damage
11-17 Cold Damage
11-17 Lightning Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+52/+78% Elemental Damage
+1/+3% Spirit
+21/+31 Offensive Ability
+7/+9% Casting Speed
8/12% Chaos Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
114 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 35
Required Physique: 236
Required Spirit: 236
Item Level: 35
Faction: Kymon's Chosen
Rare One-Handed Scepter
11-32 Lightning Damage
11-32 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+60/+91% Lightning Damage
+60/+91% Aether Damage
+60/+91% Electrocute Damage
+3/+5% Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
40-115 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Skill Energy Cost to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 40
Required Physique: 263
Required Spirit: 263
Item Level: 40
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
Rare One-Handed Scepter
16-39 Lightning Damage
16-39 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+71/+107% Lightning Damage
+71/+107% Aether Damage
+71/+107% Electrocute Damage
+3/+5% Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
40-115 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Skill Energy Cost to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 55
Required Physique: 339
Required Spirit: 339
Item Level: 55
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
Rare One-Handed Scepter
19-47 Lightning Damage
19-47 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+91/+135% Lightning Damage
+91/+135% Aether Damage
+91/+135% Electrocute Damage
+3/+5% Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
40-115 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Skill Energy Cost to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 70
Required Physique: 406
Required Spirit: 406
Item Level: 70
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
Rare One-Handed Scepter
18-23 Fire Damage
18-23 Cold Damage
18-23 Lightning Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+104/+154% Elemental Damage
+14% Damage to Chthonics
+1/+3% Spirit
+32/+48 Offensive Ability
+13/+19% Casting Speed
15/21% Chaos Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
220 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 70
Required Physique: 406
Required Spirit: 406
Item Level: 70
Faction: Kymon's Chosen
Rare One-Handed Scepter
22-53 Lightning Damage
22-53 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+127/+191% Lightning Damage
+127/+191% Aether Damage
+127/+191% Electrocute Damage
+3/+5% Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
40-115 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Skill Energy Cost to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 84
Required Physique: 460
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
Rare One-Handed Scepter
26-57 Lightning Damage
26-57 Aether Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+162/+243% Lightning Damage
+162/+243% Aether Damage
+162/+243% Electrocute Damage
+3/+5% Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Arcane Empowerment
40-115 Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning Damage to Albrecht's Aether Ray
-10% Skill Energy Cost to Albrecht's Aether Ray
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 495
Required Spirit: 495
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
Forgotten Gods
Epic (3)
Epic One-Handed Scepter
8-17 Fire Damage
8-17 Cold Damage
8-17 Lightning Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+20/+30% Lightning Damage
+46/+66% Elemental Damage
+20/+30% Electrocute Damage
+27/+39 Offensive Ability
+1 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Required Player Level: 30
Required Physique: 207
Required Spirit: 207
Item Level: 30
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic One-Handed Scepter
19-21 Fire Damage
19-21 Cold Damage
19-21 Lightning Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+33/+49% Lightning Damage
+99/+149% Elemental Damage
+33/+49% Electrocute Damage
+39/+57 Offensive Ability
+1 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 384
Required Spirit: 384
Item Level: 65
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic One-Handed Scepter
21-26 Fire Damage
21-26 Cold Damage
21-26 Lightning Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+46/+69% Lightning Damage
+160/+239% Elemental Damage
+46/+69% Electrocute Damage
+58/+86 Offensive Ability
+1 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
+2 to Canister Bomb
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
Required Player Level: 82
Required Physique: 460
Required Spirit: 460
Item Level: 84
Ashes of Malmouth
Off-Hands (9)Common (1)
+4.5 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
Required Spirit: 543
Item Level: 60
Rare (5)
"Filled with arcane knowledge known only to Terrnox."
Rare Off-Hand
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+50/+74% Elemental Damage
+28/+42 Offensive Ability
+4 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Artifact Handling
+2 to Mortar Trap
-2 Second Skill Recharge to Mortar Trap
1 Summon Limit to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 40
Required Spirit: 400
Item Level: 40
Ashes of Malmouth
"Filled with arcane knowledge known only to Terrnox."
Rare Off-Hand
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+57/+83% Elemental Damage
+32/+48 Offensive Ability
+4.3 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Artifact Handling
+2 to Mortar Trap
-2 Second Skill Recharge to Mortar Trap
1 Summon Limit to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 55
Required Spirit: 510
Item Level: 55
Ashes of Malmouth
"Filled with arcane knowledge known only to Terrnox."
Rare Off-Hand
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+65/+96% Elemental Damage
+36/+54 Offensive Ability
+5.2 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Artifact Handling
+2 to Mortar Trap
-2 Second Skill Recharge to Mortar Trap
1 Summon Limit to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 70
Required Spirit: 604
Item Level: 70
Ashes of Malmouth
"Filled with arcane knowledge known only to Terrnox."
Rare Off-Hand
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+78/+117% Elemental Damage
+39/+57 Offensive Ability
+5.5 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Artifact Handling
+2 to Mortar Trap
-2 Second Skill Recharge to Mortar Trap
1 Summon Limit to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 82
Required Spirit: 669
Item Level: 82
Ashes of Malmouth
"Filled with arcane knowledge known only to Terrnox."
Rare Off-Hand
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+89/+134% Elemental Damage
+42/+62 Offensive Ability
+5.8 Energy Regenerated per second
+12/18% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Artifact Handling
+2 to Mortar Trap
-2 Second Skill Recharge to Mortar Trap
1 Summon Limit to Mortar Trap
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 724
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic (1)
Epic Off-Hand
+3/+5% Crit Damage
+112/+168% Elemental Damage
+112/+168% Burn Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage
+112/+168% Electrocute Damage
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
Increases Energy Regeneration by 56/84%
+10/+14% Casting Speed
13/19% Vitality Resistance
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+2 to Full Spread
+2 to Word of Agony
+2 to Stormcaller's Pact
Required Player Level: 84
Required Spirit: 678
Item Level: 84
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (2)
Legendary Off-Hand
+31/+46% to All Damage
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+67/+101% Elemental Damage
+384/+576 Energy
+54/+80 Offensive Ability
+5 Energy Regenerated per second
Increases Energy Regeneration by 16/24%
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+1 to all Skills
Granted Skills
Obliteration (Granted by Item)
Unleash a beam of arcane destruction that obliterates everything it touches, piercing through foes as it erases them from existence. This is a channeled skill and must be held down to maintain. At 100% Cast Speed, Obliteration deals damage and drains Energy every 0.3s.
229.2 Energy Cost per Second
0.3 Second Skill Recharge
300-355 Elemental Damage
444 Electrocute Damage over 2 Seconds
+40% Crit Damage
25 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 65
Required Spirit: 575
Item Level: 65
Legendary Off-Hand
+50/+72% to All Damage
+7/+9% Crit Damage
+128/+193% Elemental Damage
+802/+1202 Energy
+68/+100 Offensive Ability
+6 Energy Regenerated per second
Increases Energy Regeneration by 20/28%
+13/19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+1 to all Skills
Granted Skills
Obliteration (Granted by Item)
Unleash a beam of arcane destruction that obliterates everything it touches, piercing through foes as it erases them from existence. This is a channeled skill and must be held down to maintain. At 100% Cast Speed, Obliteration deals damage and drains Energy every 0.3s.
250 Energy Cost per Second
0.3 Second Skill Recharge
400-550 Elemental Damage
600 Electrocute Damage over 2 Seconds
+60% Crit Damage
35 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 724
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Two-Handed Maces (1)Legendary (1)
Legendary Two-Handed Mace
71-176 Fire Damage
71-176 Cold Damage
71-176 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
79-91/118-136 Elemental Damage
+10/+14% Crit Damage
+345/+518% Elemental Damage
+345/+518% Burn Damage
+345/+518% Frostburn Damage
+345/+518% Electrocute Damage
40/60% Aether Damage converted to Elemental Damage
40/60% Chaos Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+20/+30% Attack Speed
40/60% Slow Resistance
+4 to Cadence
+6 to Deadly Momentum
+4 to Solael's Witchfire
+4 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
70 Degree Attack Arc to Cadence
3 Target Maximum to Cadence
400 Elemental Damage to Cadence
38 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds to Cadence
100% Aether Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Cadence
66 Elemental Damage to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+12% Attack Speed to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
6% Physical Resistance to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
32 Elemental Damage to Solael's Witchfire
100% Vitality Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Solael's Witchfire
6% Physical Resistance to Solael's Witchfire
Required Player Level: 94
Required Physique: 627
Item Level: 94
Forgotten Gods
Two-Handed Ranged (7)Rare (5)
Rare Two-Handed Ranged
22-63 Fire Damage
22-63 Cold Damage
22-63 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
18/26 Elemental Damage
+56/+85% Elemental Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+4 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+4 to Fire Strike
66% Chance to pass through Enemies to Fire Strike
66 Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
100% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
70 Elemental Damage to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+10% Attack Speed to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
Required Player Level: 40
Required Cunning: 324
Item Level: 40
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Two-Handed Ranged
33-75 Fire Damage
33-75 Cold Damage
33-75 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
24/33 Elemental Damage
+72/+109% Elemental Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+4 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+4 to Fire Strike
66% Chance to pass through Enemies to Fire Strike
66 Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
100% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
70 Elemental Damage to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+10% Attack Speed to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
Required Player Level: 55
Required Cunning: 408
Item Level: 55
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Two-Handed Ranged
42-87 Fire Damage
42-87 Cold Damage
42-87 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
27/39 Elemental Damage
+85/+127% Elemental Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+4 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+4 to Fire Strike
66% Chance to pass through Enemies to Fire Strike
66 Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
100% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
70 Elemental Damage to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+10% Attack Speed to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
Required Player Level: 70
Required Cunning: 480
Item Level: 70
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Two-Handed Ranged
52-94 Fire Damage
52-94 Cold Damage
52-94 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
34/51 Elemental Damage
+108/+163% Elemental Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+4 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+4 to Fire Strike
66% Chance to pass through Enemies to Fire Strike
66 Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
100% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
70 Elemental Damage to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+10% Attack Speed to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
Required Player Level: 82
Required Cunning: 529
Item Level: 82
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Rare Two-Handed Ranged
62-101 Fire Damage
62-101 Cold Damage
62-101 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
40/61 Elemental Damage
+129/+193% Elemental Damage
12/18% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+4 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+4 to Fire Strike
66% Chance to pass through Enemies to Fire Strike
66 Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
100% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage to Fire Strike
70 Elemental Damage to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+10% Attack Speed to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
Required Player Level: 94
Required Cunning: 572
Item Level: 94
Dropped from:
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic (2)
"Preferred weapon of Altos Nar, the arcanist-turned assassin."
Epic Two-Handed Ranged
59-63 Fire Damage
59-63 Cold Damage
59-63 Lightning Damage
1.43 Attacks per Second
30/45 Elemental Damage
+109/+164% Elemental Damage
+109/+164% Burn Damage
+109/+164% Frostburn Damage
+109/+164% Electrocute Damage
+8/+12% Attack Speed
+4 to Inquisitor Seal
+2 to all skills in Arcanist
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (20% Chance on Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
145 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 66
Required Cunning: 452
Item Level: 65
"Preferred weapon of Altos Nar, the arcanist-turned assassin."
Epic Two-Handed Ranged
62-81 Fire Damage
62-81 Cold Damage
62-81 Lightning Damage
1.46 Attacks per Second
39/56 Elemental Damage
+204/+306% Elemental Damage
+204/+306% Burn Damage
+204/+306% Frostburn Damage
+204/+306% Electrocute Damage
36/54% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+15/+21% Attack Speed
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
+2 to all skills in Arcanist
+2 to all skills in Inquisitor
+2 to all skills in Soldier
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (20% Chance on Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
182 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Required Cunning: 531
Item Level: 84
Ashes of Malmouth
Rings (1)Epic (1)
Epic Ring
8/11 Elemental Damage
+81/+120% Elemental Damage
+81/+120% Burn Damage
+81/+120% Frostburn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+194/+290 Health
+3/+5% Attack Speed
23/33% Pierce Resistance
16/24% Poison & Acid Resistance
+2 to Maelstrom
+2 to Explosive Strike
+2 to Savagery
+2 to Retribution
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 383
Item Level: 90
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Ashes of Malmouth
Amulets (9)Epic (6)
Epic Amulet
+24/+33% Elemental Damage
+28/+43% Frostburn Damage
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+29/+43 Offensive Ability
10/14% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nightfall
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
Granted Skills
Sky Fragment (10% Chance on Attack)
Brings down the sky upon your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
96 Cold Damage
96 Lightning Damage
Required Player Level: 30
Required Spirit: 152
Item Level: 30
Forgotten Gods
Epic Amulet
+46/+70% Elemental Damage
+62/+93% Frostburn Damage with +26/+39% Increased Duration
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+48/+72 Offensive Ability
15/21% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nightfall
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
Granted Skills
Sky Fragment (10% Chance on Attack)
Brings down the sky upon your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
146 Cold Damage
146 Lightning Damage
Required Player Level: 50
Required Spirit: 238
Item Level: 50
Forgotten Gods
Epic Amulet
+57/+85% Aether Damage
+57/+85% Elemental Damage
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+2.5 Energy Regenerated per second
15/21% Chaos Resistance
15/21% Elemental Resistance
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Required Player Level: 75
Required Spirit: 326
Item Level: 75
Epic Amulet
+78/+117% Elemental Damage
+112/+168% Frostburn Damage with +28/+42% Increased Duration
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+64/+96 Offensive Ability
20/28% Chaos Resistance
+3 to Nightfall
+2 to Ulzuin's Chosen
+2 to Trozan's Sky Shard
+2 to Biting Cold
Granted Skills
Sky Fragment (10% Chance on Attack)
Brings down the sky upon your enemies.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
2 Meter Radius
239 Cold Damage
239 Lightning Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Required Spirit: 356
Item Level: 84
Forgotten Gods
Epic Amulet
+81/+120% Elemental Damage
+81/+120% Burn Damage
+81/+120% Frostburn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+2/+4% Defensive Ability
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
18/26% Vitality Resistance
18/26% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
+2 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+2 to Maelstrom
Required Player Level: 90
Required Spirit: 378
Item Level: 90
Faction: Cult of Dreeg
Forgotten Gods
Epic Amulet
+84/+125% Aether Damage
+84/+125% Elemental Damage
8/12% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+2.8 Energy Regenerated per second
20/28% Chaos Resistance
20/28% Elemental Resistance
13/19% Bleeding Resistance
+4 to Fighting Spirit
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
+1 to all skills in Inquisitor
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 389
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary (3)
Legendary Amulet
+40/+58% Fire Damage
+46/+70% Aether Damage
+40/+58% Burn Damage
+152/+228 Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
16/24% Aether Resistance
+4% Maximum Aether Resistance
+2 to Arcane Will
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Arcane Destruction (25% Chance on Critical Attack)
Tear a small rift in reality through which falls an arcane ember.
1 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Target Area
3.5 Meter Radius
228-314 Fire Damage
268 Aether Damage
Arcane Shard of Agrivix
(2) Set
+70% Fire Damage
+70% Aether Damage
+70% Burn Damage
(3) Set
18-33 Aether Damage
+15% Casting Speed
(4) Set
+3 to Callidor's Tempest
+3 to Ulzuin's Wrath
Granted Skills
Agrivix's Pact (20% Chance on Attack)
Conjure a wisp of arcane energy to assault your foes. Arcane Wisps scale with player damage bonuses.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
+1 Summon
3 Summon Limit
Lives for 12 Seconds
Arcane Wisp Attributes:
Lives for 12 Seconds
2026 Health
3581 Energy
Arcane Wisp Abilities:
Arcane Shock
105 Fire Damage
92-155 Aether Damage
22 Reduced target's Resistances for 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Spirit: 330
Item Level: 75
"Peering into the eye reveals images of a vast and strange land, teeming with creatures and fiends unlike any native to Cairn."
Legendary Amulet
8% Less Damage from Eldritch
+672/+1008 Health
+800/+1200 Energy
+2 Energy Regenerated per second
27/39% Elemental Resistance
+3% Maximum All Resistances
+2 to Maiven's Sphere of Protection
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 382
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary Amulet
+84/+125% Fire Damage
+84/+125% Aether Damage
+84/+125% Burn Damage
+288/+432 Health
+5/+7% Casting Speed
16/24% Aether Resistance
+4% Maximum Aether Resistance
+2 to Arcane Will
+2 to Siphon Souls
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
160-280 Fire Damage to Vindictive Flame
+8% Health to Vindictive Flame
Mythical Arcane Shard of Agrivix
(2) Set
+120% Fire Damage
+120% Aether Damage
+120% Burn Damage
(3) Set
24-40 Aether Damage
+60 Defensive Ability
+16% Casting Speed
+3 to Siphon Souls
(4) Set
+3 to Callidor's Tempest
+3 to Ulzuin's Wrath
-1 Second Skill Recharge to Callidor's Tempest
1 Meter Target Area to Callidor's Tempest
90 Aether Damage to Callidor's Tempest
240 Aether Damage to Siphon Souls
-20% Fire Resistance to Siphon Souls
-10% Aether Resistance to Siphon Souls
380 Fire Damage to Vindictive Flame
22% Reduced target's Damage for 3 Seconds to Vindictive Flame
10% Physical Resistance to Vindictive Flame
Granted Skills
Agrivix's Pact (20% Chance on Attack)
Conjure a wisp of arcane energy to assault your foes. Arcane Wisps scale with player damage bonuses.
1 Second Skill Recharge
+1 Summon
5 Summon Limit
Lives for 12 Seconds
Arcane Wisp Attributes:
Lives for 12 Seconds
2026 Health
3581 Energy
Arcane Wisp Abilities:
Arcane Shock
180 Fire Damage
144-222 Aether Damage
24 Reduced target's Resistances for 3 Seconds
Required Player Level: 94
Required Spirit: 394
Item Level: 94
Ashes of Malmouth
Medals (1)Epic (1)
Epic Medal
+81/+120% Elemental Damage
+81/+120% Burn Damage
+81/+120% Frostburn Damage
+81/+120% Electrocute Damage
+2/+4% Physique
+2/+4% Spirit
+61/+91 Offensive Ability
15/21% Pierce Resistance
26/38% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Iskandra's Elemental Exchange
+2 to Stun Jacks
+2 to Volcanic Stride
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Coven of Ugdenbog
Ashes of Malmouth
Augments (2)Rare (1)
"An unstable sorcerous powder that burns so hot it can even damage armor, but its potency makes the risks worth it for many arcane practitioners."
(Applied to rings and amulets)
(Applied to rings and amulets)
Rare Augment
12 Fire Damage
+50% Fire Damage
+50% Aether Damage
+50% Burn Damage
+2% Offensive Ability
Required Player Level: 90
Item Level: 90
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Ashes of Malmouth
Epic (1)
"A formidable symbol of power found across the far reaches of Cairn."
(Applied to Medals)
(Applied to Medals)
Epic Augment
Granted Skills
Arcane Rift (Granted by Item)
Tear through reality to instantly transport yourself towards a target destination and erupt with arcane energies.
88 Energy Cost
5.5 Second Skill Recharge
5.5 Meter Target Area
14 Meter Range
250 Lightning Damage
250 Aether Damage
+35% Crit Damage
Required Player Level: 50
Item Level: 50
Forgotten Gods
Components (2)Rare (2)
"A locus for the arcane flows of the universe."
(Used in amulets)
(Used in amulets)
Rare Component
5-10 Elemental Damage
+25% Elemental Damage
+3% Spirit
+40 Defensive Ability
-6% Skill Energy Cost
Required Player Level: 27
Item Level: 35
"A spark of the purest arcane energy."
(Used in amulets and medals)
(Used in amulets and medals)
Rare Component
45 Energy Leech over 3 Seconds
+50 Offensive Ability
Increases Energy Regeneration by 20%
30% Skill Disruption Protection
Required Player Level: 35
Item Level: 45
Faction: The Black Legion
Blueprints (6)Rare (3)
An extraordinary crafting technique thought lost to the ages.
Faction: The Black Legion
Epic (1)
Forgotten Gods
Legendary (2)
Ashes of Malmouth
Item suffixes (83)Rare (83)
+12/+20% Aether Damage
+3/+5% Health
+6/+8 Offensive Ability
9/15% Vitality Resistance
9/15% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
+9/+15% Elemental Damage
+11/+17 Spirit
+3/+5% Casting Speed
9% Reduction to Attribute Requirements
9/15% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Chest Armor
+9/+15% Elemental Damage
+22/+38 Offensive Ability
+1 Energy Regenerated per second
15/25% Entrapment Resistance
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (30% Chance on Critical Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
30 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Gloves
+9/+15% Elemental Damage
+8/+12 Offensive Ability
+6/+10% Attack Speed
+8/+12% Casting Speed
-10% Cunning Requirement for Ranged Weapons
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Gloves
+13/+23 Spirit
+4/+6% Movement Speed
8/12% Aether Resistance
8/12% Elemental Resistance
15/25% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Boots
+18/+32 Spirit
+1 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Movement Speed
3/5% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
8/12% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 5
Applies to: Pants
+16/+24% Aether Damage
+3/+5% Health
+11/+15 Offensive Ability
12/18% Vitality Resistance
12/18% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 26
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
+13/+19% Elemental Damage
+23/+35 Spirit
+3/+5% Casting Speed
10% Reduction to Attribute Requirements
12/18% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 30
Applies to: Chest Armor
+11/+17% Elemental Damage
+38/+58 Offensive Ability
+1.1 Energy Regenerated per second
18/26% Entrapment Resistance
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (30% Chance on Critical Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
30 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 34
Applies to: Gloves
+11/+17% Elemental Damage
+13/+19 Offensive Ability
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+9/+13% Casting Speed
-10% Cunning Requirement for Ranged Weapons
Required Player Level: 34
Applies to: Gloves
+19/+29 Spirit
+5/+7% Movement Speed
10/14% Aether Resistance
10/14% Elemental Resistance
18/26% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 34
Applies to: Boots
+27/+41 Spirit
+1.1 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Movement Speed
3/5% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
12/18% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 34
Applies to: Pants
4/6 Elemental Damage
+25/+37% Fire Damage
+25/+37% Cold Damage
+4/+6% Attack Speed
+4/+6% Casting Speed
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
+16/+24% Elemental Damage
+14/+20% Burn Damage
+14/+20% Frostburn Damage
+14/+20% Electrocute Damage
12/18% Elemental Resistance
12/18% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
8/10 Elemental Damage
+41/+63% Fire Damage
+41/+63% Cold Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+7/+9% Casting Speed
+4 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+32/+48% Elemental Damage
+32/+48% Burn Damage
+32/+48% Frostburn Damage
+32/+48% Electrocute Damage
+18/+26 Offensive Ability
10/14% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Artifact Handling
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: Off-Hands
4/6 Fire Damage
4/6 Aether Damage
+25/+37% Fire Damage
+25/+37% Aether Damage
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
+16/+24% Fire Damage
+16/+24% Aether Damage
+15/+21 Offensive Ability
10/14% Vitality Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
21 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
8/10 Fire Damage
8/10 Aether Damage
+41/+63% Fire Damage
+38/+58% Aether Damage
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+34/+52% Fire Damage
+34/+52% Aether Damage
+2/+4% Spirit
+18/+26 Offensive Ability
+2 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Arcane Tempest (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of arcane energy around you, igniting the air in an instant.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
19-40 Fire Damage
19-40 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 35
Applies to: Off-Hands
+25/+35% Aether Damage
+3/+5% Health
+15/+21 Offensive Ability
15/21% Vitality Resistance
15/21% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 41
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
6/8 Elemental Damage
+32/+44% Fire Damage
+32/+44% Cold Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+7/+9% Casting Speed
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 48
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
11/15 Elemental Damage
+51/+73% Fire Damage
+51/+73% Cold Damage
+10/+14% Attack Speed
+10/+14% Casting Speed
+4 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 48
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+40/+56% Elemental Damage
+40/+56% Burn Damage
+40/+56% Frostburn Damage
+40/+56% Electrocute Damage
+25/+35 Offensive Ability
12/16% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Artifact Handling
Required Player Level: 48
Applies to: Off-Hands
6/8 Fire Damage
6/8 Aether Damage
+32/+44% Fire Damage
+32/+44% Aether Damage
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 48
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
11/15 Fire Damage
11/15 Aether Damage
+51/+73% Fire Damage
+50/+70% Aether Damage
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 48
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+43/+61% Fire Damage
+43/+61% Aether Damage
+2/+4% Spirit
+25/+35 Offensive Ability
+2 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Arcane Tempest (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of arcane energy around you, igniting the air in an instant.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
19-40 Fire Damage
19-40 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 48
Applies to: Off-Hands
+16/+22% Elemental Damage
+29/+41 Spirit
+3/+5% Casting Speed
11% Reduction to Attribute Requirements
17/23% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 49
Applies to: Chest Armor
+21/+29% Elemental Damage
+21/+29% Burn Damage
+21/+29% Frostburn Damage
+21/+29% Electrocute Damage
17/23% Elemental Resistance
17/23% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
+15/+21% Elemental Damage
+46/+66 Offensive Ability
+1.2 Energy Regenerated per second
21/29% Entrapment Resistance
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (30% Chance on Critical Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
30 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: Gloves
+15/+21% Elemental Damage
+19/+25 Offensive Ability
+8/+10% Attack Speed
+10/+14% Casting Speed
-10% Cunning Requirement for Ranged Weapons
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: Gloves
+23/+33 Spirit
+6/+8% Movement Speed
13/17% Aether Resistance
13/17% Elemental Resistance
21/29% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: Boots
+35/+49 Spirit
+1.2 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Movement Speed
3/5% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
19/25% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: Pants
+21/+29% Fire Damage
+21/+29% Aether Damage
+19/+25 Offensive Ability
13/17% Vitality Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
21 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 52
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
+34/+46% Aether Damage
+4/+6% Health
+19/+25 Offensive Ability
21/27% Vitality Resistance
21/27% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 55
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
7/9 Elemental Damage
+39/+51% Fire Damage
+39/+51% Cold Damage
+7/+9% Attack Speed
+7/+9% Casting Speed
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 60
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
12/16 Elemental Damage
+63/+85% Fire Damage
+63/+85% Cold Damage
+11/+13% Attack Speed
+11/+13% Casting Speed
+4 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 60
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+49/+65% Elemental Damage
+49/+65% Burn Damage
+49/+65% Frostburn Damage
+49/+65% Electrocute Damage
+30/+40 Offensive Ability
16/20% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Artifact Handling
Required Player Level: 60
Applies to: Off-Hands
7/9 Fire Damage
7/9 Aether Damage
+39/+51% Fire Damage
+39/+51% Aether Damage
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 60
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
12/16 Fire Damage
12/16 Aether Damage
+63/+85% Fire Damage
+68/+92% Aether Damage
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 60
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+53/+71% Fire Damage
+53/+71% Aether Damage
+3/+5% Spirit
+30/+40 Offensive Ability
+2 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Arcane Tempest (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of arcane energy around you, igniting the air in an instant.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
19-40 Fire Damage
19-40 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 60
Applies to: Off-Hands
+22/+28% Elemental Damage
+36/+48 Spirit
+3/+5% Casting Speed
12% Reduction to Attribute Requirements
21/27% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 67
Applies to: Chest Armor
+28/+36% Elemental Damage
+28/+36% Burn Damage
+28/+36% Frostburn Damage
+28/+36% Electrocute Damage
21/27% Elemental Resistance
21/27% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 70
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
+41/+55% Aether Damage
+4/+6% Health
+22/+28 Offensive Ability
26/34% Vitality Resistance
26/34% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 70
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
+28/+36% Fire Damage
+28/+36% Aether Damage
+22/+28 Offensive Ability
16/20% Vitality Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
21 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 70
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
+22/+28% Elemental Damage
+56/+74 Offensive Ability
+1.5 Energy Regenerated per second
26/34% Entrapment Resistance
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (30% Chance on Critical Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
30 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 72
Applies to: Gloves
+22/+28% Elemental Damage
+22/+28 Offensive Ability
+8/+10% Attack Speed
+12/+16% Casting Speed
-10% Cunning Requirement for Ranged Weapons
Required Player Level: 72
Applies to: Gloves
+30/+40 Spirit
+7/+9% Movement Speed
17/23% Aether Resistance
17/23% Elemental Resistance
26/34% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 72
Applies to: Boots
+41/+55 Spirit
+1.5 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Movement Speed
3/5% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
26/34% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 72
Applies to: Pants
9/11 Elemental Damage
+47/+63% Fire Damage
+47/+63% Cold Damage
+12/+14% Attack Speed
+12/+14% Casting Speed
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 74
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
16/20 Elemental Damage
+77/+103% Fire Damage
+77/+103% Cold Damage
+17/+23% Attack Speed
+17/+23% Casting Speed
+4 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 74
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+57/+75% Elemental Damage
+57/+75% Burn Damage
+57/+75% Frostburn Damage
+57/+75% Electrocute Damage
+34/+46 Offensive Ability
19/25% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Artifact Handling
Required Player Level: 74
Applies to: Off-Hands
9/11 Fire Damage
9/11 Aether Damage
+47/+63% Fire Damage
+47/+63% Aether Damage
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 74
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
16/20 Fire Damage
16/20 Aether Damage
+77/+103% Fire Damage
+73/+97% Aether Damage
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 74
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
+61/+81% Fire Damage
+61/+81% Aether Damage
+3/+5% Spirit
+34/+46 Offensive Ability
+2 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Arcane Tempest (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of arcane energy around you, igniting the air in an instant.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
19-40 Fire Damage
19-40 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 74
Applies to: Off-Hands
+36/+44% Elemental Damage
+49/+61% Burn Damage
+49/+61% Frostburn Damage
+49/+61% Electrocute Damage
24/30% Elemental Resistance
24/30% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
Ashes of Malmouth
19/23 Elemental Damage
+94/+118% Fire Damage
+94/+118% Cold Damage
+18/+22% Attack Speed
+18/+22% Casting Speed
+4 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+70/+88% Elemental Damage
+70/+88% Burn Damage
+70/+88% Frostburn Damage
+70/+88% Electrocute Damage
+43/+53 Offensive Ability
22/26% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Artifact Handling
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Off-Hands
Ashes of Malmouth
11/13 Elemental Damage
+58/+72% Fire Damage
+58/+72% Cold Damage
+12/+14% Attack Speed
+12/+14% Casting Speed
+2 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+53/+67% Aether Damage
+4/+6% Health
+26/+32 Offensive Ability
29/35% Vitality Resistance
29/35% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
+36/+44% Elemental Damage
+43/+53 Spirit
+3/+5% Casting Speed
12% Reduction to Attribute Requirements
24/30% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Chest Armor
Ashes of Malmouth
+36/+44% Elemental Damage
+69/+87 Offensive Ability
+1.6 Energy Regenerated per second
30/36% Entrapment Resistance
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (30% Chance on Critical Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
30 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Gloves
Ashes of Malmouth
+36/+44% Elemental Damage
+26/+32 Offensive Ability
+9/+11% Attack Speed
+14/+16% Casting Speed
-10% Cunning Requirement for Ranged Weapons
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Gloves
Ashes of Malmouth
+53/+67 Spirit
+1.6 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Movement Speed
4/6% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
30/36% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Pants
Ashes of Malmouth
+36/+44 Spirit
+7/+9% Movement Speed
20/24% Aether Resistance
20/24% Elemental Resistance
30/36% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Boots
Ashes of Malmouth
+36/+44% Fire Damage
+36/+44% Aether Damage
+36/+44% Burn Damage
+26/+32 Offensive Ability
20/24% Vitality Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
21 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
Ashes of Malmouth
19/23 Fire Damage
19/23 Aether Damage
+94/+118% Fire Damage
+94/+118% Aether Damage
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+70/+88% Fire Damage
+70/+88% Aether Damage
+70/+88% Burn Damage
+3/+5% Spirit
+43/+53 Offensive Ability
+2 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Arcane Tempest (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of arcane energy around you, igniting the air in an instant.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
19-40 Fire Damage
19-40 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: Off-Hands
Ashes of Malmouth
11/13 Fire Damage
11/13 Aether Damage
+58/+72% Fire Damage
+58/+72% Aether Damage
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 82
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+41/+51% Elemental Damage
+58/+72% Burn Damage
+58/+72% Frostburn Damage
+58/+72% Electrocute Damage
27/33% Elemental Resistance
27/33% Bleeding Resistance
+2 to Grenado
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
Ashes of Malmouth
23/29 Elemental Damage
+110/+138% Fire Damage
+110/+138% Cold Damage
+18/+22% Attack Speed
+18/+22% Casting Speed
+5 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+77/+97% Elemental Damage
+77/+97% Burn Damage
+77/+97% Frostburn Damage
+77/+97% Electrocute Damage
+50/+62 Offensive Ability
23/29% Elemental Resistance
+3 to Grenado
+3 to Artifact Handling
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Off-Hands
Ashes of Malmouth
14/16 Elemental Damage
+67/+85% Fire Damage
+67/+85% Cold Damage
+12/+14% Attack Speed
+12/+14% Casting Speed
+3 to Inquisitor Seal
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+66/+84% Aether Damage
+4/+6% Health
+30/+38 Offensive Ability
31/39% Vitality Resistance
31/39% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Shields
Ashes of Malmouth
+41/+51% Elemental Damage
+49/+61 Spirit
+3/+5% Casting Speed
12% Reduction to Attribute Requirements
27/33% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Chest Armor
Ashes of Malmouth
+41/+51% Elemental Damage
+80/+100 Offensive Ability
+1.7 Energy Regenerated per second
31/39% Entrapment Resistance
Granted Skills
Elemental Seal (30% Chance on Critical Attack)
Creates an arcane seal on the ground imbued with destructive force.
4 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Duration
3.5 Meter Radius
30 Elemental Damage
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Gloves
Ashes of Malmouth
+41/+51% Elemental Damage
+30/+38 Offensive Ability
+9/+11% Attack Speed
+14/+16% Casting Speed
-10% Cunning Requirement for Ranged Weapons
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Gloves
Ashes of Malmouth
+59/+75 Spirit
+1.7 Energy Regenerated per second
+2/+4% Movement Speed
4/6% Chance to Avoid Melee Attacks
31/39% Aether Resistance
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Pants
Ashes of Malmouth
+41/+51 Spirit
+7/+9% Movement Speed
22/28% Aether Resistance
22/28% Elemental Resistance
31/39% Slow Resistance
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Boots
Ashes of Malmouth
+41/+51% Fire Damage
+41/+51% Aether Damage
+41/+51% Burn Damage
+30/+38 Offensive Ability
22/28% Vitality Resistance
Granted Skills
Aether Missiles (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of aether energies at your foes.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
21 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All armor, All jewelry
Ashes of Malmouth
23/29 Fire Damage
23/29 Aether Damage
+110/+138% Fire Damage
+110/+138% Aether Damage
+4 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All two-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth
+77/+97% Fire Damage
+77/+97% Aether Damage
+77/+97% Burn Damage
+3/+5% Spirit
+50/+62 Offensive Ability
+2 to Devastation
Granted Skills
Arcane Tempest (10% Chance on Attack)
Releases a concentrated burst of arcane energy around you, igniting the air in an instant.
3 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Target Area
15% Weapon Damage
19-40 Fire Damage
19-40 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: Off-Hands
Ashes of Malmouth
14/16 Fire Damage
14/16 Aether Damage
+67/+85% Fire Damage
+67/+85% Aether Damage
+2 to Callidor's Tempest
Required Player Level: 92
Applies to: All one-handed weapons
Ashes of Malmouth